Overnight Success

Chapter 692 Say I Can, Say My Husband Is Not

Originally, Lin Chen didn't intend to make things so ugly, but some people are like this, the more you pamper them, the more they will use chicken feathers as swords.

They are relatives.

Yes, because they are relatives.

Do you want to open the back door recklessly?

As the saying goes, if there is one, there are two. If we want to meet their needs today, we don’t know what more excessive demands will be made in the future!

"Boy, shut up, don't think you can yell at us just by coming to the Su family!"

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't give them any face, Guo Shan and Guo Hai's expressions changed.

"Don't think, we don't know, you were a faucet repairer in the beginning, if the Su family didn't accept you as a son-in-law, do you think you have the qualifications to talk to us face to face?"

Su Qingcheng's cousin also echoed.

"The son-in-law?"

The corner of Lin Chen's mouth was playful, and he glanced at Su Taishan: "Old man, are you sure you are the Su family's son-in-law?"

Su Taishan's expression froze.

In fact, at first he disagreed with Lin Chen being with Su Qingcheng, but later, Lin Chen successively created Trace Removing Cream and Immortal Pill, which completely changed his previous opinion.

It can be said that Lin Chen contributed a lot to Su's success to where he is today!

If it weren't for Lin Chen, the Su family might not even be able to pass the hurdle that the Xu family suppressed back then. For the Su family, Lin Chen is their family's benefactor.

It's my uncle, not my son-in-law!

This is why he dared to express his dissatisfaction with his daughter's behavior about Pan Lei, but he never dared to say a word about Lin Chen. Biqu library

"Xiaochen, you should do your mother a favor."

Seeing this, Guo Min quickly rescued Su Taishan, and apologized to Lin Chen.

She also knows that the behavior of her two big brothers is a bit arrogant, but as Guo Shan and Guo Hai said, when they were young, good things were eaten after her first, so when their children encountered difficulties, they came to her sister, She couldn't help it.

Hearing this, Lin Chen didn't say anything more.

He has always had a good impression of Guo Min, the mother-in-law. After all, in the Su family, Guo Min was one of the few people who spoke for him.

Su Qingcheng also saw her mother's difficulty, thought for a while and said to Guo Shan and Guo Hai: "Uncles, my husband is indeed a bit harsh, I apologize to you on his behalf."

Immediately, Guo Shan and Guo Hai hummed and straightened their backs.

However, just when they were about to speak, Su Qingcheng said again: "However, I would like to ask you to help me just now."

Apologies to my husband for his attitude! "

"My husband has never been a son-in-law. He is the husband who will accompany me all my life, and he is also the son-in-law of the Su family!"

As soon as the words came out.

Guo Shan and Guo Hai were taken aback.

Immediately, when they came back to their senses, their faces couldn't help being a little gloomy.

What a joke, asking them to apologize to this poor boy is simply unreasonable.

"What if we don't apologize?"

Guo Shan and Guo Hai said coldly.

"Then today, I will leave my words here. If you don't apologize for this, the door of the Su Clan will never be opened for you!"

Su Qingcheng did not give in, her tone was sonorous and forceful.

She doesn't care what others say about her, but her husband just can't do it.


"You white-eyed wolf!"

"How can you speak for outsiders like this!"

Guo Shan and Guo Hai were so angry that they just reprimanded Su Qingcheng. Biqu library

"To shut up!"

At this moment, Lin Chen spoke indifferently, his voice was as cold as an arctic glacier, and Guo Shan and Guo Hai shuddered subconsciously.

"If you dare to insult my wife again, believe me, no matter who you are, I will make you disappear from this world!"

Lin Chen said this, and a wave of hostility swept out.

In the Setsuna room, in the entire private room, except for Su Qingcheng's family, the rest of the people only felt that their throats were grasped by an invisible big hand, and it was difficult to breathe.

It took a long time for them to slow down, panting heavily.

The eyes looking at Lin Chen were filled with fear before he knew it.

Taking a few deep breaths, Guo Shan and Guo Hai looked at each other and apologized obediently to Lin Chen.

"Well, I will let people arrange the work of my cousin and cousin, but I will decide what to do. They will be able to go to work the day after tomorrow."

Su Qingcheng said with a pretty face.

From the very beginning, she didn't want to do anything wrong, but the two families were too much and didn't show their attitude. She was afraid that the two families would get worse in the future.

"Nothing else, we're leaving."

Su Qingcheng got up and said.

"Qingcheng, sit down, let's have a good meal, how long has it been since our family had a good chat together."

Guo Min said, and touched Su Taishan with his arm.

Su Taishan was silent.

Su Qingcheng glanced at him, "Forget it, I don't have an appetite today, let's talk about it next time."

The voice fell.

Lin Chen nodded to Guo Min, then took Su Qingcheng's hand and left.

Instead of having dinner with a bunch of fake people,

It's better to go home and cook a bowl of instant noodles to eat freely.

"Xiao Min, let me tell you, this kid is not worthy of Qingcheng at all. You see, Qingcheng dares to disrespect his elders after following him. His education is getting lower and lower."

After Lin Chen completely disappeared from sight, Guo Shan hurriedly said to Guo Min.

"Brother is right. I think this kid has extremely bad morals. Let Qingcheng continue to live with him, and I'm afraid he will learn even more badly."

Guo Hai also belittled Lin Chen.

From their point of view, Lin Chen dared to talk to them because he was the son-in-law of the Su family. When he didn't have this status, they wanted to see how arrogant he was!

When You Qi thought of being frightened by a junior just now, they couldn't help feeling angry.

It's really unreasonable!

"But I think Lin Chen is a good kid. Do you have any misunderstandings about him?"

Guo Min listened to the two big brothers persuading his daughter to divorce Lin Chen, and his tone was a little displeased.

Guo Shan and Guo Hai were about to say something, but were interrupted by Su Taishan: "Okay, let's eat, can't you stop your mouths after eating?"

The two were devastated, and immediately touched their noses, resentful and no longer speaking.


Outside, after leaving the restaurant.

Inside the Ferrari sports car, Lin Chen was driving the steering wheel on his way home.

"Husband, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged!" x.com

Su Qingcheng apologized.

"Silly girl, it is obvious that you have been wronged."

Lin Chen shook his head, and then said: "But do you really want to accept those two trash to the company?"

"Yeah, otherwise, what else can I do, after all, they are my mother's big brother's children, I can't even give my mother face!"

Su Qingcheng sighed and felt a little worried.

She also understood that recruiting those two people in was undoubtedly recruiting two living ancestors.

However, this is the case with relatives. If you refuse, you will say that you are inhumane, but if you agree, you are completely causing trouble for yourself.

Life is full of helplessness...

"Okay, let Chen Wen arrange an odd job for them."

Lin Chen freed up a hand and stroked Su Qingcheng's hair.

Su Qingcheng quietly leaned on Lin Chen's shoulder, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

However, this moment of tranquility was quickly broken.

Just as Lin Chen was driving a Ferrari and turning into the villa area, a figure suddenly appeared, blocking in front of the Ferrari.


Lin Chen slammed on the brakes, and at the same time firmly protected the back of Su Qingcheng's head with his hands.

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