Overnight Success

Chapter 458 You May Not Be Able To Get Up If I Slap Him

In the evening of the same day, the plane landed in a temporary base along the coast of the East China Sea.

There are still six hours before the mysterious island appears, and the hostile forces are coming fiercely, so the plane is parked at the temporary base more out of the protection of the team members.

According to the location where the mysterious island appeared before, this temporary base is the shortest from the mysterious island, and it can carry out logistical supplies or rescue work at any time.

After landing.

The cabin opened, and Lin Chen got out of the cabin first, and began to count the number of people.

After confirming that the number of people is complete, a familiar man quickly walked towards this side.

It was Lu Siyong, the leader of the Northern Army, the leader of the Xuanwu Army, and the general of Huaguo.

After internal adjustments, the official landing on the island was mainly carried out by the Qilin army, supplemented by the deployment of personnel from the four major armies.

Lu Siyong is in charge of the logistics of the temporary base.

Knowing that Lin Chen was coming, Lu Siyong hurried over with the Xuanwu Army after finishing his work.

"General Lu."

"Commander Lin."

Both sides saluted a military salute almost at the same time.

"This time, the members of my Xuanwu Army will be handed over to you."

Lu Siyong said solemnly.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to bring them back safely."

Lin Chen glanced at them and said.

"By the way, where are the other legions!"

Hearing Lin Chen's question, Lu Siyong couldn't help shaking his head: "Commander Lin, I'm afraid you don't know this. The four major legions of the Hua Kingdom are not convinced by each other. Knowing that this mission is led by the newly formed Qilin Army, The other three legions are very dissatisfied!"

"That's it!" Lin Chen laughed dumbly.

In fact, he could also understand that, after all, the Qilin army had just been formed and its qualifications were short. On the contrary, the other four major legions had been famous for a long time, so it was normal to be unconvinced.

"Tch, what are they dissatisfied with? If you don't accept it, you can compete and see."

However, at this time, Chu Ling, as the deputy, was dissatisfied.

Obviously, she was quite displeased with the arrogant attitude of the other three legions.

"Okay, this time we are in a joint operation to fight against foreign enemies. The most important thing right now is unity."

Lin Chen said, and asked Lu Siyong to find a place for the players to rest.


He took Chu Ling and walked around the temporary base to get a brief understanding of its structure.

Just when the two were planning to go back.

Suddenly, a series of indifferent voices sounded.

"Are you the commander of the Qilin Army?"

Lin Chen turned around and saw three young men standing behind him, two men and one woman.

Two men, with green dragon and white tiger emblems inlaid on their shoulders, and a woman with a Vermilion Bird emblem inlaid on their shoulders.

It can be seen that these three people are from the other three legions.

"Qingming, Youbai, Fengtian."

Seeing this, Chu Ling said coldly:

"Commander, these three people are the young leaders of the three legions. They must be the leaders of the three legions this time. Judging by their posture, I'm afraid these three people are not friendly."

"It's okay." Lin Chen waved his hand: "Even if they don't want me, I still want to look for them!"

This time, landing on the island not only has to face the oppression of ferocious beasts, but also potential enemy elements, so he will never allow such things to happen.

Otherwise, once the task is executed, any problems will occur.

As a result, it is very likely that everyone will suffer a catastrophe. As the commander-in-chief, he will naturally be responsible for everyone's lives.

"Lin Chen, I've heard of you. When you first joined the Qilin army, you got an S-level evaluation and defeated Zhao Tianqi and others."

"But based on these alone, you want to secure the position of commander-in-chief. With all due respect, you are not qualified!"

As the leader of the Azure Dragon Legion, the most powerful of the four major legions, Qing Ming said contemptuously.

For a long time, he couldn't figure out how the upper management thought that Lin Chen, a boy who had just joined the team not long ago, could be the commander-in-chief of Operation Zero.

You must know that the imperial court attaches great importance to this mysterious island mission. Once the mission can be successfully completed as the commander-in-chief, it will be of great help to the promotion of personal positions.

Therefore, he did not want to hand over this once-in-a-century opportunity to others.

Everyone has selfishness, and soldiers are no exception.

"Then what do you want?"

Lin Chen smiled lightly and asked immediately.

"It's very simple. If you take the initiative to step down as commander in chief, I won't argue with you tonight."

Qing Mingzhi

Cut to the chase.

"But there is only one commander-in-chief position. Even if I step down, how are you three going to distribute it?"

Hearing this, Qing Ming and the others looked at each other, and said, "I don't need you to worry about that."

"You just need to obediently hand over your position and get out."

"Qingming, you're going too far!" Chu Ling scolded after hearing Qingming's disrespectful words towards Lin Chen, "Is this how you treat the commander-in-chief?"

"Miss Chu Ling, I'm afraid you have misunderstood!"

Qing Ming smiled disdainfully: "We have never acknowledged his identity as the commander-in-chief."

"I don't have time to talk to you. Lin Chen, I'll ask you today, whether you will resign from this position or not."

As You Bai said, a look of ferocity crossed his face.

Although Feng Tian didn't speak, the sharpness in his eyes was self-evident.

"Sorry three."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "Since this position is entrusted to me, I will not take the initiative to resign."

"Of course, I can see that you are not convinced, so I will give you a chance, as long as you can meet me, I will immediately resign from this position."

"On the other hand, if you can't touch me, you need to obey my orders obediently after landing on the island, and you can't act at will."

As soon as the words came out.

Qing Ming and others even suspected that there was something wrong with their hearing.

Right now, this young man dared to make such a bet, let alone touching him, with the strength of the three of them, which one of them could make a full shot, and he couldn't beat him all over the place.

Obviously, in the eyes of the three of them, a first-year recruit had no qualifications to be compared with them at all.

"I'll come first."

Youbai shook his body, his eyes were burning with fierce fighting intent.

"Boy, this is what you said, don't go back on your word later."

At this moment, You Bai looked at Lin Chen as if looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

However, the next moment.

Lin Chen stood with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently, "Didn't you understand what I said?"

"I want the three of you to be together, otherwise I'm afraid that if I slap you in the face, you might not be able to get up."

"Two more people will share the burden for you, at least you will feel better."

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