Overnight Success

Chapter 72 Su Qingcheng Being Tricked

"Boy, you..."

Yoshida Keino's face was flushed, and he wanted to exert strength, but he couldn't do it, and his knees remained firmly on the ground.

This made him feel extremely humiliated.

According to his estimation, the original duration of the secret technique was about ten minutes, but Lin Chen's ridicule caused him to be in a state of confusion, which greatly shortened the duration of the secret technique.

However, once the secret technique is over, he will suffer a strong side effect, that is, a feeling of weakness, otherwise he won't even have the strength to stand up.

"What are you, if you want to survive, you must have a survival attitude!"

Seeing Yoshida Keino's angry face, Lin Chen slapped him away.


Yoshida Keino was slapped to the ground, his mind went blank.

"Boy, don't bully me too much. Let me tell you, I am an important person in the Yoshida family. If you dare to kill me, I guarantee that you and the people around you will be retaliated wildly by the Yoshida family."

Yoshida Keino suppressed his anger and said in a deep voice.

"So you know why I brought you here!"

"Look at this hill, does it look like your cemetery, and besides me, no one else will know about it." Biqukuku

Lin Chen smiled playfully.

Yoshida Keino's face changed drastically, and he quickly changed into a begging tone, tremblingly said: "My lord, please let me go, as long as you spare my life, I will give you whatever you want."

"Our Sakura Country is rich in beauties, as long as you say a word, I will immediately let them fly over to serve you."

"Beauties? They can't all be second-hand, right?" Lin Chen glanced at him and said calmly, "Besides, you should have investigated me. I already have a fiancee. Are you trying to maliciously destroy the harmony between our husband and wife?"

Speaking of this, Lin Chen stepped forward, instantly ending the life of Yoshida Keino.

Yoshida Keino's eyes were wide open, obviously unwilling to die. He never imagined that he would actually fall at the hands of a young man in his early twenties.

"Still staring after death, who are you scaring?"

Immediately, Lin Chen whipped Yoshida Keino's corpse again.

It wasn't until his head and body were completely separated that Lin Chen was satisfied.


At this time, a wolf howled suddenly from not far away.

The next moment, a pair of red eyes quickly approached Lin Chen in the dark night.


"I didn't expect there to be wolves on this mountain?"

Lin Chen muttered to himself.

Just when he was about to take action to deal with the wolves, unexpectedly, the wolves glanced at him, and then

Then he picked up Yoshida Keino's body and ran away.

It can be seen that it was the smell of blood on Yoshida Keino's corpse that attracted them.

Regarding this, Lin Chen couldn't help shaking his head, this guy is really unlucky.

If he saw in hell that his body was divided and eaten by wolves, he wondered if he would be so angry that he would die again.

end it all.

Just as Lin Chen was about to leave, he suddenly glanced away from the corner of his eye.

He discovered that there was a transparent rhomboid crystal on the ground.

This should have fallen from Yoshida Keino's clothes.

As soon as Lin Chen picked it up, the spiritual power in his body boiled and slowly gathered on the rhomboid crystal.

"It turns out that's the case. It seems that Keino Yoshida's status in the Yoshida family is really extraordinary, and he can have such a good treasure."

For a moment, the corners of Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly, as if he had picked up a big deal.

Just now, he searched in his mind, the memory left by the old guy, and as expected, he found this kind of rhombic crystal, called spirit crystal.

The so-called spirit crystals, as the name suggests, are spiritual qi condensed into crystals in certain special spaces, and their rarity is more than ten thousand times that of diamonds.

What can spirit crystals do?

For immortal cultivators, the spiritual energy inside the spirit crystal is pure, which is of great benefit to their practice. If they rely on it for long-term cultivation, their cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds. For ordinary people, spirit crystal can prolong their life and keep their health forever.

It is not difficult to imagine that the appearance of each spirit crystal will attract people who know the goods to scramble for it.

After picking up the spirit crystal, Lin Chen returned back the same way satisfied.


the next day.

Early in the morning, Lin Chen was awakened by a loud knock on the door.

"What's the matter, wife?"

Lin Chen opened his sleepy eyes, looked at Su Qingcheng who was standing at the door with an angry face and asked.

"What did you do last night? Did you break the bowl or tear down the door!"

Su Qingcheng pinched her waist with both hands, and said angrily.

Thinking that the door of the villa was open last night, she was afraid for a while. A thief would come in, and no one of them would know.


Lin Chen was speechless for a while, and scolded Keino Yoshida eight hundred times in his heart.

This guy opened the door, and now he has to bear the blame. How could he let this guy die so easily at that time!

"I've already asked someone to reinstall it, but in the future, if you dare to smash the door again, you will sleep at the gate for me."

After saying this, Su Qingcheng went downstairs without looking back.

The reason why she was so angry with Lin Chen was entirely because of

Slamming down the door for Lin Chen was a way of venting his emotions, dissatisfaction with himself.

It's really maddening!

I don't know what ecstasy soup Xiao Wanyu poured into him!

Didn't she just throw away a piece of clothing? As for smashing the door?

Here, Lin Chen has an innocent face, with the words "wrongful" written all over his face!

Just when he was hesitating whether to tell his wife what happened last night.

The phone rang.

It was Xiao Wanyu calling.

What is this woman going to do?

Don't think about it, my wife's anger is not only caused by the broken door, but probably more related to this woman. He thought that the last time the matter had been resolved, who would have thought...

Women are so troublesome...

After answering the phone, Lin Chen said angrily, "What's wrong, Miss Xiao, call me early in the morning, what's the matter?"

Unexpectedly, an anxious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Lin Chen, my grandfather's condition suddenly became serious. As long as you can save my grandfather, I will give you whatever you want."


"Where are you, send me an address."

Lin Chen said slowly.

Last time, I heard Xiao Wanyu mention that the place where Mr. Xiao lives is haunted. Could it be that something dirty in his house made him seriously ill?

Human life is at stake.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen immediately went downstairs and smiled at Su Qingcheng: "Honey, can I ask for a day off today?"

"What's wrong with you, not feeling well?"

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng said suspiciously.

"Hmm... It's just that my stomach is not feeling well." Lin Chen said in pain with a distressed expression.

"Then do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Immediately, Su Qingcheng looked concerned, and then turned on the phone, wanting to contact the gastrologist.

"No need for my wife, I'll just rest for a day, probably because I caught a cold last night and my stomach hurts."

Lin Chen said without blushing.

"Okay, I have an early meeting today. If you feel uncomfortable, call me."

"Don't worry, wife."

Lin Chen nodded.

After watching Su Qingcheng leave, he quickly changed his clothes, walked around to the back door of the villa area and went to the address given by Xiao Wanyu.

Meanwhile, the underground garage.

Su Qingcheng patted his forehead: "Look at my memory, I forgot the car keys."

But when she returned to the villa and went to pick up the car keys.

In the villa, where there is Lin Chen, Lin Chen's pair of white canvas shoes on the shoe rack also disappeared.

At this moment, Su Qingcheng suddenly realized, and immediately stomped his feet angrily: "Stinky Lin Chen! How dare you lie to me!!!"

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