Overnight Success

Chapter 606 Shameless

However, not long after Li Shengtian took people away from the Li family, this shocking news spread in Tianjin Province.

So the forces were quite shocked by this.

No one thought that Li Shengtian would have the courage to go to the Wei family to take the initiative to pick things up. At the moment, everyone focused on the Wei family and were curious about how the Wei family would respond.

Wei Family Mansion.

When everyone in the Wei family knew that Li Shengtian was about to lead people to prepare for a decisive battle with the Wei family, for a while, many people suspected that Li Shengtian was crazy.

Of course, more people wondered, how did Li Shengtian stand up even though his legs had been crippled?

At this moment, the Wei family hall.

Wei Dongcheng said contemptuously: "Since Li Shengtian intends to seek death, then I will satisfy him."

"From today, there will be no more Li family in Tianjin Province."

"That's right." Wei Linkun, the Patriarch of the Wei family, also said forcefully: "I wanted to give Li Shengtian a way to survive, but now that he chooses to give up, then we will no longer show mercy."

"After the Li family is destroyed, I don't believe that girl Li Fei won't show up!"

half an hour later.

Li Shengtian and his party broke into Wei's house directly.

Along the way, many Wei family guards were knocked down.

Seeing this, Wei Linkun said indifferently: "Li Shengtian, don't tell me you're so tired of your job that you dare to attack my Wei family?"

The voice just fell.

A large number of Wei family guards rushed out from all directions, directly surrounding Li Shengtian and his party.

In addition, many Mo family members also came forward one after another, watching Li Shengtian coldly.

"Wei Linkun, don't you want to destroy my Li family? Today I want you to know that you can destroy my Li family if you want to, but your Wei family will also have to lose its skin."

"The Li family is not something you can insult just by saying insult."

Li Shengtian shouted loudly: "Give it to me!"

As soon as his order came out, the guards of the Li family held weapons and were about to step forward.

But he didn't expect to be stopped by Lin Chen.

"Mr. Lin, you are..."

Li Shengtian asked in surprise.

"Back off, I said today, leave the matter of destroying the Wei family to me."

Lin Chen said lightly.


Li Shengtian was a little speechless.

He didn't expect that Lin Chen really planned to deal with the Wei family alone, which is too absurd.

at the same time.

Hearing Lin Chen's outrageous words, Wei Linkun also said: "Boy, who are you, why do you want to meddle in my affairs with the Li family?"

Lin Chen didn't even bother to return

Responding to him, he said to Fangyuan and Jiang Meigui, "Get rid of them, the whole Wei family, no matter who they are, don't leave a single one behind."


After receiving the order, the two women said coldly to the subordinates carrying behind them: "Mr. Lin's meaning is clear to you, kill them all!"


After everyone responded, they rushed directly towards the members of the Wei family.


The two sides fought fiercely, and blood shot out.

However, more people from the Wei family fell to the ground.

It was because Jiang Meigui and Fangyuan were too strong, and the Wei family's guards were obviously not enough to watch them.

It doesn't take a stick of incense.

These members of the Wei family were all knocked to the ground by Jiang Meigui and Fang Yuan.

The dead, the disabled, almost no one was unscathed.

See this scene.

Wei Linkun's face was shocked, and then he glanced at the Mohist people beside him and said: "Everyone, please take action."

Everyone in the Mo family nodded, and then attacked the two women fiercely.

However, the two women had no fear, even facing the Mohist masters, they were still extremely strong and greeted them.

A series of duels came down.

Just because of the cooperation of the two women, the masters of the Mohist School were defeated steadily.

When Li Shengtian saw that the master of the Mo family not only failed to gain an advantage over the two women, but was also beaten into a mess, his expression was as exciting as it could be.

ten minutes later.

The two girls shouted softly.

The masters of the Mo family uttered screams one after another, and all of them died tragically at the hands of the two women.

At this moment, the two women scanned the audience with blood on their hands, like two queens returning from hell.

Cold, ruthless, killing!

Wei Linkun and his son opened their mouths, and were immediately stunned.

As for Li Tiansheng gasped, his eyes were full of shock.

Afterwards, Jiang Meigui and Fang Yuan looked at each other, and approached Wei Linkun and his son step by step.

"Father, let me come."

Wei Dongcheng looked gloomy.

He never expected that the guards that the Wei family had raised for more than ten years were directly killed by two women. Biqu library

What a bunch of trash.

With this in mind, Wei Dongcheng mobilized his inner strength and struck the two girls like lightning.

The eyes of the two women were fixed, and they felt as if they were facing an enemy.

Obviously, when Wei Dongcheng made a move, he was extraordinary, and it was by no means comparable to that group of Wei family guards.

Looking at the two women, she chose to confront him head-on.


The corner of Dongcheng's mouth reveals a trace of disdain: "It's really beyond self-control."

next moment.

With a wave of his palm, the faces of the two women changed, as if they had been severely injured, they spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It took dozens of steps back to stabilize his figure.

"Take your life!"

Wei Dongcheng sneered, just as he was about to take advantage of the victory and chase after him.

A silver needle shot out from the side, instantly making all the hairs on his body tremble.

As a last resort, he could only turn around to block Yinzhen and give up chasing the two women.

And when he dispelled the momentum of the silver needle, he realized that Lin Chen was already standing in front of the two women.

"Your opponent is me."

Lin Chen said indifferently.

"Hehe, boy, I will send you on your way."

Wei Dongcheng smiled ferociously, waved his big hand, and slapped again.

Only this time, he was no longer as powerful as before. On the contrary, when he was less than an inch away from Lin Chen, the suffocating coercion on Lin Chen made him almost breathless.

Wei Dongcheng was startled, the secret path was not good, just when he was about to turn around and escape.

Lin Chen's death-like voice rang in his ears.

"Here we come, just save something before leaving!"

The words fell.

Lin Chen suddenly appeared in Wei Dongcheng's pupils, and then he grabbed Wei Dongcheng's right arm with a big hand, and suddenly tore it upwards.

Accompanied by a splash of blood, a miserable howl went straight into the sky.


Follow the reputation.

When everyone saw Wei Dongcheng's severed arm falling from mid-air to the ground, everyone looked at Lin Chen not with shock, but with awe and a trace of fear.

Especially Li Shengtian was completely speechless.

He thought that since Lin Chen dared to boast about Haikou, he must have achieved a lot in martial arts, but he never dreamed that this person's cultivation in martial arts would be so powerful.

With one move, Wei Dongcheng was crippled. Biqu library

Could it be that this person's strength has reached the late stage?


"My arm!!"

"It hurts me to death!!"

Looking back, Wei Dongcheng screamed again and again, and his whole body was in pain until he twitched on the ground. He didn't have the slightest high spirit just now.

"With this level of strength, how dare you ask Li Fei to marry you?"

Lin Chen was condescending, looked down at Wei Dongcheng and said indifferently: "Send you four words, shameless!"

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