Overnight Success

Chapter 457 Landing On The Island, The Action Begins

Hearing this, Lin Chen was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Who is calling?"

"It seems to be called Sun Tiance."

Su Qingcheng said, pursed her lips, and continued: "Calculate the time, you should leave the day after tomorrow!"


Lin Chen nodded and said, "Don't worry my wife, I will come back immediately after my task is completed."

"I know."

"Come to sleep, it's getting late."

"Okay." Lin Chen replied softly, then lay on the bed, silently holding his wife's hand.

Su Qingcheng also silently leaned on Lin Chen's shoulder, with a hint of worry on her face.

For some reason, in the past few days, she has been restless, always worried that Lin Chen will encounter a big crisis when he goes back to perform the mission this time.

But she believed in her husband and didn't want Lin Chen to have too many worries, so she didn't say anything.

"Honey, why don't we tonight..."

Speaking of this, a blush rose in Su Qingcheng's ears.

Immediately, Lin Chen understood.

A trace of surprise crossed his face.

Usually, he always took the initiative in this kind of thing. Unexpectedly, tonight, his wife would rarely take the initiative.

"Why not?" Lin Chen smiled wickedly.

"I hate it." Hearing Lin Chen's joke, Su Qingcheng turned around and said angrily, "Sleep!"


Seeing his wife showing shyness like a little girl, Lin Chen took off his clothes three or five times, and walked close to Su Qingcheng.

"Honey, this is beyond your control!"

Holding Su Qingcheng's slender white catkin like a plain moon, Lin Chen began to launch a fiery offensive.

The night is deep, and the skin is like jade.

A trace of coolness and affection.

Just like that, the two figures stayed up all night, struggling non-stop for the grand plan of making a baby.


The darkness faded, and in the morning, a ray of sunlight came in from the window.

The two figures calmed down the heat in their bodies and began to fall asleep.

until the afternoon.

Lin Chen was the first to wake up, looked at the beautiful woman beside him, with a smile on his lips, and began to gather food and prepare dinner.

half an hour later.

When Lin Chen came back with big and small bags of vegetables and fish, Su Qingcheng, wearing a loose white shirt, immediately greeted Lin Chen, pouted and said, "Where have you been, my husband? You can't find it when you wake up." you."

"Stupid." Lin Chen praised all kinds of dishes in Yang's hand: "Of course I went to stock up for you."

"I'm away for a few days, you call an Aunt to cook for you, don't order takeaway, I've bought everything."

"Got it!" Su Qingcheng snorted softly: "You look more and more like my mother now, why don't you?"

So long-winded. "

Lin Chen: "..."

Mother Su: "..."

"Okay, let's cook, I'm hungry."

Su Qingcheng took the initiative to take the food bags and began to stuff them into the refrigerator one by one.

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, he does seem to have become verbose.

It seems that after this, he has more and more potential to be a housewife. Biqu library

Not long after.

When Lin Chen brought four dishes and one soup to the table, Su Qingcheng's appetite was whetted and she was full of praise.

"Eat slowly."

Lin Chen picked up a tissue, wiped the corners of Su Qingcheng's mouth and said, "I made some more for you, and you can warm them up in the microwave tomorrow."

"Hee hee, my husband is the best!"

After dinner.

Bedroom, big bed.

Su Qingcheng just got off the weighing scale, clutching her lower abdomen, with a sad face: "It's over, I gained three catties after a meal, how many kilometers will I have to run to lose it!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen chuckled: "So, the books I've read recently are quite effective."

"What book?" Su Qingcheng was curious.

"How to raise pigs scientifically."

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, Su Qingcheng's hair was covered with black lines, and her beautiful eyes burst into flames:

"Lin Chen!!!"

"Who are you calling a pig!!!"

After some squabbling, Su Qingcheng seemed to be tired, lying on Lin Chen's body, and fell asleep quietly.

Caressing his wife's beautiful hair, Lin Chen whispered in her ear, "Honey, I'm not at home these few days, you must remember to eat on time, and don't treat yourself badly."

"I will come back as soon as possible and take care of you."

When she woke up the next day, there was no Lin Chen in the bedroom, Su Qingcheng pursed her lips, and picked up a note left on the bedside: "Honey, I've already made breakfast, remember to eat it."


the other side.

Lin Chen had already taken the earliest flight to Beijing.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Lin Chen arrived at Qilin's army just in time.

At this moment, in the Qilin army compound, a brand new team of 20 people was neatly arranged in a square formation.

At the front of the phalanx, there stood benevolent old men.

Usually, these old men are only on the TV, and they can be seen occasionally. Whenever they appear, it is undoubtedly not when Huaguo is about to start a major meeting.

Apparently, these elders were from Huaguo Presbyterian Church.

The Council of Elders is the highest decision-making body in China, and some decisions that can affect the country's major events are discussed at the Council of Elders.

They are the most powerful people in China's political circles.

Tonight, the Qilin army's zero-point operation is also at the elders meeting,

It was decided by the elders.

The elders shook hands with twenty Qilin army personnel one after another, and then said quite seriously:

"This operation is full of dangers. We not only have to face the fierce beasts on the island, but also the black hands from other countries."

"Everyone, if you dare to be the first, I salute you on behalf of the people of China."

After finishing speaking, the elders gave a military salute to everyone.

Smart people know that this trip can be said to be a one-way trip, a near-death experience. Back then, when the mysterious island first appeared, the strongest cheetah commandos at that time suffered heavy losses. Not to mention now, there are still other countries watching.

The degree of danger is unprecedented.

"After discussing the result with the elders, the Qilin army leader appointed Lin Chen as the commander-in-chief of this operation, with Jiang Hetao and Chu Ling as his deputies."

An elder said: "After landing on the island, bad luck is unpredictable. Everyone must obey the commander's arrangement. If the commander is killed in battle, the deputy will be on top."

"Finally, I would like to remind everyone that this mission is full of dangers, but national honor is above all else. I hope you will live up to your military mission and take the mysterious island for our country!"

"I wish you all a triumphant return in the end, and I will arrange a banquet to clean up the dust for you."

After speaking, the Qilin team boarded the plane one by one.

When Lin Chen boarded the plane, Sun Tiance, the leader of the Qilin Army, patted Lin Chen on the shoulder heavily: "Come back alive."

"If you die there, I will go to the island myself and bring your body back."

Lin Chen rolled his eyes: "Uncle Sun, you can't say something auspicious."

"Brat, if you come back successfully, my position is yours!"

Sun Tiance scolded with a smile.

"Cut." Lin Chen curled his lips: "Not interested."

"Stinky boy, let's go!"

Sun Tiance was speechless for a while, how many people were eagerly waiting for his position, but this kid was lucky to say that he was not interested.

It seems that he, the Qilin military leader, is very cheap...

Watching the back of Lin Chen boarding the plane, Sun Tiance's heart sank.

In fact, he was not worried about Lin Chen's skill.

The person he was really worried about was Jiang Hetao.

This person had long planned for his position, but now that Lin Chen appeared out of nowhere, his plan was disrupted. During this trip to the mysterious island, he was very worried that Jiang Hetao would take the opportunity to make trouble.

Internally, he doesn't care about internal strife, but externally, facing the eyes of many countries, if internal strife occurs, it may bring disaster.

Soon, the plane ascended to the sky.

Everyone saluted one after another until the plane completely disappeared from sight.

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