Overnight Success

Chapter 641: Fearless


Regarding this, Lin Chen snorted disdainfully. If the other party thought that these guys alone could restrain him, it would be too fantastical.

Seeing all the mutated people, they were less than three inches away from him when they opened their teeth and danced their claws.

At this moment, Lin Chen moved.

With a wave of his sleeve, what he waved this time was not a silver needle, but a sky-filled talisman.

The talisman paper glowed with golden light.

As soon as it appeared, the mutant crowd let out screams!

It can be seen with the naked eye that under the illumination of the talisman paper, white smoke rose from the bodies of the mutated people, and their mutated bodies were quickly returning to normal.

It's just that this process was so painful that everyone rolled on the ground in pain.

Immediately, Zan Qianming's face changed drastically, "Boy, what did you do to my puppets!"

Lin Chen didn't answer.

Instead, they continued to urge the talisman paper, and in just a moment, many people's minds returned to normal.

"court death!"

Zan Qianming finally couldn't calm down, and immediately he mobilized his inner strength and pointed at Lin Chen's chest.

Obviously, when he returned to Miaojiang this time, he saw the high priest, who had used his supreme power to help him recover from his injuries.

Therefore, when he saw Lin Chen again, he had no fear.


Lin Chen glanced at him sideways, holding the talisman paper with one hand, and freed the other hand to swing a fist.


Fist wind swept through.


Zan Qianming, who had just charged at full speed, was thrown back to the ground by this punch, and fell into a panic.


Zan Qianming clutched his chest, couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, his entire face turned pale.

"Damn it!"

Zan Qianming beat the ground, showing a trace of unwillingness.

He didn't expect that even if the injury recovered and Lin Chen could only use one hand, he would still be no match for him.

And at this moment, the golden light of the talisman paper dissipated.

Everyone returned to normal, one by one paralyzed on the ground, and their brains couldn't help being in a trance.

"Wan'er, Patriarch Wang, please take them aside to prevent me from hurting the innocent."

Lin Chen said lightly.

"it is good."

The next moment, the two called on everyone to retreat far away, keeping a distance of 20 meters from Lin Chen.

"Prepare your last words. My patience is limited. I only give you ten seconds."

Lin Chen looked at Zan Qianming and Meng Na and said.

"Boy, don't be too rampant, it's not yet known who will die!"

Zan Qianming got up and roared angrily.

As for Meng Na's expressionless face, she stared at Lin Chen coldly.

A shocking aura was slowly gathering from her body.

Aware of this, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

Until now, this is the first time he has felt a sense of oppression from the people of Miaojiang.

It seems that this time there is a powerful character.

"Mona teaches

Chapter 641 Fearless [1/3] Lord, let's fight together, and this kid will definitely pay the price in blood today! "

Zan Qianming spit out this sentence, bit his finger, and directly activated the secret technique.

In an instant, Zan Qianming's aura also rose sharply, his pupils were full of murderous aura, and then he drew a saber from his waist.

The blade glowed coldly.

There are layers of black air surrounding it.

Seeing this black air, Lin Chen's eyes were extremely serious.

From this black air, he sensed another person's breath, and this breath was as deep as a prison, extremely strong, if he expected it to be true, the source of the breath should be the mysterious high priest of the Miao nationality. kΑnshuwu.ξa

"This sword was given to me by the High Priest. You are lucky to die under this sword."

Zan Qianming gave a cold cry, bit his finger again, and condensed drops of essence and blood on the blade.

Seemingly being replenished with fresh blood, the black energy on the knife became more solidified.

The saber energy emanating from it caused the whole world to split into two halves at this moment!

For this scene.

Everyone took a few steps back one after another, lest they be affected by it.

"This person is holding this knife, I am afraid that his combat strength is no less than that of the peak powerhouse."

"There is also that woman. Although she didn't make a move, I have an intuition that if she makes a move, she will be more terrifying than this person."

Wang Xionglie said in a solemn tone.

"Mr. Lin, he will be fine..."

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er couldn't help feeling worried for Lin Chen.

All along, her impression of Lin Chen was that he was strong and cold, as if nothing in this world could defeat him.

But now, Zan Qianming and Meng Na are coming in menacingly, and she is very afraid that something will happen to Lin Chen.

Thinking of this, Shangguan Wan'er stared coldly at Shangguan Tongshi who was not far away: "Let the wolf into the house, look at what you have done!"

"Let me tell you, if Mr. Lin makes any mistakes today, I will never let you go!"

Hearing this, Shangguan Tongshi was silent for a while.

He knew that if it wasn't for Lin Chen, he would already be a sinner of Shangguan's family.

At this moment, Zan Qianming stepped forward, swung the blade, and chopped off Lin Chen's head.

Setsuna, with a strong saber aura permeated the air, and its sharp meaning made everyone feel that their skin was about to be torn apart.

"Miss, the Shangguan sword is with me, you can give it to Mr. Lin, maybe it can help him."

Suddenly, Shangguan Xue snatched the Shangguan sword from Shangguan Aoshi's hand and handed it to Shangguan Wan'er.

Shangguan is proud of the world with black lines.

When the Shangguan sword fell from his father's hand, he had already picked it up for safekeeping, but unexpectedly, it was snatched away by Shangguan Xue right now.

And came face to face and borrowed flowers to offer Buddha.

But when he wanted to stop him, it was too late, Shangguan Wan'er took the Shangguan sword and threw it to Lin Chen directly.

"Thank you."

Lin Chen said

Chapter 641 No fear of anything [2/3 sound.

Facing Zan Qianming's powerful move.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Chen was already holding the sword, crossing it in front of the knife.


There was a hissing sound as the blade collided with the blade.

Lin Chen snorted, with blue veins protruding from his five fingers, and poured spiritual energy into the Shangguan sword.

The sound of the sword resounded.

Shangguan's sword pierced through Zan Qianming's defense, and he went forward bravely, pointing directly at Zan Qianming's chest.

"What!" Zan Qianming's face changed suddenly, two drops of cold sweat fell from his forehead, and his heart was palpitating.

Even though he tried his best to avoid it, the sword energy still pierced his chest.


A line of blood spilled down from the chest rib pierced by Zan Qianming.


Zan Qianming wailed, and his whole body flew upside down, hitting the ground heavily.

"The sword is not bad, and it is quite easy to use."

Lin Chen smiled slightly at Shangguan Wan'er, then his eyes turned cold, and he said coldly to Zan Qianming who fell to the ground: "You have been doing evil in the world for so long, it's time to send you to hell."

The voice fell.

Like a flash of light between heaven and earth, Lin Chen appeared in front of Zan Qianming in the blink of an eye.

Zan Qianming's scalp was numb, and he had no choice but to concentrate all his strength on the blade, trying to resist Lin Chen's attack.

But soon.

His illusions were completely shattered.

The Shangguan sword was in Lin Chen's hand, with momentum like a rainbow, directly piercing through the last resistance of Zan Qianming. The sword aura remained, like a giant dragon with its bloody mouth wide open, tearing Zan Qianming's body apart bit by bit.

Flesh flew everywhere.

Just when Zan Qianming was about to be annihilated under the sword energy.

A figure suddenly appeared, and when he raised his hand, he directly defeated all sword energy.

The figure is Meng Na.

At this time, Zan Qianming was panting heavily, his body was bloody and bloody, his face was as pale as paper, his whole body was trembling, all the veins in his body were broken, and he looked extremely miserable.

"help me……"

Zan Qianming looked at Meng Na in front of him, and said in a hoarse voice.

Meng Na turned around, glanced at him with her cold eyes that were not mixed with emotion, and there was a hint of cruelty at the corner of her mouth. kΑnshuwu.ξa


Zan Qianming's hairs stood on end, and his eyes showed strong panic.

"You...you can't do this..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Meng Na bit his neck artery in an instant, frantically sucking the little blood left in his body.

Just like that, in just a few seconds, Zan Qianming turned into a mummy and died completely.

Everyone also gasped, never expecting the woman in front of them to be so ruthless, even if they did not spare their companions.

Turning around, Meng Na stretched out her tongue and licked the blood on the corner of her mouth, looking unsatisfied.

"Then now, it's your turn!"

As her creepy cold laughter sounded, everyone could feel Meng Na's boiling killing intent towards Lin Chen in an instant.

Chapter 641 No Fear Of Everything [3/3

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