Overnight Success

Chapter 73 Get Out Of Here

Yunhuai City Government Building.

Governor's office.

A roar sounded: "Chen Dudu, members of my Jitian family died in Yunhuai City, what explanation do you plan to give me?"

Yoshida Kakyu stared coldly at Chen Wenbin in front of him, his eyes were full of anger.

Hearing this, Chen Wenbin, who was sitting on the big office chair, looked at the pictures in his hand with a sad expression on his face. Biqu library

In the picture, a few bones and some broken clothes were taken...

According to Kazukyu Yoshida, this was discovered on a barren mountain, and the owner of the bone in the picture belonged to the clansman Yoshida Keino.

"Yoshida Keino just came from Sakura Country the day before yesterday. He is an important figure in our family. Now that he is dead, he has a great influence on our family." Speaking of this, Yoshida Kakyu said indifferently: "Now he died inexplicably in Yunhuai City , the patriarch is already angry and ordered me to thoroughly investigate this matter and find the murderer!"

Chen Wenbin rubbed his forehead, and then slowly said: "Mr. Yixiu, I am deeply sorry for Mr. Keino's death. Don't worry about this matter, I will definitely give you an explanation."

Yoshida Ikyu snorted coldly: "I hope Mr. Dudu will give me a satisfactory reply as soon as possible, otherwise once the patriarch comes over in person, this matter will not end so easily."

In the past, he would naturally not be so rude to Chen Wenbin, but now the death of Yoshida Keino gave him a reason to challenge Chen Wenbin.

Hearing that the patriarch of the Yoshida family was coming in person, Chen Wenbin frowned. He knew that if this matter was not handled properly, his official career might be lost.

"I don't know if Mr. Yixiu has any clues?"

At this moment, Chen Wenbin asked.

"I will come to you if I have clues?" Yoshida Kazukyu said coldly.

In fact, he could also guess why Yoshida Keino died, but what surprised him was that this guy failed to kill Lin Chen, but died on the mountain himself. Was Yoshida Keino really killed by Lin Chen?

Therefore, he decided to come here to put pressure on Chen Wenbin. Even if this matter passes, Lin Chen can't be taken down, but Chen Wenbin can't absolve himself of the blame anyway. If he can get out of the position of governor, Yoshida Keino will die well. .

Watching the back of Yoshida Ikkyu leaving angrily, Chen Wenbin felt dizzy for a while.

Kazukyu Yoshida as the Law Enforcement Organization

The leader is in charge of the order and stability of the city. Now that something happened to his people, he doesn't care at all. Instead, he came to ask the teacher for the crime. Obviously, the killing of Yoshida Keino was just an introduction. His real purpose was to throw himself a bomb.

After pondering for a while, Chen Wenbin checked the monitoring of the road section closest to the crime scene.

It was roughly midnight, and two figures passed by quickly one after the other, but unfortunately the frame was dropped, and the faces in the picture were very blurred.

Of course, he can be sure that one of them is the dead Yoshida Keino, and the other is...

stared for a while.

The more Chen Wenbin looked at it, the more familiar it became.

Why is this somewhat similar to Lin Chen's profile...

Regarding this, Chen Wenbin frowned. If this person is really Lin Chen, then he is probably the murderer of Yoshida Keino.

However, Lin Chen is now the object he is trying his best to win over. He can't really arrest Lin Chen and give the Yoshida family an explanation.

Just when Chen Wenbin was hesitating whether to call Lin Chen to find out.

Lin Chen has arrived at Mr. Xiao's residence.

Mr. Xiao lives in a remote mountain village. According to Xiao Wanyu, Mr. Xiao chose to recuperate here because Mr. Xiao has been ill all year round and has a high demand for air quality.

However, the construction of this residence was designed by the Fengshui master invited by Yun Zhongtian, and it is said that it can improve the old man's condition.

However, until now, the old man's condition has not improved, but has become more serious.

At this time, Xiao Wanyu was waiting outside the door.

When she saw Lin Chen, she hurried forward and led him into the house.

The house was full of descendants of the direct and collateral descendants of the Xiao family.

Obviously, the old man has been plagued by illness for a long time, and he was even more frightened last night. Whether he can survive today is another matter.

Once he dies, who will take charge of the overall situation of the Xiao family in the future, and how to distribute the property, these are all problems.

"What time is Xiao Wanyu! You are still fooling around with a man, I don't care what you do outside, but you actually brought him home, what do you mean?"

Following a cold reprimand, a young man in a black shirt, suit pants, and leather shoes walked out of the crowd.

Yun Zhongtian followed behind him.

The young man's name is Xiao Kun, and he is Xiao Wanyu's big brother. In this generation,

Xiao Kun and Xiao Wanyu's abilities are comparable, therefore, the future power of the Xiao family must be between the two of them.

And before Mr. Xiao fell ill, he loved Xiao Wanyu very much, so in the eyes of more people, it is more likely that Xiao Wanyu will be in charge of the Xiao family.

Therefore, this caused Xiao Kun and Xiao Wanyu to be at odds all along, and the two brothers and sisters have always been at odds with each other.

"Xiao Kun, pay attention to your words." Xiao Wanyu said unkindly: "This is the doctor I found for Grandpa."

Hearing this, Xiao Kun glanced at Lin Chen's attire, and said bluntly: "How can he save the old man?"

"Let him show his medical certificate first, otherwise how can he prove that he is a doctor!"

"You..." Xiao Wanyu glared at him angrily, then turned to look at Lin Chen: "Excuse me, Lin Chen, do you have your medical certificate?"

Lin Chen shook his head.

Seeing this, Yun Zhongtian who was behind Xiao Kun immediately ridiculed: "I don't think he didn't bring it, he didn't have it at all!"

Thinking of the last time he was slapped in the face by Lin Chen at the banquet, he was so angry that his teeth itch, and his anger surged.

Now, this guy is actually getting together with Xiao Wanyu, which makes him even more unacceptable.

"Yun Zhongtian, don't be bloody. Everyone saw Mr. Lin's ability at the last banquet. If you dare to slander him, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Xiao Wanyu said coldly.

Yun Zhongtian blushed, before he could speak, Xiao Kun said indifferently: "Xiao Wanyu, pay attention to your attitude towards Mr. Yun, he is my guest."

As he said that, Xiao Kun stared at Lin Chen and said, "I've heard about you too. When I was young, I thought I knew a little about Feng Shui and medical skills, so I dared to call myself a master?"

"Whether it's a master or not, you can tell just by looking at it." Seeing Xiao Kun's aim at Lin Chen everywhere, Xiao Wanyu's expression became a little more angry.

"Lin Chen, please see my grandpa quickly."

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded, then glanced at Xiao Kun.

Don't look at the monk's face to look at the Buddha's face, since he promised Xiao Wanyu, he will naturally do it.

However, just as he was walking towards Mr. Xiao's bedroom.

"and many more!"

An insipid voice sounded.

The next moment, Xiao Kun stood in front of Lin Chen and said contemptuously, "Have I allowed you to enter my grandpa's bedroom?"

"Be sensible, get out of here immediately!"

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