At this moment, the audience was silent.

No one thought that being as strong as Wei Dongcheng in Lin Chen's hands would be as weak as a chicken.

"Boy, I advise you to let go of my son!"

Wei Linkun said angrily.

Hearing this, Lin Chen glanced at him coldly, his eyes glowing with a terrifying coldness, and then he stepped on Wei Dongcheng's face.


Wei Dongcheng's face was directly trampled into a puddle of meat.

Blood shoots.

At that moment, everyone's eyes were staring like copper bells, and they gasped frequently.

It's hard to imagine that Lin Chen killed Wei Dongcheng, the young master of the Wei family, in front of Wei Linkun...

at the same time.

When Wei Linkun watched his son being killed, he screamed hysterically.

"Lin Chen, I'm fighting with you!!!"

The next moment, Wei Linkun rushed in front of Lin Chen, but unexpectedly, Lin Chen slapped him back.


There was a crisp sound.

An incomparably harsh slap across Wei Linkun's face, which directly broke his front teeth, sprayed several mouthfuls of blood, and smashed his whole body to the ground, leaving a big hole in the ground. reading books

"Don't you guys like to bully others?"

Lin Chen pulled Wei Linkun's body out of the pit, stepped on his knee and said, "Why aren't you arrogant now?"

Wei Linkun's face was pale, his sore lips twitched, and he could hardly speak.

"Your son crippled Patriarch Li's legs, and today you come to taste what it's like to lose your legs."

As soon as Lin Chen finished speaking, he stamped his foot hard.



Along with the sound of two bones breaking, a scream like a ghost came from Wei Linkun's mouth.

At this moment, his eyeballs were almost congested, and his whole body trembled from the pain.

If the predictions were correct, his legs should have been comminuted, and there was absolutely no possibility of repairing them.

Of course, he cared more about his life than his broken leg.

"Boy, I am the head of the Wei family, and my younger sister is the wife of the Mo family. If you dare to kill me, the Mo family will not let you go!"

Wei Linkun exhausted all his strength to hold back this sentence.

Trying to use the Mo family as a backer, trying to force Lin Chen back.

But Lin Chen didn't care about these things, and he just smiled coldly: "Mo family? Even if the king of heaven comes today, I can't save your life."

"The Wei family will be destroyed, as I said, even gods can't save it!"

After speaking, just when Lin Chen was planning to end Wei Linkun's life.


Outside, there was a loud shout.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people in extraordinary clothes came over, and when the group of people glanced around, their expressions instantly became ugly.

"Who killed my Mo family?"

The leading middle-aged man shouted coldly.

Upon hearing this.

Wei Linkun, who was lying under Lin Chen's feet, laughed loudly: "Hahaha!"

"The people from the direct line of the Mo family are here, let's see how you run, boy!"

"Be sensible, you obediently treat me to..."

Before Wei Linkun finished speaking, Lin Chen directly swung a silver needle.

The silver needle pierced Wei Linkun's throat.

Immediately, Wei Linkun looked disbelieving, and he fell down unwillingly, completely dying.

So far, Wei's father

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Chapter 607 The Wei family destroyed the family [1/3 Both sons died.

"Noisy stuff."

Lin Chen said coldly, then looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I asked someone to kill him, what's the problem?"

As soon as the words came out.

The complexion of the middle-aged man was quite ugly.

"Boy, do you know what will happen if you kill someone from the Mo family?"

The middle-aged man said angrily.

"Kill them all, I need to care about the consequences?"

"Besides, a mere Mohist school is not worthy of my attention. When the time comes, if you are sensible, just get out of here obediently."

Lin Chen said neither salty nor light.


The middle-aged man was startled and angry, never expecting Lin Chen's words to be so rampant.

"Give it to me!"

"Stop it all!" At this moment, another female voice came from outside.

"Stop." The middle-aged man shouted, then looked at the woman in surprise and said, "Master Chu Ling, why are you free to come out of Qilin's army?"

Chu Ling glanced at him, then immediately set her eyes on Lin Chen.

Obviously, the reason why she came here was because Lin Chen greeted him in advance. wap.kanshμ

She never thought that Wei Dongcheng, who was about to be promoted to the head of the Qilin army, would have such a chaotic private life, and his behavior and style would be so bad.

So, after receiving Lin Chen's order, she rushed here from the capital immediately.

"Mo Ying, it's none of your business here, you can leave now."

Chu Ling spoke lightly.

Mo Ying is naturally the name of a middle-aged man, and the reason why Chu Ling knew him was because he had participated in the Qilin army selection, but he was finally eliminated due to his age.

Chu Ling was his examiner at the time.

This is also the reason why Mo Ying would address Chu Ling as Master Chu Ling when he saw Chu Ling.

"Master Chu Ling, what do you mean by that? Could it be that my Mo family died in vain and don't pursue it?"

Hearing this, Mo Ying asked gloomyly.

Obviously, he was not satisfied with Chu Ling's actions.

"Besides, Wei Dongcheng is a member of your Qilin army, don't you plan to ask for an explanation?"

"How do I do things, do I need to report to you?" Chu Ling's voice turned cold.

"That was not what I meant……"

Mo Ying said quickly.

Even though he is a member of the direct line of the Mo family, he dared not contradict him in front of Chu Ling.

After all, no matter how strong the Mo family is, it is still not enough to compare with the Qilin army.

"That's not what you mean, then leave for me."

Chu Ling shouted again.


Mo Ying gritted his teeth, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only follow suit and leave here.

He didn't understand why Master Chu Ling would protect that young man so much. It seemed that he could only report this matter to the young master for decision.

"Tell you the upper echelons of the Mo family, he, you can't move, otherwise the Mo family will cease to exist."

Hearing Chu Ling's words, Mo Ying's expression changed when he was evacuating, then he quickened his pace and left quickly.

Afterwards, Lin Chen glanced at Jiang Meigui and Fang Yuan and said, "Clean up all the rest of the Wei family and leave no one alive."


Watching the two women lead a group of people to sweep the Wei family in all directions.

Chu Ling didn't feel well in her heart: "These people are innocent, do they really want to kill them all?

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Chapter 607 The Wei family destroyed the family [2/3 "

Lin Chen remained expressionless: "If we don't get rid of them, there will only be a lot of trouble in the future."

Chu Ling was silent.

In an instant, the entire Wei family was wiped out.

Layers of blood lingered in the air.

It's hard to imagine that the huge Wei family turned into nothingness.

Of course, for Lin Chen, this is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, he has long been used to it.

Similarly, the news of the Wei family's destruction spread rapidly.

The various forces in Tianjin Province originally thought that the Li family was willing to die when they came to the door, but they never expected that it was the Wei family who were not to be wiped out in the end.

What actually happened?

The answer no one knows.

Li Shengtian, who knew the truth, immediately ordered the guards of the Li family not to leak any information.

Obviously, Lin Chen had helped him so much, and he didn't want to cause more trouble to Lin Chen.

"Wei family property, you will take over from now on."

At this moment, Lin Chen said something to Li Shengtian.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin."

Li Shengtian was very excited and bowed deeply.

"Come with me."

After solving all this, Lin Chen looked at Chu Ling and finished speaking, then turned around and came to a quiet alley.

Walk on the trail.

Chu Ling reminded: "Mr. Lin, this time you wiped out the Wei family, I think the second child of the Wei family will definitely not let it go."

"The second child of the Wei family?"

Lin Chen looked puzzled.

Obviously, they never expected that the Wei family would still be alive. kΑnshuwu.ξa

"You probably don't know that the Wei family has three brothers, the eldest is the head of the Wei family, the third is the wife of the Mo family, and the mysterious second is never in the Wei family, so few people have heard of him."

"The second son of the Wei family, named Wei Haichao, lives overseas all year round. It is said that he has already been ranked among the top ten killers in the world, and the power he has established is quite influential overseas."

"You should have heard of the Palace of Seven Kills, right?"

When Lin Chen heard what Chu Ling said, he couldn't help nodding: "A top assassin organization, I have fought against their people."

"The Palace of Dark Night created by Wei Haichao is no less than the Palace of Seven Kills."

After Chu Ling uttered this sentence, Lin Chen's eyes flickered slightly with a slightly surprised expression.

It seems that the second child of the Wei family is quite capable.

But so what, as long as this person dares to come, he will kill him!

"So Lin Junzhu, this time you destroyed the Wei family, I believe that the wife of the Mo family and the second child of the Wei family will definitely take action to retaliate against you. You must be careful."

Chu Ling worried.

She naturally believed in Lin Chen's strength, but compared to the Mo family, the second child of the Wei family was particularly dangerous.

After all, being stared at by a top killer is like being pointed at the head with a gun all the time, like a stick in the throat.

"Do you need someone from my army to protect you?"

Chu Ling said.

"No need." Lin Chen waved his hand: "These days when I'm not in the army, you should help Master Sun well."

"I understand." Chu Ling said, glanced at the time and said: "The military affairs are busy, if there is nothing else, I will leave."

"it is good."

Lin Chen nodded.

Afterwards, the two left one after another, Chu Ling returned to the army, and Lin Chen returned to Li's house.

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Chapter 607 The Wei Family Annihilated the Family [3/3

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