Overnight Success

Chapter 643 Unfortunately, You Can't Wait For That Day


Meng Na suddenly moved.

The whole person turned into an afterimage, and with the momentum of thunder, he directly crushed Shangguan Wan'er.

Shangguan Wan'er took a deep breath and was about to resist.

Wang Xionglie suddenly stood in front of her and took the blow for her.


There was a cracking sound.


Wang Xionglie's wrist cracked, and he was broken directly by Meng Na's violent blow.

Afterwards, he was directly knocked down to the ground.

Seeing this, Wang Wantang shouted: "Father!"

Then hurriedly stepped forward to help Wang Xionglie up.

At this time, Wang Xionglie showed pain on his face. Even though the severe pain from his wrist almost made him faint, he still gritted his teeth and looked at Shangguan Mingming behind: "You saved me once back then, but now, we are both clean."

After speaking, Wang Xionglie coughed up a mouthful of blood and fell into a coma.


Wang Wantang was in a hurry.

"Why are you doing this?"

Shangguan sighed slightly tomorrow, and then asked Wang Wantang to carry it back into the house.

"Ask for trouble!"

Seeing this scene, Meng Na snorted disdainfully, her fingertips felt chilly, and in the blink of an eye, she came to Shangguan Wan'er: "This time, I want to see who else can protect you!"

"And us!"

Two coquettish shouts sounded.

It was Shangguan Xue and Shangguan Leng who attacked Meng Na's vitals with lightning speed.

"court death!"

Meng Na's eyes turned cold, just as she was about to hit back at Setsuna.

Shangguan Wan'er shot suddenly, and said coldly: "Your opponent is me!"

At this moment, the inner strength of the three women's palms condensed, forming an absolute attack surrounded by a triangle with Meng Na at the center!

Meng Na's face turned completely cold, and she could only choose to resist.

"Bang bang bang..."

A series of offensives came down.

Meng Na's face became more and more ugly.

It has to be said that the cooperation of these three people is extremely tacit, and for a while, it is difficult for her to break through one by one.

In addition, she was able to control the curse power left in Lin Chen's body by mind control, so that she could only exert less than 50% of her strength at most. Reading La

Take a deep breath.

Meng Na gritted her teeth, and directly bit a hole in the palm of her hand, blood splashed on the Gu worms on her body.

Seemingly driven by the blood, the Gu worms on the surface of the body drilled out of the skin, and after absorbing all the blood, they targeted the three women.

Swish Swish Swish! ! !

These Gu worms waved their wings, revealing their small and sharp teeth, biting directly on Shangguan Leng's neck at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

Chapter 643 Unfortunately, you can't wait until that day [1/3 on.


Shangguan Leng let out a scream.

Soon, these Gu worms burrowed into the body from the wound one after another.

Feeling the excruciating pain, Shangguan Leng collapsed on the ground, sweating profusely from the pain.

next moment.

After the lack of Shangguan Leng, Shangguan Wan'er's triangle offensive against Meng Na suddenly revealed a vacancy.

"Ha ha!"

Meng Na showed a sneer, and then slapped Shangguan Wan'er and Shangguan Xue one after another with her palm.

Facing this turbulent force, the defenses of the two women's bodies were destroyed, and then they spurted a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

Looking at Shangguan Wan'er who was seriously injured, Meng Na walked over step by step, just as she raised her hand to end her life.

Shangguan Leng suddenly appeared in front of Shangguan Wan'er and blocked the blow for her.


Shangguan spat black blood coldly, then glanced at Shangguan Wan'er, and said weakly: "Eldest... eldest miss... run..."

As she spoke, her eyes darkened, and she fell into Shangguan Wan'er's arms.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoxue..."

Shangguan Wan'er was flustered, ignoring her physical injuries, she hurriedly shouted.

But no matter how she shouted, Shangguan Xue never responded.

"Help save people!"

Shangguan Wan'er looked helpless, and shouted to the bystanders behind.

However, not only did everyone not step forward, but they kept retreating.

Obviously, they are very afraid of Meng Na.

No one is willing to risk themselves.

"How are you, desperate?"

Meng Na sneered: "Fight against me, that's the end."

After saying that, she showed a pair of sharp teeth and bit down on Shangguan Wan'er's neck.

On the nick of time.

A strong wind rose.

Meng Na's expression changed, and she was caught off guard by the strong wind.


Meng Na let out a wail, and the skin on her back exploded on the spot under the bombardment of the strong wind.

Blood scattered.

Meng Na took a few steps back, her face was as pale as paper.

"Who gave you the courage to let you touch her!"

A cold sound suddenly sounded.

Follow the reputation.

At some point, Lin Chen broke free and approached Meng Na step by step.

With every step he took, the ground trembled.

Anyone can feel the monstrous anger contained in Lin Chen's words.

"You... have you dispelled my curse power?"

Meng Na asked in panic.

Lin Chen didn't speak, but swung a silver needle and pierced between Shangguanxue's heart to help him protect his heart veins.

"Excuse me,

Chapter 643 It's a pity, you can't wait until that day [2/3] I'm hurting you. "

Lin Chen looked at Shangguan Wan'er and said softly.

"I'm fine, it's just Xiaoxue..."

Shangguan Wan'er shook her head, looking at Shangguan Xue with concern.

"She will be fine for a short time, don't worry."

Lin Chen said this, and turned to say: "I will deal with the trouble first, and help her heal later."

"it is good."

Shangguan Wan'er nodded and said: "Then you must pay attention to safety and be careful of the Gu worms on her body."


Lin Chen responded when he stared at Meng Na again.

The sky has changed!

Dark clouds shrouded, thunder shook!

It seemed that at this moment, God was affected by Lin Chen's emotions, and thus sent out wrath!


Lin Chen stood in the gust of wind, his cold eyes full of ruthlessness.


Lin Chen clenched his fist with five fingers, and without saying a word, he directly slammed at Meng Na.


Punch out!

The space is rippling.

The wind of the fist pressed across and landed on Meng Na's body like a broken bamboo.

Meng Na wanted to resist, but under the serious injury, she could mobilize very little strength.

Click! Reading La

The sound of each bone being broken was extremely clear, Meng Na's body was constantly deformed, blood was spitting out from the mouth, pain showed on her face, and she backed up again and again.

at last!


Meng Na's body slammed heavily on the wall board dozens of meters away, clutching her chest, there was a fist mark there, and the sharp white bones were even more exposed, which was extremely scary.


Black blood was dripping from the corner of Meng Na's mouth, and her limbs had no strength at all.

"Do you know what the High Priest looks like?"

At this time, Lin Chen looked down at Meng Na and asked.

Meng Na panted heavily: "If you want to get the high priest's information from my set, I advise you not to daydream...cough cough..."

"I just feel that it's a pity that I almost got rid of you all, but if you kill me, the high priest will never let you go. Offending Miao Jiang will be the most stupid decision you have ever made in your life."

"One day, your relatives, including you, will be refined into puppets by the high priest. I am waiting underground for that day to come."

At the end, Meng Na laughed unscrupulously, with a kind of crazy sickness.

"Unfortunately, you will never wait for that day."

Lin Chen condensed the aura on his fingertips, and pointed at the center of Meng Na's eyebrows.


A beam of light shot out.

In the blink of an eye, it pierced directly between Meng Na's eyebrows.

So far, the three leaders of Miaojiang have all fallen, and none of them survived.

Chapter 643 Unfortunately, You Can't Wait For That Day [3/3

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