heard the words.

Lin Chen frowned, apparently Noda's surname was very familiar to him.

No matter whether it was Noda Yoshi, the commander of the Red Japanese Army who was defeated by him on the mysterious island, or the Noda Ichiro he met in the University of Foreign Languages, without exception, they all had the surname of Noda.

"Mr. Ma, are you okay?"

The middle-aged man came to Ma Yuanfeng to negotiate with him, looked at his injuries and asked with a smile.

"I can survive, but I hope you can help me kill this person today because the Ma family supported your Black Dragon Club in the past!"

Ma Yuanfeng said to the middle-aged man.

"Ha ha……"

The middle-aged man smiled and didn't answer. He turned to look at Lin Chen and said, "Young man is very skilled. Please give me Noda Taro some face and apologize to Mr. Ma obediently. This matter will be exposed."

As soon as the words came out.

Ma Yuanfeng's expression changed.

Obviously, his subordinates suffered heavy casualties and he was in such a mess, how could he willingly accept Lin Chen's apology and let it go!

But now, since Noda Taro opened his mouth, it's hard for him to say much.

"Are you ordering me?"

Lin Chen glanced sideways at Noda Taro, and said in a cold voice, "Also, why would I want to sell your face? With all due respect, to me, a Red Sun countryman has no face at all."


Hearing Lin Chen's words, Noda Taro's eyelids moved.

The tone was a little playful, "Young man, you are quite brave. Do you know my identity and dare to talk to me like that?"

At this time, the men in martial arts uniforms on both sides stared at Lin Chen, with a chill in their eyes.

"Do I need to know your identity?"

Lin Chen looked indifferent, "Also, the capital is the capital of China, so I would like to advise Mr. Noda, no matter what your background is, you'd better not be presumptuous!"

As Lin Chen finished speaking, there was another sound of footsteps outside the door.

A familiar face came into Lin Chen's eyes.

However, this familiar face is none other than Ichiro Noda.

As soon as he came in, he put his eyes on Noda Taro: "Father, there is less than half an hour before the meeting starts, and everyone is waiting for you!"

Coincidentally, today happened to be the internal meeting of the Black Dragon Club, and the meeting place happened to be in the clubhouse next to the restaurant.

"Okay, you go back first."

Noda Taro said something, but after a long time, Noda Ichiro still had no intention of leaving.

This made Noda Taro frown, glanced at him, and found that Noda Ichiro had been staring at Lin Chen at this moment, his eyes were full of anger, surprise, and resentment...

"It's you!!!"

Noda Ichiro gritted his teeth.

since that day

, After being slapped in the face by Lin Chen in the University of Foreign Studies, he searched all over the capital for Lin Chen, but he never found a trace of Lin Chen, as if the world had evaporated, but he never thought that he would meet again here today.


Noda Taro asked doubtfully, "Do you know each other?"

"More than knowing!"

Noda Ichiro was furious, his eyes were bloodshot, "Father, I was seriously injured before, and it was this person who caused it!"

The voice fell.

Noda Taro froze for a moment, and his expression became cold.

"Boy, is that what you did to my son?"

As he said that, a fierce and domineering aura emanated from Noda Taro.

"What a coincidence."

Lin Chen smiled lightly, with a teasing tone, "It looks like the injury is recovering well."

Noda Taro shot a cold gaze towards Lin Chen, "I originally thought that you are a rare talent, and I wanted to persuade you to join the Black Dragon Club, so I will help you settle today's matter. It seems that I am too Too merciful!"

"Ichiro, don't worry, as a father today, his tendons will be crippled, and then I will leave it to you to dispose of!"

"Thank you father!" Noda Ichiro responded in a low voice.

"Give it to me and destroy him!"

Noda Taro gave an order, and the group of men in martial arts uniforms went straight to kill Lin Chen.

See this scene.

Ma Yuanfeng was secretly happy.

I thought that today's matter would be settled, but I never expected that this kid had seriously injured Noda Taro's son.

Really help me too!

However, the next moment, the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

I saw that the men rushing towards Lin Chen didn't even touch the corners of their clothes, they were directly rushed out by a wave of air, half kneeling on the ground, spitting blood.

Regarding this, Noda Taro looked ugly, and his aura exploded to the extreme, like a mountain pressing towards Lin Chen, the air in the entire restaurant seemed to freeze for it.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

Noda Taro yelled, swung his powerful fists, and blasted Lin Chen's chest.

"You don't have the qualifications to kill me!"

Lin Chen glanced at him, picked up a red wine bottle and threw it at Noda Taro.

Looking at the flying red wine bottle, Noda Taro had disdain in his eyes, and he punched it, smashing it directly.

The bottle exploded, and the red wine splashed out.

However, what is frightening is——

The spilled red wine suddenly turned into drops of bullets containing terrifying power, which instantly penetrated Noda Taro's body.


Without warning, Noda Taro spewed out a mouthful of blood, his whole body was soaked in blood, and there was no intact piece of skin to be found.


He fell heavily to the ground, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, obviously he hadn't figured out until his death why the red wine would burst out with such terrifying power.

But no matter how unwilling he was, after another stream of blood spewed out, his pupils gradually became dilated, and he eventually died.

The onlookers who witnessed all this had long since had dull expressions on their faces.

It wasn't until Lin Chen's icy eyes swept towards them that everyone gasped and recovered.


Lin Chen didn't even look at Noda Ichiro, and said indifferently.

"You actually killed the vice president!"

A seriously injured subordinate stared at Lin Chen with a pale face.

"Why, want to avenge your vice president?"

Lin Chen shrugged, "Just come."

"If you kill the vice president, will the black dragon let you go!"

The underling said ugly.

"Brothers, go to me, protect Mr. Ichiro, and avenge the vice president!"

Immediately, these Black Dragon Club subordinates in martial arts uniforms roared one by one, and rushed towards Lin Chen desperately.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ma Yuanfeng ran away without looking back.

Seeing this, Lin Chen's mouth became even colder.


As the saying goes, if you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple.

Where can Ma Yuanfeng go?

Afterwards, Lin Chen brandished the silver needle, and after finishing off the subordinates of the Black Dragon Society, he glanced at Noda Ichiro, who was lying on the ground, terrified of shit.

This glance, like the gaze of the abyss, completely collapsed Noda Ichiro's psychological defense.

The whole person covered his head, like going crazy, and murmured: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, don't kill me..."

No matter who it is, seeing their father beheaded in front of their own eyes is a devastating psychological blow.

"He is..."

Su Qingcheng came to Lin Chen, looked at the mentally broken Noda Ichiro and said.

"It's okay, don't worry about him."

Lin Chen was expressionless.

Based on the information he currently has about the Black Dragon Society, these people often choose some underage girls to vent their desires. The methods are extremely bad, so he has no psychological burden at all to kill them.

After solving all this.

Lin Chen mobilized his spiritual energy to destroy all the monitoring facilities here, making sure that no evidence was left behind.

Instead, he led Su Qingcheng's jade hand outside.

Outside the restaurant door, Su Qingcheng was curious to Lin Chen: "Honey, why did you appear here?"

"Fool, of course I don't trust you!"

"So, the matter is settled, should we go back?"

Lin Chen stroked Su Qingcheng's hair.

"No, I can't go back now."

Su Qingcheng shook her head.

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