Overnight Success

Chapter 614 Auction

At this moment, in the villa.

When the light disappeared, the terrifying power that emerged from Su Qingcheng also faded away like a tide.

Lin Chen got up from the ground, and when he saw Su Qingcheng's flawless body, he immediately grunted and swallowed.

It turned out that the powerful force that erupted from Su Qingcheng's body just now destroyed all the clothes on his body.

So far, Su Qingcheng is completely naked.

Seeing this, Lin Chen's body was burning with desire, and it took him a while to suppress it. He said to Su Qingcheng, "Honey, go and wash yourself."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng also came back to his senses, and when he realized that he had no clothes on, his pretty face also blushed for a while.

Even though the two of them were old couples, she still felt shy to meet each other so frankly.

Then, she clutched her body and ran into the bathroom quickly, while Lin Chen slowly thought about it.

Although he has successfully helped his wife unlock the first seal, her realm is still in the early stage of Qi refining. Could it be that all the seals have been lifted so that my wife can start to practice normally?

Thinking of this, Lin Chen shook his head and simply stopped thinking about it.

With his current strength, he almost couldn't bear to undo the first seal. In a short time, he didn't dare to untie the second seal.

Putting away his thoughts, Lin Chen called Fang Yuan and sent Fang Yuan the fight scene recorded by the camera in the villa just now, asking him to find out who the old man's employer was.

After doing all this.

Su Qingcheng came out of the bathroom wearing a black lace pajamas.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere slowly heated up.

"Honey, I saw you were hurt just now, don't worry about it."

Su Qingcheng asked in a low voice.


Lin Chen shook his head. For him, this internal injury has not hurt the root, and he will recover in about a week.

"By the way, what's going on with my body, why did I feel so painful just now."

Su Qingcheng looked puzzled.

She didn't understand why her husband assisted her in cultivation and it ended up like this.

"It's nothing, it's just that there is a small problem in cultivation."

Lin Chen smiled, not yet planning to tell Su Qingcheng the whole truth.

The main reason is that she is afraid of thinking too much.

"It's getting late, go to bed."

Lin Chen patted the big bed.


Su Qingcheng's pretty face flushed slightly, then she climbed onto the bed and leaned against Lin Chen's arms.

but to her surprise

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Chapter 614 Auction [1/3] What's more, Lin Chen didn't seem to do anything else, just like that, quietly hugging her to sleep.

Soon, the two fell asleep one after another.

Overseas, somewhere in a dark palace.

An angry curse sounded.

"Four trash, even a young brat can't get rid of them."

A tall middle-aged man hung up the phone, and then shouted: "Where are the two guardians on the left and right!"

"Bring me back the saint, no matter who it is, as long as you dare to stop it, kill them all!"

The middle-aged man's voice was cold, and it hadn't lasted long.

The two old men in black and white robes bowed slightly and said, "Yes!" kanδんu5.net

The second day, early morning.

Li Fei bought some breakfast, came to the villa, happened to see Su Qingcheng who was going downstairs, and said in surprise: "Qingcheng, you..."

"How come I haven't seen you for a day, it seems like a different person!"

"Ah?" Su Qingcheng was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Li Fei put down her breakfast, walked forward and said, "Didn't you realize that your skin and figure are better than before? And your temperament is more like a female president's cold style."

"Tell me, what happened to you last night?"

Seeing Li Fei's gossipy expression, Su Qingcheng immediately rolled her eyes: "Nothing happened, okay, I just fell asleep."

"Are you sure it's easy to sleep?" Li Fei said with a smirk: "I heard that if a woman has sex with a man for a long time, her body will develop again..."

"Don't talk nonsense, it's nothing." Su Qingcheng blushed pretty.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Qingcheng, your expression betrayed you."

"I have to say, I'm really envious of you. You said, when will my figure grow a second time and catch up with you!"

Li Fei muttered, and then compared: "I feel that the gap between the two of us is getting bigger and bigger."

"Okay, okay, my company has something to do, so let's go first."

Su Qingcheng was speechless.

"Don't eat breakfast!"

Li Fei shouted.

"Don't eat."

Watching the back of Su Qingcheng leaving, Li Fei picked up breakfast by herself and ate it with relish.

At this moment.

Lin Chen also came downstairs, glanced at Li Fei and said, "Where is my wife?"

"Qingcheng went to the company and said she was busy with important matters."

Li Fei said, and leaned forward again: "Lin Chen, have you noticed that Qingcheng is different from before?"

"What's the difference?"

Lin Chen was at a loss.

This girl is early

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Chapter 614 Auction [2/3] What's so weird about it.

"It's here, and here."

Li Fei pointed to her chest and then to her face.

"Could it be that everything in the book is true, what about the relationship between a man and a woman, can it really help a woman develop a second time?"

Li Fei blinked.

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing.

He could probably guess that such an obvious change in his wife probably had something to do with breaking the seal last night.

"Why, do you want to try?"

Lin Chen joked.

"It's not impossible to try..." Li Fei blushed like an apple: "After all, you are the benefactor of our whole family..."

"Hey, even if you want to try, I'm not willing to."

Lin Chen smiled meanly, then took the breakfast brought by Li Fei, and asked Lu Yuan to go out together.

Just because he has nothing to do, he intends to use this opportunity to teach Lu Yuan some combat experience.

As for Li Fei, she stomped her feet angrily when she saw this scene. She knew that she had been played by Lin Chen again.


So angry!

This smelly man! ! !


In the next few days, Lin Chen rarely had a leisurely time. Sometimes he taught Lu Yuan some exercises that would be beneficial for martial artists, and sometimes he went fishing.

The day passed quite comfortably.

However, Su Qingcheng was extremely busy.

At present, the trace-removing ointment has been pushed to the market outside the province by her. The huge sales volume has caused difficulties in the supply chain, and the supply has been in short supply for a while.

And this is just a scar removal ointment. It is hard to imagine what it will be like if Shenxian Pill is introduced to the market outside the province in the future.

Inside the president's office.

Secretary Chen Wen picked up the document in her hand and placed it in front of Su Qingcheng's desk, saying: "President, the auction of some vacant land in the suburbs is scheduled for tomorrow. Here are the precautions for the auction."

"Okay, you will come with me tomorrow."

Su Qingcheng nodded.


After Chen Wen responded, just as she left the office, Lin Chen happened to be walking this way.

"Shareholder Lin."

Chen Wen shouted.

"You go to work."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he walked into the office and said to Su Qingcheng, "What auction, do you need me to accompany you?"

"Need not."

Su Qingcheng shook her head and said, "There are a few vacant lands in the suburbs, and I plan to auction them off to build a scar removal cream production factory."

Compared with Shenxian Pills, it faces more high-end groups. Trace Removing Cream is good in quality and cheap, and it has been facing the sinking market, which is also the cornerstone of Su's development.

"Alright, call me anytime you have any questions."

Lin Chen said.

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Chapter 614 Auction [3/3

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