Overnight Success

Chapter 459 In The Middle Of The Night, Killing Intent Manifests

Hearing this remark, You Bai was stunned for a moment, and then he was furious, and his face showed anger.

"Boy, do you know what you're talking about?"

You Bai stared at Lin Chen, and said coldly: "If you and I are enemies, just what you just said is enough to kill you!"

At the same time, after Qing Ming and Toyota were stunned, there was a playful look on their faces.

"Boy, don't you want to show off in front of Miss Chu Ling so that you can maintain your worthless self-esteem!"

Obviously, from their point of view, the reason why Lin Chen can say such words is undoubtedly because he doesn't want to lose face in front of his team members.

However, this guy completely offended You Bai.

In terms of head-on confrontation alone, Youbai is definitely one of the best existences in this team, even if he only fights in confrontation, he is not sure that he can defeat Youbai.

Here, Chu Ling looked at the three of them with a hint of pity on her face.

Presumably these three stupid guys have no idea how powerful Commander Lin is.

"Let's do it, I have limited time, I am too lazy to ink with you."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said indifferently.

Seeing this, Youbai was furious: "Boy, you are so fucking arrogant, do you know how tragic your end will be if you piss me off?"

next moment.

Youbai turned into an afterimage, exuding a violent aura, raised his fist, and threw it at Lin Chen in an instant. Biqu library

But, just when he was less than an inch away from Lin Chen.

His eyes trembled, and before he could see what happened, there was a burst of severe pain on his face.


After a loud noise, You Bai flew out and hit the ground hard.

For Lin Chen, he only used less than 20% of his power to slap Youbai just now.

Even so, Youbai's smash still shocked the whole ground, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth on the spot.

See this scene.

The rest of Qingming and Fengtian were a little dazed.

what's the situation?

They are very familiar with Youbai's strength, and he is one of the very few peak warriors of the ninth rank in the younger generation.

But now, this Lin Chen slapped him and sent him flying.


After Youbai spat out another mouthful of blood, his face was flushed, and he stared at Lin Chen intently.

Obviously, in front of many people, he was beaten until he vomited blood, which made him feel humiliated.

But even though his face was very ugly, he still didn't act rashly.

It was Lin Chen's slap just now, so fast that he didn't even see when the other side made it.

From this, it can be seen that this person's strength should not be underestimated.

"It's your turn!"

Lin Chen did not continue

Continue to attack Youbai, but look at the remaining two.

At this moment, looking at Lin Chen's gaze, Qing Ming and Feng Tian looked at each other and shot together.

Obviously, Youbai's severe suffering made them dare not underestimate Lin Chen any more.

Therefore, when the two of them made a move, 70% to 80% of their strength exploded, and there was a chilling tearing sound in the air, like a whistling.

But then, what made the two of them tingle was—


Lin Chen suddenly disappeared in place.

This made the two of them feel like hitting cotton with their fists.

Then, a breeze came.

The two felt a chill in their hearts, and they couldn't help feeling cold behind them. Before they could react, an afterimage flashed past.


Lin Chen's palm fell on Qing Ming's face.

After the shock, Qing Ming's body flew upside down in an instant, just like You Bai.

However, slightly differently—

This time, Lin Chen appeared next to him again and slapped him again.


With two slaps, Qing Ming's face was swollen high, and finally hit the ground, two streams of blood spurted out of his nose.

As for Fengtian, Lin Chen just gave her a cold look and did not choose to make a move.

Immediately, Fengtian had the feeling of fleeing from a tiger's mouth.


she said with difficulty.

"Take what happened tonight as a lesson. If you don't obey, you can continue to challenge me, but the action will start tomorrow night. If anyone dares to disobey the order, don't blame me for being rude."

Lin Chen glanced at the three of them, put down his sentence, and led Chu Ling back to the residence.

Watching Lin Chen's back, the three of them staggered together, their faces extremely livid.

"Damn it, why is this guy so perverted?"

Youbai gritted his teeth.

"If I use all my strength, it's not certain who wins and who loses!"

Qing Ming looked unconvinced.

"However, why do I have a feeling that this person doesn't even use half of his strength. You can see how relaxed he is when he deals with us."

When Fengtian's voice fell.

The atmosphere fell into silence for an instant.

Perhaps, they really should adjust their positions and look at Lin Chen squarely again. As Feng Tian said, they didn't use their full strength, but Lin Chen also had reservations.

In addition, there are three of them, and the outcome has already been decided.

late at night.

Back at the residence, Lin Chen sat cross-legged on his heels, with a stack of documents in front of him.

It was just now that Lu Siyong sent someone to send it, mainly about some related information on the mysterious island.

open a file.

The above mentioned the geographical location and area of ​​the mysterious island, including the trend of the nearby climate and ocean currents. It can be said that everything that can be surveyed by satellite has been surveyed.

come out.

Halfway through the page, there are still a few pictures in the document.

The picture was taken from a bird's-eye view, and it can be seen that the vegetation on the island is lush and the trees are hundreds of feet high. Logically speaking, normal sunlight and water would never be able to raise such towering trees.

And above the trees, there are still many bird nests. Next to the bird nests, there are birds that are taller than people, circling. Biqu library

Looks, a lot like the pterosaurs in the Jurassic.

It's just that no matter how these birds fly, they never leave the area of ​​the island, as if the island has a strange magic that imprisons them here.

Looking at the ground again, the degree of danger is definitely far higher than that of the sky.

A group of animals that resemble scorpions and are larger than elephants.

There are also poisonous toads about one meter in length and width, which are everywhere, jumping around.

If ordinary people saw these, they would definitely think they were watching a blockbuster movie.

After closing the file, Lin Chen took a deep breath.

There was no fear in his eyes, but a look of anticipation instead.

If the island doesn't have any challenges, it's obviously boring.

In contrast, what he was more curious about was how his father survived on this island, obtained Huayu, and managed to escape back to China.

Putting away his thoughts, Lin Chen was so excited that he couldn't sleep, and planned to go for a walk.

But who knows, as soon as he opened the door, he found a sneaky figure coming to the end of the corridor and entering a private room.

That private room is where the Qilin team stores supplies.

The one who has the key to the private room, besides him, there are only two assistants, Jiang Hetao and Chu Ling.

According to the figure from the back, this person is tall and must not be Chu Ling, so the answer is obvious.

Jiang Hetao, after all, you still can't help but think about it?

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Chen's mouth, and he quietly followed.

At this moment, in the private room, Jiang Hetao was rummaging through his bundles. When he found Lin Chen's bundle, he immediately took out a small medicine box from it.

Inside the medicine box is a bottle of oral liquid.

This oral liquid is a new type of medicine that Lu Siyong asked Yunhuai Medical University to collaborate with many researchers.

The main purpose is to fight against the fierce beasts on the island.

Speaking of which, Lin Chen once captured the spies in the research institute, and he had a lot of credit for the successful production of the potion.

Seeing that Jiang Hetao took out another bottle of the same medicine and replaced it with the original medicine, Lin Chen couldn't help sneering inwardly.

Okay, you Jiang Hetao!

I haven't troubled you yet, so you set up a trap for me first!

Thinking of this, killing intent flashed in Lin Chen's eyes!

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