Overnight Success

Chapter 675 Black Dragon Association

The bodyguards who had rushed towards Su Qingcheng couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and stopped their movements one after another.

Follow the reputation.

What caught the eye was a handsome young face, but anyone could see that this face was full of coldness at the moment.

The young man is slender and has a strong aura, just standing there makes people shudder.

at the same time.

When Su Qingcheng saw the young man's face clearly, he immediately exclaimed: "Husband!"

Obviously, the youth is none other than Lin Chen.

Hearing this, Ma Yuanfeng on the side was furious, and his fingers creaked.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other.

Originally, he was thinking about using Su Qingcheng to lure this person out, but he didn't realize it, and now the other party has come under his nose.

Looking at Ma Yuanfeng, a cold light appeared in Lin Chen's eyes, and as he glanced over, his hostility rose, and his voice was cold, "You can end it on your own now, I don't want to involve your family!"

"Of course, you can refuse and resist, but the consequence is that the entire Ma family will have to pay the bloody price for this!"

As soon as the words came out.

Everyone was stunned, and immediately burst into laughter.

The bodyguards stared at Lin Chen, grinning from ear to ear, and some of them spoke contemptuously, "Boy, who do you think you are?"

"If you say a word, let us commit suicide, will we really commit suicide?"

"I think you should worry about you!"

In response, the corner of Lin Chen's mouth curled up, and he waved his palm.

Dozens of silver needles flickered.

In the blink of an eye, the silver needle penetrated the throats of these bodyguards, spattering bloodstains.


Without exception, these bodyguards stared wide-eyed, and fell to the ground stiffly, dying with regret.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

The butler was furious, his internal strength leaked out, and he exploded into a fierce tiger, attacking Lin Chen's vitals.

Lin Chen glanced at him, calmly, stretched out a hand, and grabbed the butler's wrist.

Make a little effort.

In an instant, the butler's entire arm was twisted abruptly in an extremely twisted posture.


A scream sounded.

The butler's face twitched in pain, and his face turned pale.

He never expected that Lin Chen's thin body could burst out with such a powerful force.

"Before, the reward in the dark world was yours.

Did it come out? "

Lin Chen asked indifferently.

"That's right..."

The butler gritted his teeth.

"Boy, I told you that you hurt me, neither you nor your wife can get out of the capital alive!"

The butler threatened with a ferocious face.


Lin Chen chuckled, "I'm afraid, you don't have the ability!"

As he spoke, he flicked his fingers.

A silver needle pierced the butler's forehead, and a blood spattered out.

Following that, the butler also fell to the ground, twitched twice, and his breath was cut off.

Seeing that the housekeeper who had been with him for many years was killed face to face, Ma Yuanfeng was in pain, his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger.

"Patriarch, you withdraw first, I will block for you for a while."

In a hurry, the man in the suit finished speaking to Ma Yuanfeng and immediately came across to Lin Chen.

"If you want to kill the Patriarch, you have to pass me first."

With firm eyes, the man in the suit shouted in a deep voice.

"kill you?"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth curled up, "What's the problem?"

"Arrogance, but you have to pay the price!"

As the man in the suit said, he held a dagger hidden in his sleeve and stabbed directly at Lin Chen's heart.

As Ma Yuanfeng's bodyguard, back then, he was hired by Ma Yuanfeng with an annual commission of millions.

Ten years ago, he was the top mercenary in the world, with all the means to kill the enemy, needless to say.

Moreover, he is also a mid-level powerhouse, and his strength exceeds that of the housekeeper by many times.

However, when he stabbed the dagger out, Lin Chen suddenly disappeared in place.


With Lin Chen disappearing, Ma Yuanfeng felt an unprecedented crisis.

However, before he could react, Lin Chen appeared behind him and slapped him away.

This palm hit Ma Yuanfeng firmly on the back spine.

There was a sound of bone cracking.


Ma Yuanfeng spat out a mouthful of blood, and his complexion turned pale instantly.


"Boy, if you have the ability, you come to me!"

The man in the suit looked at Ma Yuanfeng being severely injured, and stared at Lin Chen angrily. It was obvious that he would protect Ma Yuanfeng just after he said that, but Lin Chen slapped him in the face with his actions.

"Okay, then I'll satisfy you."

Lin Chen smiled, and then his expression became sharp,

His figure turned into an afterimage, and he punched the man in the suit hard in the chest.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Large pieces of blood spilled on the ground.

Under Lin Chen's punch, the man in the suit didn't even have a chance to participate, and his chest was directly pierced by the punch.

Not far away, there was a group of people watching this scene quietly.

One of the subordinates said to the young man in the white suit: "Young Master Gong, this man's strength cannot be underestimated."

"Shall we bring him over?"

"No hurry!" The young man named Gong Shao waved his hands, his eyes were sizing up Su Qingcheng unscrupulously, with strong greed in his eyes.

Obviously, he is more interested in Su Qingcheng than Lin Chen.

After ending the life of the man in the suit, Lin Chen looked down at Ma Yuanfeng and said, "Now, who else can save you?"

"Dare to plot against my wife, Ma Yuanfeng, you really have the guts!"

Lin Chen didn't bother to say more, just when he was planning to send Ma Yuanfeng to hell together.

There was a hearty laugh at the door of the restaurant.

"Hey, it's quite lively today!"

Listening to this slightly jerky Huaguo accent, Lin Chen turned his head and found a group of men in martial arts uniforms walking towards him.

And these men in martial arts uniforms have a lifelike black dragon depicted on their clothes.

next moment.

These men in martial arts uniforms stood on both sides. Behind them, a man from the Red Sun country wearing a black suit and wearing a black dragon finger on his finger walked slowly, showing absolute authority with his hands and feet.

This man from the Red Sun Kingdom was about forty years old, with a scar carved on his face, and he was not angry. From the moment he appeared, the entire hall was filled with a chilling aura.

The men in martial arts uniforms on both sides bowed even more, as if they were welcoming some important person, their postures were very low.

It can be seen that this person must be the leader of this group of people.

Lin Chen frowned, he felt familiar with this person at first glance.

As if, where have seen the same.

It's just this kind of familiarity, but it can't be said.

However, upon seeing this, Ma Yuanfeng shouted as if seeing hope, "Mr. Noda, please help me!"

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