Overnight Success

Chapter 613 Glass Heart

"how do you feel?"

With Lin Chen giving silver needles to help Li Hua control her injury,

Li Hua's complexion also changed from pale to rosy.

She said slowly: "Brother Chen, thank you very much."

"You don't have to be polite, then you just watch carefully, brother Chen, how I vented your anger on you."

Lin Chen rubbed her hair and smiled slightly.

See this scene.

Master Guo Tianxia's face was extremely ugly.

Obviously, Lin Chen dared to heal others in front of him, which made him feel greatly insulted.

"Boy, you are too arrogant!"

Master Guo Tianxia let out a deep voice.

"To kill you, I only need one move."

Lin Chen was expressionless.

Hearing this, Master Guo Tianxia was furious. He immediately took a deep breath and mobilized all his strength to swing the long sword at Lin Chen.

Facing the sharp sword energy, Lin Chen never blinked his eyelids.

He also stood completely in place, without any intention of retreating.

"Boy, today you will definitely pay the price for your arrogance!"

Master Guo Tianxia roared, seeing that his long sword was about to pierce Lin Chen's chest.

At this moment, Lin Chen finally moved.

He slowly stretched out his two fingers, clamping the oncoming long sword.


There was a crisp sound.

The long sword was broken inch by inch.

Immediately, Master Guo Tianxia was shocked, his expression full of disbelief.

You know, his long sword is made of meteorite iron, which is known as one of the strongest refining materials in the world.

It can be said that this long sword has been with him for many years, cutting iron like mud, and beheading countless opponents.

But today, he was cut off by Lin Chen's two fingers like plastic...

Thinking of this, Guo Tianxia's pupils were not only shocked, but also had a trace of fear...

"With this little strength, you dare to break into my house and make trouble?"

Lin Chen snorted in disdain, waved his big hand, and a wave of air rolled up.

In the field of vision, the blade of the sword that had been broken and fell to the ground suddenly rose into the air, and under Lin Chen's control, it pierced into Master Guo Tianxia's body like sharp blades one after another.


A scream came out.

Master Guo Tianxia flew upside down, his body was riddled with holes from the broken sword, and he was nailed to the wall.

At this moment, he is like a blood man, blood is dripping from the wound to the ground.


His throat squirmed, his eyes widened, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything, and died directly.

Regarding this, Lin Chen glanced at Lu Yuan: "Let's tidy up."

"it is good……"

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Chapter 613 Glass Heart [1/3] Lu Yuan nodded, and only then recovered from the shock.

Even though he knew that Lin Chen's strength was extraordinary, he still couldn't help being shocked when Lin Chen killed the old man with one move.

After Lu Yuan carried all the corpses out, he felt a little sad when he saw the blood all over the place.

"give it to me."

At this time, the mixed-race woman came out, stretched out her hands, and instantly absorbed all the blood on the ground.

"Aying, what are you capable of?"

Lu Yuan was a little surprised.

Aying shook his head: "I don't know, just seeing blood, I can't help it..."

On the contrary, Lin Chen's eyes flickered. Obviously, this was not the first time he saw Aying's ability.

Just when he was about to turn around and go upstairs to continue studying the seal in his wife's heart.

Suddenly, a gust of wind howled.

Another four figures appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this, Lin Chen stared.

The four figures are all men. They are wearing red robes with mysterious patterns engraved on them. They look weird and unusual, like some kind of pope.

"who are you?"

Lin Chen spoke coldly.

"Could it be that no one has taught you that it is impolite to trespass without the owner's permission?"

However, the four men paid no attention to it.

Their eyes were fixed on A Ying.

"Saint, we have found you."

"Please come back with us."

The four men bowed and said.

"I don't know you, why should I go back with you?"

A Ying said, and took two steps back.

Now, the four men were slightly taken aback, their faces full of confusion.

"Saint, have you forgotten your origin?"

A Ying shook her head: "I don't want to go back with you, please go back."


The four men looked at each other, and finally came to a consensus that the saint probably lost her memory. Reading La

"Saint, the patriarch told me to take you back no matter what, so this time, I'm afraid we can't listen to you."

As the four men spoke, they planned to force them.

But, when they were not close to Ah Ying.

Four silver needles suddenly appeared.

Immediately, with lightning speed, he shot directly at the four people.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

The four were caught off guard, and their shoulders were shot through with silver needles on the spot.

Looking at the pierced shoulders, the four of them endured the severe pain, looked at Lin Chen and said, "Your Excellency, are you trying to prevent us from bringing back the saint?"

"I'm sorry, Ah Ying is mine now. I can't let you take her away without confirming your identity."

"This time when

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Chapter 613 Glass Heart [2/3] It's a lesson, if you leave immediately, I won't pursue it anymore. "

Hearing Lin Chen's words, one of the men was full of anger. He was about to get angry but was stopped by the other three men.

Obviously, just the way Lin Chen swung the silver needle showed that this person's strength was definitely above theirs.

If Lin Chen thought about it just now, the four of them would already be corpses.

"Your Excellency asked for advice, but we will come back again."

Another man spoke, gave the other three people a look, and left immediately.

Turning around, Lin Chen took a deep look at A Ying, didn't say much, and then went back to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Su Qingcheng's eyes were closed tightly, her brows were furrowed, and drops of sweat were dripping from her forehead.

The reason why this happened to Su Qingcheng was that when Lin Chen was trying to remove the first seal on Su Qingcheng's heart just now, he sensed something had happened downstairs, so he had no choice but to withdraw and leave. The first seal was loosened, and the aura released was completely beyond what Su Qingcheng could bear.

Seeing his wife showing a trace of pain, Lin Chen couldn't help but blame himself, and immediately mobilized his spiritual energy, and then concentrated on helping Su Qingcheng break the first seal.

Time passed little by little.

In the end, Lin Chen's veins bulged, and he almost mobilized all the aura he could mobilize to attack the first seal.

next moment.

A dazzling light rose into the sky.

A terrifying force swept over like an avalanche, knocking Lin Chen to the ground, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

And somewhere in Tianhai Province, a lonely woman wearing a blue shirt and holding a three-foot green blade suddenly opened her eyes and murmured: "The breath of Liulixin, could it be that someone has awakened Liulixin?"

Saying that, the lonely woman disappeared directly in place.

the other side.

A dark place in China.

A man in a purple robe was sitting on the ground, with a chessboard in front of him, shaking violently.

Immediately afterwards, the man put his hands on the chessboard, and the chessboard was opened from the middle, and a piece of jade was placed inside, emitting a burst of dazzling brilliance. reading books

"Liu Lishi has responded, I have been waiting for many years, and the Lord of Liu Lixin finally appeared!"


"After I accept the glass heart, the old wounds of the year will be completely healed, and I will write a new chapter in Huaguo by then!"

The man let out bursts of sinister laughter, and his voice carried the dark wind, making the place even more creepy.

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Chapter 613 Glass Heart [3/3

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