Overnight Success

Chapter 635 Lin Chen Arrives And Finds The Place

Setsuna room.

The silver needle penetrated Shangguan Tongshi's wrist, spattering blood.


Shangguan Tongshi cried out in pain, and then threw away the silver sword in his hand.


Shangguan was shocked and looked around.

At the same time, the bodyguards of Shangguan's family showed vigilance and prepared for battle.

next moment.

A figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was Lin Chen.

Seeing this, everyone's expressions changed, and they stared at Lin Chen as if facing a formidable enemy.

"Lin Chen?"

"Why are you here?"

Zan Qianming on the side looked surprised, and then his face was full of hatred.

"Lin Chen!" Shangguan Tongshi held his wrists and shouted: "Trespassing on my Shangguan's house, do you really think that my Shangguan's house can do anything to you?"

Obviously, he didn't expect Lin Chen to appear here at such a time.

Regarding this, Lin Chen said blankly: "It's up to you, you don't have the strength yet."

"I'm here this time to tell you that if you dare to touch Shangguan Wan'er again, I guarantee that your head will hang high on the gate of Shangguan's house."

As soon as the words came out.

There was a sensation in the audience.

Everyone looked at Lin Chen as if they were a fool.

They don't know Lin Chen's background, but no matter what the background is, it is obviously an extremely unwise decision to dare to threaten Shangguan Tongshi at Shangguan's house.

"Boy, you really are lawless!"

"Today, I will let you know what it means that Shangguan's family should not be humiliated!"

"Come on, take this kid down for me!"

Shangguan Tongshi said angrily.

In front of so many people, if he still can't take down a brat, one can imagine what this group of people will think of him?

next second.

As soon as Shangguan Tongshi finished speaking, the bodyguards in the yard rushed to Lin Chen's side, forming a siege.

At this moment, the entire yard was filled with a murderous atmosphere.

Everyone could see that Shangguan Tongshi had murderous intentions.

"Shangguan Tongshi, if you have the ability, you come to me. This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Lin!"

Shangguan Wan'er shouted anxiously.

Although the moment Lin Chen appeared, she was very happy.

But she didn't want Lin Chen to be in danger because of her.

"Eat the food inside and out, don't forget that you are from Shangguan's family!"

Shangguan Tongshi roared.

"A member of Shangguan's family?"

Shangguan Wan'er smiled coldly: "If you really regard me as a member of Shangguan's family, you won't ask me to marry without consent!"

"This kind of family, I don't care!"


"Shangguan Tongshi's face turned completely dark.

"What are you doing in a daze, take him down for me!"

Seeing that the bodyguards did not move further, Shangguan Tongshi roared.


The bodyguards looked at each other, and then rushed towards Lin Chen.

This group of bodyguards was hired by Shangguan's family at a high price. Everyone was a mercenary before, and their skills were extremely high.

However, in Lin Chen's eyes, they are as fragile as ants.


Lin Chen swung his fists, carrying spiritual energy, crushing him like a dragon crossing a river.

"Bang bang bang..."

Every time he punched, one of the bodyguards' tendons was broken and he was knocked unconscious.

Just a moment.

These well-trained bodyguards flew out one by one, hit the ground heavily, and all fell into a coma.

"That's it?"

Lin Chen smiled disdainfully, looked at Shangguan Tongshi and said indifferently.

At this moment, he stood with his hands behind his back, just standing here, he looked majestic, like a god of death from hell.

Immediately, two gusts of cold air rose from the soles of everyone's feet, rushing straight to the sky.

They stare at each other, unable to speak a word.

It was because Lin Chen was too strong, and the oppression of standing here made them a little breathless.

You know, these bodyguards are all mercenaries!

Why now, they are like dead dogs, unable to resist in front of Lin Chen.

"Father, I'll teach him!"

Shangguan Aoshi couldn't stand it any longer, he ruled the world against Shangguan.

As the most prestigious young generation of the Shangguan family, he must save the face of the Shangguan family.

And this time, if he can thwart Lin Chen's limelight, his prestige will reach another level.

At that time, the position of the Young Patriarch will be almost guaranteed.

"Be careful, this kid is a bit weird."

Shangguan Tongshi said.

Even though his own son's strength far exceeds him, he has fought against Lin Chen after all, and he knows that his strength is extraordinary, so he must not be underestimated.

"rest assured."

As Shangguan said proudly, he took a step forward, and his whole body was filled with arrogance that looked down upon the world.

"Boy, after so many years, this is the first time you dare to provoke my Shangguan family!"

"Have you ever thought about your last words?"

Seeing Shangguan Aoshi's arrogance, the corner of Lin Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

"I haven't thought about my last words, but I really should."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen's figure was so blurry that he appeared directly in front of Shangguan Aoshi and punched him in the chest.

This punch was unexpected and powerful.

Caught off guard, Shangguan Aoshi was caught in the face, and his whole body was blasted to the wall of the backyard like a cannonball.

A hole was punched in the wall.

Several ribs in Shangguan Aoshi's chest were broken, and he fell to the ground in embarrassment, spurting several mouthfuls of blood.

His face quickly turned pale.

"Boy, you are too deceptive, you dare to do something to my son?"

Shangguan Tongshi hurried to Shangguan Aoshi to check his injuries, and immediately yelled at Lin Chen.

"Old man, I just want to ask you, who hurt Shangguan Wan'er like this?"

Lin Chen said in a cold tone when he saw Shangguan Wan'er's seriously injured legs.

"She accidentally fell."

Shangguan Tongshi said in a low voice: "You can't blame others."

"Wan'er is also a warrior of the realm, what kind of throwing method can make her fall like this?"

"Old man, don't you think I'm a fool?"

When Lin Chen uttered this sentence, he had already appeared in front of him.

Looking up at Lin Chen's tall figure, Shangguan Tongshi felt a chill in his heart.

"I'll give you another chance. If you don't tell me, you won't want your son's legs anymore."

As he said that, Lin Chen stepped on Shangguan Aoshi's legs, and the bones of his legs creaked.

"I say!"

Seeing this, Shangguan Tongshi said hastily.

"who is it!"

"It's the two of them!" Shangguan Tongshi said, pointing to the two bodyguards huddled in the corner. Biqu library

At this moment, when the two bodyguards saw Lin Chen's gaze sweeping over, their expressions changed drastically, and they immediately ran out without looking back.

Judging from the strength shown by Lin Chen before, it can be determined that they are definitely not Lin Chen's opponents.

Therefore, the only way the two of them could think of at the moment was to escape.

Unfortunately, in front of Lin Chen, this is doomed to be futile.

Without further ado.

Lin Chen swung two silver needles.

Swish! !

The silver needle pierced the back of the necks of the two bodyguards steadily, without even uttering a scream, the two bodyguards stared wide-eyed, fell stiffly to the ground, and lost their breath.

"I killed these two people, do you have any opinions?"

Lin Chen looked down at Shangguan Tongshi and said indifferently.

Shangguan Tongshi's chest was heaving with anger, but he dared not push back.

It is really the elder of Shangguan's family, that person who is like a pinnacle of pinning the sea, is still in retreat, and without that as a backing, Shangguan really doesn't have much confidence in ruling the world.

Therefore, no matter how unbearable the tone was, he could only bear it.

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