Overnight Success

Chapter 647 You Are Strong, I Am Stronger Than You

This change instantly shocked the onlookers.

As for Ouyang Xiao's face, his face changed slightly, and then he said coldly: "I didn't see it, you still have some skills!"

"But you hurt my Ouyang family, boy, don't you think about the consequences?"

Lin Chen chuckled, "I've beaten them all, and I still need to think about the consequences?"

"Stop talking nonsense, and come here if you have the ability."

In this regard, Ouyang Xiao lowered his face, clenched his hands, and swung his fists at Lin Chen in a tiger-like posture.

next moment.

Ouyang Xiao just rushed in front of Lin Chen, but his outstretched hands were tightly held by Lin Chen. No matter how hard Ouyang Xiao tried, he was still unable to take a step forward.

Seeing this, Ouyang Xiao blushed and felt that his face was lost, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, let me go if you have the ability!"


The corners of Lin Chen's mouth curled up, and his hands suddenly exerted force.


Visible to the naked eye, Ouyang Xiao's wrist was directly broken.


A scream came out!


Ouyang Xiao's face was pale, and he collapsed on the ground, sweating profusely from the pain.


The anti-spectators gasped.

There was already a little more fear in the eyes looking at Lin Chen.

Obviously, this young man who was traveling with the three beauties from Shangguan's family was not a persimmon.

This time Ouyang Xiao kicked the iron board.

At this moment, Ouyang Xiao endured the severe pain, and said viciously to Lin Chen: "Boy, if you dare to hurt me, my Ouyang family will never let you go!"

"You'd better wash your neck and wait for me."

Seeing that Ouyang Xiao was still talking harshly, Lin Chen frowned, and his tone was full of indifference: "It seems that I was not cruel enough just now!"

As he spoke, Lin Chen kicked Ouyang Xiao in the abdomen, knocking him to the ground.

Immediately, Ouyang Xiao rolled his eyes in pain, his stomach was overwhelmed, and immediately couldn't help it, he started to vomit.

However, he vomited halfway through.

next second.

Lin Chen's actions directly made him swallow the half-spiked rice and rice again.

The whole person was in pain and almost fainted.


Lin Chen stepped on Ouyang Xiao's calf, and with a little force, his calf was immediately fractured.


Ouyang Xiao screamed again in embarrassment.

Just when Lin Chen was about to step on the other calf.

Suddenly a figure appeared.

In an instant, the figure passed by Ouyang Xiao's side and took him away.

This allowed Ouyang Xiao to avoid a blow with his other calf.

See this scene.

Everyone couldn't help but put their eyes on the face of the figure that appeared.

When everyone sees who comes

Chapter 647 You are strong, I am stronger than you [1/3] After that, I was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Dare to hurt my brother, boy, you are tired of living, aren't you?"

At the same time that the figure uttered these words, Lin Chen also looked at him.

The person who came was a man, about 27 or 28 years old, wearing a black martial arts uniform, with a relatively slender figure. Standing here, he gave off a majestic and sharp feeling.

At this moment, the man stared at Lin Chen with a cold and murderous look in his eyes.

"Ouyang Shaofeng."

Shangguan Wan'er said in a deep voice.

The voice fell.

Because of this name, there was an uproar at the scene.

Everyone was talking to each other, looking at Lin Chen's expression, full of sighs.

Ouyang Shaofeng, the eldest young master of the Ouyang family, the youngest man in the capital, entered the realm at the age of twenty-three, and now he has entered the late stage of the realm, only one line away from the peak of the realm.

It can be said that his sudden birth almost overwhelmed the demeanor of the younger generation in the martial arts world in the entire capital.

One must know that Shangguan Wan'er is only in the middle stage of the situation now, and compared with Ouyang Shaofeng, there is a huge gap.

"Shangguan Wan'er, this person hit my younger brother, don't you know how to stop him?"

Ouyang Shaofeng glanced coldly at Shangguan Wan'er, his face was full of hostility.

"Why should I block it?"

Shangguan Wan'er laughed, and then said coldly: "Your brother insulted us first, we won't teach him a lesson, I'm afraid he won't have a long memory."


Ouyang Shaofeng's eyes were like knives, and he scolded: "My brother made a mistake, I will naturally take care of it, it's not your turn to take action!"

"Now, I order you to apologize to me immediately!"

"And let this kid commit suicide!"

Speaking of this, Ouyang Shaofeng stretched out a finger and pointed at Lin Chen.

"Sorry? There's no door!"

Not to be outdone, Shangguan Wan'er fought back: "Ouyang Shaofeng, I advise you to be less aggressive and indiscriminate, and only allow your younger brother to insult others and not allow others to resist?"

Ouyang Shaofeng snorted coldly, "Naturally, how can my brother's body be compared with that of you lowly people?"

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er was completely furious.

She made a sudden move and swung a palm towards Ouyang Shaofeng.


Ouyang Shaofeng showed disdain, waved his big hand, and shot out a violent inner force.

Faced with this strong inner strength, Shangguan Wan'er's expression changed. It was obvious that with her strength, if she wanted to block Ouyang Shaofeng's blow, she would at least be seriously injured.

The gap between the middle stage of the realm and the late stage of the realm is by no means a star.

The reason why she made the move was completely out of anger.

Chapter 647 You are strong, I am stronger than you

Ouyang Shaofeng sneered, and when he saw that Shangguan Wan'er was about to be seriously injured, a figure stood in front of her and blocked the powerful blow for her.

"As a man, are you embarrassed to put such a heavy hand on a woman?"

Lin Chen said lightly.


Ouyang Shaofeng narrowed his eyes, seeing that Lin Chen no longer looked down on him before.

No wonder this man can beat his younger brother into such a mess. Even if he didn't use all his strength, he used at least six percent of his internal strength just now, but the young man in front of him can easily block it, which shows that his strength is absolutely unfathomable.

"What's your name?"

Ouyang Shaofeng asked indifferently.

"You have no right to know."

Lin Chen's face was flat, and his tone was indifferent: "If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end. As for apologizing, even if you want to, it is your brother who will apologize to us."

"Boy, have you lived enough?"

Hearing that Lin Chen wanted Ouyang Xiao to apologize, Ouyang Shaofeng's voice became a little more angry: "Do you really think I can't deal with you?"

Lin Chen shrugged and said indifferently: "Instead of talking nonsense here, why don't you hurry up and come here."

"I don't have the patience to play tricks on you."

Seeing Lin Chen's aggressive look, everyone was speechless for a moment.

In the past, Ouyang's family in the capital looked like they were not as big as me. No matter where they walked, they were domineering, but today, this young man of unknown origin would openly challenge the Ouyang family.

"Brother, you must vent your anger on me!"

"Later, after you cripple this kid's limbs, leave it to me to take his life!"

At this time, Ouyang Xiao collapsed on the ground, looking at Lin Chen with dark eyes.

For him, as the young son of the Ouyang family, in front of everyone, he was beaten up by a young man of unknown origin, which undoubtedly made him feel ashamed.

Now that his elder brother has arrived, he will use Ouyang Shaofeng's hand to torture Lin Chen severely before he dies.


Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Xiao, then concentrated his aura on his fingers, and shot a beam of light at Ouyang Xiao's intact calf.


In the blink of an eye, the light beam penetrated Ouyang Xiao's calf.


Ouyang Xiao's calf exploded directly, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.


After a terrifying scream, Ouyang Xiao fell directly into a pool of blood and passed out.


At this moment, Ouyang Shaofeng saw that Lin Chen dared to cripple his brother's calf in front of him. It was obvious that he was riding on his head to humiliate him.

Chapter 647 You are strong, I am stronger than you [3/3

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