Overnight Success

Chapter 620 Fox Immortal

Then, Lin Chen stamped the sole of his foot, and an invisible wave of air swept out.

In the blink of an eye, the air wave rushed over the chests of these golden chickens, and for a while, wailing was everywhere.

Visible to the naked eye, the flesh and blood of these golden roosters flew everywhere, fell to the ground in pieces, and turned into corpses.

See this scene.

Qingxuan's eyes were full of shock.

The whole person freezes in place like petrification.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen continued to strike, and a powerful aura burst out.

Swish Swish Swish!

One after another silver needles wrapped in aura, shot in all directions in an instant. kanδんu5.net

Immediately, every golden rooster hit by the silver needle exploded one by one, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

At this moment, Lin Chen pushed all the way horizontally, with absolute power like crushing, directly killing all these golden roosters.

The scene was once extremely scary.

The corpses piled up like a mountain, and the blood even merged into a small stream, flowing quietly.

"Lin Chen..."

Looking at Lin Chen's back, Qingxuan didn't know what to say to express the shock in her heart at this moment.

She never thought that the real strength of the young man in front of her would be so powerful.

In less than five minutes, the golden roosters all over the mountains were slaughtered by him just like that...

Thinking of this, Qingxuan had a new understanding of Lin Chen, and felt ridiculous about his previous behavior.

And on the mountain not far away.

Ross was standing here, using a telescope, to clearly see what happened at Lin Chen's place.

When he found out that Lin Chen had slaughtered all the golden chickens, he was also a little disappointed.

"Eyeless Daoist, your golden rooster doesn't seem to have any soft use!" Ross looked at the Eyeless Daoist and said dissatisfiedly: "Back then, when we were in the capital, you guaranteed that you would win Lin Chen, you Shouldn't you forget it?"

"Mr Ross, this is just the beginning."

The head of Wuyan Dao didn't panic at all, and said flatly: "My real killer is still to come, as long as this kid dares to continue to go down, I guarantee that he will never return."

"It's better that way."

Ross said: "Mr. Boss said, as long as you have the ability to kill Lin Chen, when you open the Huaguo Secret Collection in the future, there will definitely be a part of you."

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Boss and Senator Ross."

The eyeless Taoist bowed and said.

"I still have something to do, and I will leave it to you."

After Ross finished speaking, he cast a cold glance at Lin Chen in the distance, then turned and left.


On the other hand, when Lin Chen got rid of the golden rooster, he immediately chose to move on.

Qingxuan followed quickly, and asked curiously: "Lin Chen, who did you learn your strength from?" kΑnshuwu.ξa

"You are so powerful, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Lin Chen was too lazy to say anything, just when he was about to quicken his pace and head forward.

A strange sound sounded.

Hearing this, Lin Chen stopped and frowned.

Obviously, the voice was extremely hoarse, as if crying for a grave.

next moment.

Suona sounded.

Not far away, a team is walking towards this side.

The team wore white mourning clothes, and among them were eight strong men who were carrying a gold silk coffin.

The entire team was expressionless, and the leader was a seventy-year-old man.

Except for the old man who often showed a smile, the eyes of the others were dull, as if they were dead.

"Wild ghost!"

Seeing this, Qingxuan said coldly.

As a demon slayer, her first task is to exorcise evil spirits, so she has a natural insight into ghosts.

In front of them, this team is lifeless, and there is no shadow behind them, so there is only one possibility, these people are wild ghosts who have not been reincarnated.

"Come on, let's go and have a look."

Lin Chen said.

"it is good."

Qingxuan nodded, and planned to find out.

And when the two stood in front of a group of people, the leading old man waved his hand.

The team stopped immediately, and the eight strong men slowly put the gold silk coffin on the ground.

"When you see Master Hu Immortal, why don't you kneel obediently to show your respect?"

The old man gave a loud shout.

"Fox Fairy?"

Hearing this, Qingxuan sneered, "It's just a goblin, and it's really shameless to dare to call itself a great fairy!"

"And, just relying on you ghosts, how can you have the courage to let me kneel down for you?"

"Bold!" The old man shouted angrily, "How dare you disrespect the fox fairy?"

Qingxuan snorted coldly, and when his eyes swept towards the gold silk coffin, a brilliant light burst out.

Without saying a word, she formed seals with both hands, and waved a streamer.

The streamer hit the coffin, and the coffin board shattered in an instant.

The old man's expression changed, and he immediately knelt down on the ground, kowtowed repeatedly, and said in a trembling voice: "This subordinate has neglected his duty, please don't blame the fox fairy!"

"Dare to disturb the purity of this immortal, do you want to die?"

A sharp sound sounded.

Then, in the coffin, stood up a beautiful woman in a white dress.

The woman has a pair of red phoenix eyes, a tall nose bridge, coupled with a clean and flawless pretty face, the beauty can be described as thrilling.

However, at this moment, there was a trace of anger on the face of this beautiful woman.

She glanced around fiercely, then set her eyes on Qingxuan, with a hint of disgust in her eyes and said:

"What a nasty smell."

Then, she said coldly: "The golden rooster here is my pet. You killed my pet and didn't give me an explanation. You dare to disturb my cleanliness. Are you looking for death?"

"Explanation?" Qingxuan smiled disdainfully: "As a goblin, you didn't lie in the ravine honestly, but imitated the underworld and built a Jinji Mountain. This has violated the law of heaven. Even if I kill you today, I will also eliminate harm for the people."

"The tone is really not small." The beautiful woman sneered: "It's not that I haven't fought against demon slayers before. With your strength, I'm afraid you don't have the right to shout in front of me."

Saying that, the beautiful woman gave the old man a look.

The old man understood, showing a ferocious face, pulled out the dagger worn at his waist, and stabbed directly at Qingxuan.

Qingxuan didn't even hide, swung Qingfeng out, and a sword energy emerged.

Setsuna, the old man was torn apart by the sword energy and turned into a cloud of green smoke, which drifted away with the wind.


The beautiful woman cursed, and then ordered to everyone around her: "Give it to me!!!"

And when everyone received the order, they rushed towards Qingxuan.

Qingxuan swung several sword qi one after another.

The sharp sword energy immediately cut off everyone, turning their ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

into nothingness.

Seeing this situation, the extremely beautiful woman was furious, and a shocking aura was continuously rising from her body. Reading La

"Woman, you are courting death!"

The stunningly beautiful woman roared angrily, her pretty face showing a look of panic.

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