Overnight Success

Chapter 621 Don't Worry, Just Leave It To Me

As soon as the beautiful woman's voice fell, a huge evil spirit gushed out from her body crazily.

Visible to the naked eye, this monstrous evil spirit condensed into a fox.

The fox's body was snow-white, and a pair of eyes revealed an evil light. Just looking at each other, one could feel a strong sense of charm.

"Demons and ghosts, dare to be fierce?"

Qingxuan shouted tenderly, holding the three-foot Qingfeng, he slashed at the fox.


The sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

Seeing that the three-foot Qingfeng in Qingxuan's hand is about to reach the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman snorted coldly and waved her hands.

The fox behind let out a piercing scream, and saw the hair on its body, like silver needles, rushing towards Qingxuan.

Seeing this, Qingxuan was shocked and wanted to arrive, but it was too late.

Swish Swish Swish! ! !

Suddenly, Qingxuan fell heavily on the ground, his clothes were riddled with holes, exposing his snow-white skin.

And on that skin, it was covered with fox fur and blood flowed.


No matter how firm Qingxuan's will was, he still couldn't bear the severe pain on his body and let out a scream.

"Ha ha!"

The beautiful woman sneered, and said with disdain: "Now the demon slayer is really weak, with such strength, he dares to speak out!"

"This immortal will send you to hell!"

After finishing speaking, the beautiful woman waved her hand, and the fox behind her spit out a beam of light from its mouth.

As soon as the light beam came out, it exuded a terrifying power.

Don't think about it, if this beam of light is allowed to hit Qingxuan, she will die immediately.

However, at this time, Qingxuan was severely injured, not to mention dodging, but he hardly even had the strength to stand up.

"Big brother, Xuan'er is coming to see you soon."

Qingxuan closed his eyes in despair, a teardrop slipped from the corner of his eye.

Just when she was ready to die on time.

Suddenly, a sword qi slashed out and stood in front of her.


The light beam and sword energy collided with each other.


Under this sword energy, the terrifying light beam directly turned into nothingness.

Sensing this sudden change, Qingxuan opened his eyes with shock.


At some point, Lin Chen was standing in front of her.

"Thank you, I owe you another favor..."

Qingxuan said with difficulty.

Counting the assassination by the golden rooster before, Lin Chen has saved her twice today.

On weekdays, she is used to fighting alone, but she never thought that one day, there would be a man willing to stand in front of her, stop all dangers for her, and protect her from harm.

At this moment, Qing Xuan's usually calm heart also had slight ripples.

She stared at Lin Chen's back seriously, trying to engrave it in her mind.

"give it to me."

Lin Chen didn't turn his head back.

"it is good."

Qing Xuan nodded slightly.

At this time, the beautiful woman on the opposite side also noticed Lin Chen, and couldn't help admiring: "Unexpectedly, this little big brother is even more skilled."

"Just right, it's been a long time since any young man has been here, would you like to be my fairy's plaything?"

"Don't worry, follow me, I will definitely not treat you badly."

Speaking of this, the beautiful woman giggled.

"I'm sorry, human monsters have different ways, and for evil monsters like you, I have always seen one and killed the other."

Lin Chen said lightly.

As soon as the words came out.

The beautiful woman's eyebrows turned cold, and her tone was cold: "So, you refused?"

Lin Chen was noncommittal: "Stop talking nonsense, just use whatever you have."

"Okay, then I'll satisfy you!"

The extremely beautiful woman's expression turned completely cold, and with a big move, a golden scepter was firmly held in her hand from the golden silk coffin.

"Boy, since you don't know how to praise, don't blame me for being rude."

The beautiful woman said coldly: "Just now, my lord ordered me to execute the two outsiders. Originally, I thought you had a good skin, so I planned to spare your life."

"But since you choose to refuse, I can only drain your bone marrow and turn you into the nutrient for my growth!"

As the words fell, the golden scepter in the hand of the beautiful woman flashed an evil light.

Immediately afterwards, she waved the golden scepter and shouted: "Let's fight!"

For a time, the ground shook violently in a radius of ten miles. kanδんu5.net

In all directions, strands of black mist also emerged, carrying a strong demonic aura, enveloping the entire mountain peak.


Seemingly sucking the black mist into his body, Qing Xuan, who had already been severely injured, spat out a mouthful of blood again.

His face quickly turned pale.

Afterwards, she said with an ugly face: "The Ten Thousand Poison Demon Formation!"

Once the formation is fully deployed, the terrifying poisonous gas will annihilate all living things in the formation.

The only ones that are not affected are the monsters.

"This array is laid out on the entire mountain. It can be said that from the moment we enter this mountain, we are considered to be within the attack range of this array, and there is no way to escape."

Lin Chen said slowly.

For this formation, there was a record in the Yin-Yang Secret Art, so he would naturally know about it.

But since there are records, he naturally knows the weakness of this formation.

Therefore, compared to Qingxuan's anxiety, Lin Chen was still in a calm mood, appearing not in a hurry.

However, in the eyes of the beautiful woman, Lin Chen's calm expression was nothing but a faux pas.

She smiled contemptuously: "Why, do you regret it now?"

"It's a pity that once this formation is activated, it will consume a lot of my mana. Even if you regret it, it will be too late."

Hearing this, Qingxuan blamed himself: "Lin Chen is my useless, and I've hurt you."

"In this way, I will fight with her later to see if I can open a gap in this formation, and you can find a chance to escape."

"However, if you can escape successfully, I hope you can find the owner of the glass heart and protect her."

Seeing Qingxuan's determined face, Lin Chen said speechlessly: "There is no need to be so pessimistic. As for the owner of the glass heart, you should find it yourself."

Speaking of this, he turned his head to look at the beautiful woman, and smiled softly: "You don't know, you really think that you can take me down with this formation-breaking technique alone?" kΑnshuwu.ξa

"If you really think so, you're dead wrong."

Regarding this, the beautiful woman said coldly: "Death is imminent, and you are still stubborn, then I will activate the formation and let you feel the real despair!"

As she spoke, the beautiful woman picked up the golden scepter, raised it high to the sky, and spit out a sentence of jerky and incomprehensible spells.

In an instant, a dazzling golden light emanated from the scepter and shot straight into the sky.

The entire sky was filled with dark clouds, lightning flashed across the sky, and thunder bursts.

Boom boom boom! !

There was a strong wind.

The beautiful woman stood in the strong wind, her white dress fluttering with the wind, like a deity descended into the world.

Immediately, she shouted in a deep voice: "Stupid mortal, completely annihilate!"

next second.

The entire mountain peak was ravaged by poisonous gas, turning into balls and approaching Lin Chen and the others rapidly.

At this moment, Qingxuan could barely breathe. Feeling the power of this poisonous gas, he was already planning to burn his cultivation base and fight desperately.

"Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Suddenly, Lin Chen turned his head and smiled.

In the smile, there is a strong confidence.

Seeing this smile, Qingxuan couldn't feel at ease, and nodded like a ghost: "Okay, I believe you."

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