See this scene. Biqu library

Everyone gasped, stunned, the fear in their eyes had already turned into shock.


What the hell did they see!

Bullet bounce? ? ?

When he came back to his senses, there were bursts of screams one after another.

Everyone scrambled to rush outside, not daring to stay for a second longer.

When Chu Lingling and Gu Xiaoxiao saw this scene, they also looked astonished.

Obviously, they didn't expect that Li Jie would die under their own guns in the end, which is really ironic.

At the same time, they were also surprised by Lin Chen's method that violated physics.

"He... is he really dead?"

Chu Lingling looked at Li Jie who was lying in a pool of blood, and asked dully.


Gu Xiaoxiao subconsciously agreed.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why Uncle insisted on sending Lin Chen to represent Huaguo in the competition. Obviously, only Lin Chen could calmly deal with the Black Dragon Society and the Witch Gang.

"Mr. Lin, in this case, you go abroad to hide for a while, and I will ask the family to help you hide your whereabouts."

Chu Lingling immediately said urgently to Lin Chen.

Right now, the news of Li Jie's death will surely reach his father Li Kanglong's ears soon. To set off an economic storm.

"It's useless. With the power of the Tianquan Consortium, no one can hide a person's trace in Huaguo."

Gu Xiaoxiao said.

"Then, are we just waiting for the other party to come and capture Mr. Lin?"

Chu Lingling looked nervous and was racking her brains to find a solution.

However, no matter how you think about it, it doesn't seem feasible.

The Chu family she belongs to is also one of the top wealthy families in the capital's business world, but compared with the Tianquan consortium, it is undoubtedly much inferior.

"Don't worry, they will come, just let them come."

Lin Chen had a calm face, and he didn't regret killing Li Jie at all.

If you don't get rid of such a villain, he will only keep making trouble for you in the future.

After speaking, Lin Chen comforted the two girls and returned home.

However, as soon as he got home, he received a call from Xiao Ying.

No need to think about it, Lin Chen could guess that it was probably someone from the coffee shop who described his appearance to her.

"Officer Xiao, you also saw that the other party pointed guns at me."

"It's self-defense for me."

Lin Chen chuckled.

According to the laws of China, carrying arms is a capital crime, not to mention Li Jie threatening with a gun, which is obviously an added crime.

"There's really nothing I can do about you."

Seeing the mess in the coffee shop, Xiao Ying couldn't help sighing.

It's not the first time to wipe Lin Chen's ass like this.

"But, do you know

Do you know who you killed this time? "

"The other party is the son of the owner of the consortium, I know that." Lin Chen twitched his lips: "Officer Xiao, I will give you a vaccination first. I have to trouble you."

Xiao Ying was at a loss for words.

into chaos.

It was the first time I saw a murderer, and he was so confident.

However, this time it was indeed the fact that the other party carried ammunition and caused panic and threats first, so even if Lin Chen got rid of them, it was reasonable and not a crime.

"Be careful, I will also send guards to protect you including your family. After all, the father of the deceased is the owner of the consortium. If you really get to that point, you have to deal with him. I suggest you do it quietly. .”

Finally, Xiao Ying made a solemn reminder.

In fact, every consortium owner is an important figure in Huaguo's business circle, and the consortium that Li Kanglong belongs to is located in the magic city. Once he dies, the whole magic city may be in turmoil.

"I will."

Lin Chen smiled, "This time it was too sudden, I can't help it."

Hanging up the phone, it happened that Su Qingcheng had already gone downstairs.

"Honey, you're awake, come and have breakfast."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.


Su Qingcheng nodded slightly, and then said: "Chen Dudu called me just now. He found a piece of land for us and sent me the address. Wait a minute, should we go and have a look?"


Lin Chen agreed, but he had to say that Chen Wenbin was still very fast in his work. The last time he left Su's house, he just finished making a phone call, and he found the land right away.

After breakfast, Lin Chen drove Su Qingcheng to look around the land that Chen Wenbin found for them.

"Husband, you told Chen Dudu about the land, right?"

Su Qingcheng made a phone call, told his subordinates that the new factory could start construction, and then asked Lin Chen.

"Hey, you discovered all of this."

Lin Chen scratched his head.

"Another day, let's treat him to a meal together, which is also an expression of our gratitude to him."

"no problem."

"Honey, I'm afraid I'm going to the capital next time." Su Qingcheng said suddenly.

"Ah?" Lin Chen was a little surprised: "Why are you going to the capital?"

"That's right. Last night, I received a cooperation invitation from a large company in Beijing. They plan to invest five billion yuan to carry out a long-term strategic cooperation with our Su Corporation."

"I think that next we will officially open the capital city market, and establish friendly relations with the companies there first. There should be no harm at all."

Su Qingcheng said.

"Okay, but what's the name of that business?"

Lin Chen asked curiously.

Just when Su Qingcheng was about to speak.

One after another cold sound

suddenly sounded.

"Boy, you really made it easy for us to find!"

"I didn't expect there was a beauty next to you, brothers, now we can make a lot of money."

The words fell.

At some point, a group of masked men in black appeared in front of Lin Chen.

Their Chinese is slightly broken, and with their blond hair, they can probably guess that they are foreigners.

Even through the mask, Lin Chen could feel the maliciousness in the eyes of these people when they looked at his wife.

Dare to hit his wife's idea, I really want to die!

A look of hostility flashed across Lin Chen's eyes, and he asked the men, "Who are you?"

"I don't remember, did I offend you?"

"Boy, you really didn't offend us." A man at the front chuckled: "But, someone offered a reward of five billion for your dog's head, do you think you deserve to die!"

Lin Chen frowned.

Previously, according to what Fang Yuan said, it was the Ma family who issued a reward order, which led to him being targeted by these dark world killers.

It's just that they didn't expect that the last assassination failed, so the Ma family raised the reward to five billion at any cost.

It seems that he must go to this Ma's house.

"Honey, stand back so that the blood doesn't splash on you."

Lin Chen said in a low voice.

"it is good."

Su Qingcheng was also obedient, obediently stepped back and stood four or five meters away from Lin Chen.

next moment.

Lin Chen's shots were like lightning, with each move, he walked beside the men. Every time he passed a man, the man spurted blood wildly, his chest was pierced by a punch, and he died instantly.

Less than ten seconds.

This group of killer foreigners from the dark world were all wiped out, only the leading man who spoke earlier had all his limbs crippled and knelt on the ground, excruciatingly painful.

"Hey, don't hide, if you want to make a move, just let the horse come!"

"But I have to remind you, once you fail to kill me, you will end up just like them."

Lin Chen scanned the shadowed corner not far away, then stepped on the man's chest, exerted a slight force, directly crushing the bones in his chest, and finally couldn't breathe under the severe pain.

As the group of blond men disappeared, there was a sound of footsteps in the corner of the shadow not far away, and the shadow gradually disappeared. Obviously, the so-called shadow was composed entirely of the shadows of a group of people.

It can be seen that it must be the tragic death of the blond men, making them fearful.

As killers in the dark world, they are naturally extremely eager for money, but it is not worthwhile to put their lives in it for the sake of money.

After all, the saddest thing in the world is that money has not been spent when a person dies.

They can still tell which is more important, life or money.

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