Overnight Success

Chapter 678 Looking Forward To Your Performance

No one could have imagined that the huge Ma family would be wiped out in the blink of an eye, leaving only Ma Yuanfeng alone.

In this regard, Ma Yuanfeng's eyes were about to burst, and he sprayed two mouthfuls of blood.

He collapsed to the ground, as if he had lost his soul.

Lin Chen stood on the spot like a god, overlooking Ma Yuanfeng, and said indifferently: "I didn't want to fight with you, but you provoke me again and again, how can I tolerate you!"

"Remember, the deaths of these people are all because of you!"

"Although you are the head of the family, you don't take their lives seriously in all your actions!"

Hearing this, Ma Yuanfeng felt bitterness in his heart.

Looking at the corpses piled up in the courtyard, he never dreamed that the person he was going to kill was actually so invincible.

"In the next life, I advise you to put away your haughty gaze, so that you and your son may live longer."

When Lin Chen said this, his tone turned cold, "After all, in this world, there are always people you can't afford to offend!"

The words fell.

Lin Chen punched down.

The tyrannical punch directly crushed everything on Ma Yuanfeng's body.

Flesh flying everywhere!

The huge impact force sent Ma Yuanfeng flying, and smashed heavily on the wall, all internal organs were shattered.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Ma Yuanfeng leaned against the wall, lowered his head, his vitality was completely cut off.

So far, Ma Yuanfeng, the Patriarch of the Ma family, has died!

Turning around, Shangguan Wan'er came to Lin Chen, scanned the mess in the courtyard, and said softly, "I'll send someone to clean it up right away."

"Thank you." Lin Chen said, "Say hello to your father for me."

"Okay, father will be very happy to know that you are coming to the capital."

Shangguan Wan'er nodded.

"You tell him that you don't need to look for me. I'm here this time to do something with my wife. If the matter is settled, I should go back."

"Oh, okay." Shangguan Wan'er said, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, I have to go to my wife."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he greeted Shangguan Wan'er and left here directly.

But it turned out he didn't get very far.

A large group of people suddenly gathered in front of them, completely blocking the road, and the passing vehicles could only stare blankly and stop here.

Out of curiosity, Lin Chen also walked over.

among the crowd.

A plainly dressed, about seventy-year-old man was lying on the ground with a pale complexion, his eyes closed, and his breathing was extremely weak.

On the side, a girl with a ball head also grabbed the old man's hand, looking extremely anxious:

"Grandpa, don't scare me!"

"Grandpa, please wake up!"

Regarding this situation, the girl was very flustered, and immediately took out her mobile phone to dial 120.

at this time.

A voice suddenly sounded.

"Your grandfather suffered a heart attack, it's too late to call 120 now."

"I'm a doctor, give your grandpa to me!"

A pair of young men and women came to the girl and spoke.

"Can you save my grandfather?"

The girl looked at the young man and cried.

"Of course, to be honest, my senior brother is a well-known cabinet doctor in the Temple of Holy Medicine, and a mere heart attack can't trouble him."

The woman said confidently.

It seemed that talking about his senior brother's status could save her face.

As soon as the words came out.

The crowd watching on the side were also surprised.

"I didn't expect to meet people from the Temple of Holy Medicine here!"

"And you didn't hear the woman say that this person is a cabinet doctor, do you know what a remarkable achievement this is?"

Everyone couldn't help showing admiration to the man.

The Temple of Holy Medicine, as we all know, is a palace that doctors dream of.

To put it simply, the Temple of Medicine can also cure diseases that the hospital can save, and the Temple of Medicine can still treat diseases that the hospital cannot save.

There is no other reason, it is just that any person randomly taken out by the Holy Medical Hall is the Dinghaishenzhen of a hospital.

However, the Temple of Holy Medicine is divided into an outer cabinet and a cabinet. People in the outer cabinet will be at least at the professor level of the hospital after they go out, and the cabinet will be at least at the dean level.

It can be seen from this that the status and medical skills of the people in the cabinet belong to the top group of the Holy Medical Hall.

The most important thing is that there are less than 15 people in the cabinet in total, which further shows that the difficulty of entering the cabinet is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

If one day your illness cannot be cured even by the people in the cabinet, then you can undoubtedly meet the King of Hades.

Right now, after learning about the origins of the man and woman, the girl hastily said, "Please save my grandpa, both of you!"

"Don't worry, I won't let your grandfather have anything to do."

The man smiled, "Doctors are benevolent. As a member of the cabinet of the Holy Medical Palace, saving people is my bounden duty. Please stand back a little and don't disturb me when I give needles."

Hearing this, everyone retreated five or six meters away in a sensible way.

Human life is at stake, especially if the people from the Temple of Holy Medicine speak up, they naturally have to obey obediently.

Afterwards, the woman took out an acupuncture bag from her pocket and handed it to the man with both hands.

The man calmly opened the bag, took out a silver needle, and after taking off the old man's jacket, he made a gesture to stab the old man's heart.

But, the next moment.


An abrupt sound interrupted his needle application.

"Hehe...you go with the acupuncture, and this patient can celebrate the funeral in advance."

Follow the reputation.

Everyone saw a young man in white, walking slowly with his hands in his pockets.

Obviously, the youth is none other than Lin Chen.

Facing Lin Chen's sudden interruption, the man frowned and said in a slightly cold tone, "I don't know what you mean sir? Do you think I'm killing people?"

"Otherwise, could it be saving lives?"

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

Suddenly, the man's face froze, and then became gloomy.

Obviously, Lin Chen's words made him very unhappy.

As a member of the cabinet of the Holy Medicine Palace, this was the first time someone dared to disrespect him.

However, in order to maintain his demeanor, even if he was upset, he didn't open his mouth to reprimand.

On the contrary, the woman beside her immediately said coldly, "What are you talking about?"

"Do you know the identity of my senior brother? To tell you the truth, with his identity, even if the director of the top hospital in Beijing comes, you have to be polite to him."

"Today, if you don't apologize to my senior brother, you will never get out of here!"

As soon as the woman's voice fell, the people gathered here were also dissatisfied with Lin Chen:

"Who the hell is making trouble here?"

"Can't you see that human life is at stake, and you dare to question the people of the Holy Medicine Hall, you really don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

"I look at him, just want to show off."

"Stinky boy, get out of here immediately, don't disturb the Holy Medical Hall to save people, or believe it or not, I'll call the police."

Facing the hostility in everyone's words, Lin Chen twitched his lips and couldn't help sneering:

"Why, according to what you mean, the people in the Temple of Holy Medicine can't say anything?"

As he said that, he looked at the woman, and his tone became even colder, "And you keep showing off your senior brother's identity, why, do you mean saving people with your status?"

This time, the woman was stunned speechless.

Everyone was even more angry.

"Boy, you are reasonable!"

"It's lawless!"

"Quickly call the police and ask the police to take him away!"

Everyone shouted angrily, while the man glanced at Lin Chen with disdain, then inserted the silver needle in his hand into the old man's heart one after another, and began to move the needle slowly.

"Boy, keep your eyes open for me, how did my senior brother save people!"

Seeing this, the woman yelled at Lin Chen indifferently: "If my senior brother saves the person, you should obediently kneel down and apologize to me and my senior brother."

"Okay." Lin Chen shrugged and did not stop the man from moving, showing his white teeth: "Then let us look forward to your proud senior performance."

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