Overnight Success

Chapter 642 High Priest's Means, Lin Chen Dangerous

Between lightning and flint.

Meng Na rushed towards Lin Chen like a ghost.

Lin Chen's eyes flickered, instead of retreating, he confronted him instead.


The air wave dispersed.

Lin Chen didn't move, Meng Na took three steps back.

On the surface, Lin Chen had the upper hand, but this time, Lin Chen did not underestimate him.

She has never had a woman's body, and she is only inferior to being able to confront him head-on.

From the current point of view, the strongest offensive method for women in front of them should not be hand-to-hand combat. This confrontation can be regarded as a trial at best.

as predicted.

The corner of Meng Na's mouth curled up, she licked her lips and said, "The blood in this body must be wonderful."

"I'm not afraid of breaking your teeth."

Lin Chen said neither salty nor light.

"Ha ha!"

Meng Na was noncommittal, and the next moment, a pair of beautiful eyes burst into cold light, her hands formed an extremely complicated imprint, a burst of witchcraft power overflowed, and Gu insects appeared on her body.

And at the moment of seal, wisps of strange and dark energy were surrounding Lin Chen.

Sensing this strange and dark energy, Lin Chen understood that it was the woman in front of him who wanted to use the witchcraft on him.

It's a pity that his immortal physique naturally resisted this kind of trick, at least the woman's way of witchcraft had little effect on him.

"The power of the mere curse also wants to hurt me?"

Lin Chen sneered, and then his body burst into golden light, and he took a breath, blowing away all the dark air machines surrounding him in an instant.


Lin Chen came to Meng Na Yichi with lightning speed, and raised his hand to pat her chest.

This palm created strong winds, full of oppression.

However, Meng Na was not flustered. Even though the power of the curse had failed, she still greeted Lin Chen's attack.

Palms collide.


This time, both sides took a step back, and they were evenly matched.

Lin Chen's eyes were fixed, because judging from the encounter just now, Meng Na's aura has become stronger again.

Could it be related to the Gu worms on her body?

Lin Chen swept towards the Gu worms on his body, frowning.

These Gu worms, not to mention wriggling, were obviously alive, and every time they wriggled, Meng Na's aura became stronger.

It seems that this group of Gu worms provided her with a steady stream of

Chapter 642 The means of the high priest, Lin Chen's critical power.

Reminiscent of Meng Na sucking Yun's blood before, it can be seen that the reason why she did this is to provide nutrients for the Gu insects.

"Lin Chen, you can't beat me. The high priest has ordered me to capture you back alive. As long as you obediently give up resistance, I can promise not to move these people today."

On Meng Na's pretty face, a ghostly grin appeared: "Otherwise, they will all become my nourishment today and become a part of my body!"

"Your curse technique can't help me, why do you think you can hurt me?"

Lin Chen said disdainfully.


Meng Na chuckled, and saw Gu worms rioting in her body, her face was instantly pale as white paper, and wisps of dark and strange aura reappeared.

Compared to just now, Lin Chen felt a sense of crisis in Lin Chen's heart this time.


The dark and strange aura penetrated directly into Lin Chen's body surface, instantly imprisoning him in place, unable to move.

Lin Chen's heart trembled.

Obviously, the voodoo technique performed by the opponent this time has already exceeded his expectations.

"This trick was passed on to me by the high priest, and it is to target you."

Meng Na laughed playfully, released a murderous intent, and stepped in front of Lin Chen.

Then, Meng Na stretched out her palm and grabbed Lin Chen's abdomen directly.


Blood rush!

The sharp nails directly pierced Lin Chen's abdomen.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of strange air flowed from Meng Na's palm into Lin Chen's body.

Gradually, an abnormal dark black appeared on Lin Chen's body surface.

"How to do!"

Shangguan Wan'er was in a hurry.

Taking a deep breath, just as she was about to rescue Lin Chen. wΑp.kanshuwu.net

Wang Xionglie stopped her and shook his head: "The purpose of the witchcraft used by this person is to curse Lin Chen and let him be restrained by it. In this way, even if you save Lin Chen, as long as the power of the curse is still there, it will still be useless."

"But are we just watching like this?"

Shangguan Wan'er looked at Wang Xionglie stubbornly.

"Now that your father is recovering from a serious illness, do you want him to lose his daughter as soon as he wakes up?"

Hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er bit her lip and struggled.

"Lin Chen, you killed many of my Miao people, and it's your turn to pay the blood price today!"

Meng Na's tone was indifferent, and she stared at the man in front of her.

At this moment, Lin Chen

Chapter 642 High Priest's Means, Lin Chenwei [2/3 With blue veins appearing on his face, he endured the severe pain like tearing and the negative effects of the curse.


Seeing that Lin Chen was still trying to dissolve the curse power in his body, Meng Na snorted coldly.

This time, in order to use the technique taught by the high priest, she has already squeezed almost 70% of the Gu worm's power in her body.

Now, her life is not easy.

In order to replenish her strength, the Gu worms are constantly eating away at her internal organs without the blood to replenish her.

But it's all worth it!

Because, Lin Chen was completely controlled by her!

Thinking of this, just when Meng Na was relaxing.

A beam of light suddenly appeared.

between breaths.

Because Meng Na consumed too much, even though she had already noticed it, her physical reaction was still half a beat behind.

It was just this half a beat slow, which caused a blood hole to be shot out of her shoulder by the beam.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Meng Na stepped back more than a dozen steps, her footsteps were flimsy, and her figure was already a little unstable.

And this sudden scene also shocked everyone.

Turn around and look.

At the door of the house, a figure was standing here leaning on the wall.

The figure is Shangguan Tomorrow.

Ever since he noticed the abnormal movement outside, he felt a little restless in his heart, so he came out to check immediately after regaining some strength in his body.

But with this beam of light, the strength he had recovered with great difficulty disappeared again.

One staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"you wanna die!"

Meng Na's face was grim. Obviously, being attacked by Shangguan tomorrow made her feel very ashamed.

Just when she gathered all her strength and was about to make a move.

A cold drink sounded.

"Hey, your opponent is us!"

At this moment, under the leadership of Shangguan Wan'er, most of the people stood in front of Shangguan tomorrow, ready to face the battle.

"An ant may shake a tree, beyond its control."

"Since you are looking for death purely, then I will fulfill you!"

After Meng Na finished speaking, a daunting aura erupted from her body!

At this moment, she squeezed the power of all the Gu worms in her body, obviously planning to make a quick decision so that the night would not be full of dreams!

In fact, Lin Chen seemed to have a way to wipe out her curse power. She could clearly feel that the strange aura that entered Lin Chen's body was quickly dissipating...

Chapter 642 High Priest's Means, Lin Chen Danger [3/3

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