Overnight Success

Chapter 646 Ouyang Family Members

next moment.

A group of figures approached.

These people are young, in their early twenties, with arrogance on their faces, staring at Shangguan Wan'er and the others with disdainful eyes.

See here.

Shangguan Wan'er's tone was indifferent, her previous good mood was gone.

"Ouyang Xiao!"

Obviously, this group of people are from Ouyang's family.

And her father was seriously injured by the head of the Ouyang family, so she has never had a good impression of the Ouyang family, and the two families have always been at odds with each other.

"Miss Wan'er, do you want me to take a picture of this place and send it to Young Master Wang?"

"Guess he wants to know, you're fooling around with a man, what will he do to you when you get home?"

A leading youth laughed.

And he is exactly the Ouyang Xiao that Shangguan Wan'er was talking about.

Today is the young master of the Ouyang family.

The two families have always been at odds with each other, and with the recent rumors that Shangguan Wan'er is about to marry the young master of the Wang family, now that he has caught her, he naturally has to make fun of it.

"Ouyang Xiao, I advise you to be careful in what you say, I have nothing to do with the Wang family!"

Shangguan Wan'er said coldly.

The reason why Ouyang Xiao believed that she was still the daughter-in-law of the Wang family was probably because the news had not been revealed today.

Just as the two of you were talking to each other, there were already many spectators gathered on the side.

Among them, many people recognized that the object of the quarrel was the young master of the Ouyang family and the eldest lady of the Shangguan family.

Since the martial arts competition is about to begin, it is almost inevitable that the two parties will meet in advance and sparks will spark.

For a while, many people planned to see how this matter would eventually develop.

"Miss Wan'er, you are really stubborn."

Ouyang Xiao said sarcastically: "Everyone knows about your marriage with the young master of the Wang family. If you don't recognize it now, is it because you don't want to fulfill the marriage contract?"

"Or, the little boy next to you makes you think that he is better than the young master of the Wang family?"

When she heard that Ouyang Xiao was disrespectful to Lin Chen, Shangguan Wan'er's expression turned cold.

"Ouyang Xiao, I want you to apologize to Mr. Lin immediately."

"Apologize?" Ouyang Xiao

He laughed loudly: "Shangguan Wan'er, what are you talking about in your sleep, I apologize to him, do you think he can bear it?"

"And if you ask me to apologize, I apologize. Do you think you have the qualifications?"

Speaking of this, Ouyang Xiao changed his voice: "However, I am a little envious of this kid. Three girls serve one person. I don't know if it will be so exciting."

"It made me want to experience it."

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Xiao licked his lips and looked at the three Shangguan sisters with unscrupulous eyes.

at the same time.

The other Ouyang family members also laughed, with a bit of malice in their smiles.


"you wanna die!"

Shangguan Wan'er gritted her teeth, trembling with anger, and made a gesture to punch Ouyang Xiao.

But Ouyang Xiao is not a soft persimmon, he dodged Shangguan Wan'er's punch lightly, and then said contemptuously:

"Miss Wan'er, I advise you to think clearly about what will happen to me if you attack me."

"Back then, even your father was beaten by my father, but now the martial arts competition is about to begin, and when my Ouyang family becomes the head of the martial arts family, then you can destroy your Shangguan family with just one sentence. "

"So, you have to be sensible, serve me and my brother obediently, and serve us comfortably. When I go back, I can say something nice to my father, and maybe I can spare your Shangguan family's life."

As he said that, Ouyang Xiao showed arrogance on his face, and said to Shangguan Wan'er, "I hope you will think about it carefully, and don't miss this opportunity."


Shangguan Wan'er yelled softly: "Your Ouyang family is a bunch of wretched people, thanks to the fact that you are also the top wealthy family in the capital, it is really shameless to say such things!"

"Besides, the competition hasn't started yet, so it's unknown who will have the last laugh. It's windy here, so I advise you not to stick your tongue out."

Seeing Shangguan Wan'er's sharp words, Ouyang Xiao's face darkened, and then he said indifferently: "I don't know how to flatter you!"

"The moment my Ouyang family crushes your Shangguan's house, I will strip you naked and throw you on the street for all the tramps to play with. Then I will see you

How proud! "

"Damn you!" After being insulted again and again, Shangguan Wan'er finally couldn't bear it, so she broke out her inner strength, concentrated all her strength in her hands, and blasted at Ouyang Xiao again.

"It's more interesting this time."

Ouyang Xiao put away his contempt, and then kept dodging again and again.

"Don't you just hide?"

Shangguan Wan'er gritted her teeth.

Ouyang Xiao snorted coldly, "If you want to meet, then I will satisfy you."

After the words fell, he gathered all his strength and punched out the same punch.


Fist wind is raging.

Shangguan Wan'er took a dozen steps back, while Ouyang Xiao only took three steps back.

Although Ouyang Xiao had the upper hand, he didn't look complacent.

To him, not being able to crush Shangguan Wan'er was beyond his expectations.

It seems that Shangguan Tomorrow's daughter's strength should not be underestimated.

As we all know, Shangguan Wan'er is a talented woman, well-versed in poetry and books, and proficient in planning and drawing, but she didn't expect that she also has outstanding talent in martial arts, which really made Ouyang Xiao very jealous.

"What are you doing in a daze, give it to me!"

Ouyang Xiao scolded and waved his hand.

Immediately afterwards, the following Ouyang family disciples rushed out one by one and surrounded Shangguan Wan'er.

Just when they were about to do it.

A voice of contempt sounded at this moment.

"Hey! If you gang up and bully a woman, you're really not afraid of humiliating a man!"

"Same sex as you, I feel ashamed for you."

Follow the reputation.

Lin Chen stepped out carelessly, and hooked his fingers at everyone in Ouyang's family: "If you have the ability, you come to me!"

"Things that don't know how to live or die!"

Finding Lin Chen provocative, Ouyang Xiao said coldly: "Then I will satisfy you!"

"Give it to me, whoever can remove this kid's limbs, I will reward you!"

The voice fell.

Everyone turned around and rushed towards Lin Chen one after another.

But what happened next surprised everyone present.

caught the eye.

Those Ouyang family children who rushed towards Lin Chen fiercely, flew out one by one before they touched the corner of Lin Chen's clothes, screaming again and again!

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