Overnight Success

Chapter 693 The Three Elders Of Miaojiang

caught the eye.

This figure, wearing a black robe, is like a ghost in the dark night.

The figure slowly turned its head, revealing a face covered with scars, and under the skin covered with scars, there was an unknown object wriggling along the blood vessels, which looked quite hideous.

"Honey, after I get off the car, you drive away as soon as possible, the farther the better."

Lin Chen spoke.



Su Qingcheng wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lin Chen: "No, but, be obedient, the farther away the better, and I will call you after this is resolved."

"it is good……"

Su Qingcheng nodded. She was not stupid, and she could tell that this person was not kind. Lin Chen didn't let her stay here. The high probability was that this person's strength was beyond her ability to deal with. Instead of staying and causing trouble, Lin Chen would have some It's better to drive away, so at least Lin Chen has no worries.

"be careful."

Su Qingcheng said with concern.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

As Lin Chen said, he pushed open the door of the Ferrari and walked towards the black-robed figure.


The sound of a motor sounded.

Ferrari turned around and drove away in an instant.

"Mr. Lin, it seems that you care about your wife very much!"

The black figure stared at Lin Chen and said.

Lin Chen shrugged, expressionless, "Miaojiang people?"

"Unexpectedly, you have already guessed that you really have some skills."

The black-robed figure nodded, as his default identity.

"Hehe..." Lin Chen sneered: "There's no need to guess, since the first time I saw you, the disgusting evil spirit on your body has already told me your origin."

"Is it disgusting?"

"But how do I feel, this is the most wonderful smell in the world, and one day, this smell will spread to every corner of Huaguo."

Speaking of this, the tone of the black-robed figure suddenly became cold: "Zan Qianming and Meng Na died at your hands, I can already smell their blood from you."

"That's right."

Lin Chen said lightly: "I originally thought that you Miaojiang people should be taught a lesson after this incident. Did you come to me this time to avenge them?"

"If it is, then I will accompany you to the end!" m.x.com

"Your tone is really

Not small. "The black-robed figure said, a burst of internal energy was set off on his body, and gusts of wind were rolled up.

"Boy, remember my name Dugu Leng, and Meng Na who died at your hands was my apprentice who was taught by me. I didn't need to deal with you personally, but if you kill my apprentice, I can only send it to you personally." You're on your way."

"Of course, you have to be sensible and hand over the Huayu you collected in your hands. I can give you a good time, and spare your little daughter-in-law's life by the way. Otherwise, it should be a good choice to capture her and take her back as a servant."

Hearing this, Lin Chen's dark eyes flashed coldness, and his tone was low, "You are wrong, I will send you on your way tonight."

The words fell.

With a sneer at the corner of Dugu Leng's mouth, he took the lead in the attack, and a group of densely packed worms flew out of the two cuffs. These worms flapped their wings and surrounded Dugu Leng, making piercing and shrill sounds.

It can be seen that these worms are Gu worms carefully cultivated by Dugu Leng.

"Boy, if you fight against us in Miao Jiang, you will end up dead. Prepare your last words. Tonight, I will let you witness the strength of the three elders of Miao Jiang!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Countless Gu worms, like a tidal wave, swept across Lin Chen.

It looked like a tiger opening its mouth wide, trying to devour people.

However, for Lin Chen, he was no stranger to Gu worms, and he alone was enough to deal with them.

But the reason why Su Qingcheng was allowed to leave was because the people in Miao Jiang had strange methods. He could at most ensure that he would not be manipulated by voodoo techniques, but he could not guarantee Su Qingcheng's safety.

So for her, the best option is to drive away from here.

"Children, enjoy the food I have prepared for you!"

Dugu shouted coldly.

These Gu worms moved more quickly and surrounded Lin Chen overwhelmingly with the sound of piercing through the air.

In response to this, Lin Chen relied on his ultra-fast reaction and made a few deft dodges to calmly distance himself from these Gu worms.

Seemingly finding the food in their mouths slipping away again and again, the screams of these Gu worms became more and more urgent, faintly exasperated.

They condensed into a ball, transformed into a monstrous Gu worm, leaped up, came to the sky above Lin Chen, and were about to open their mouths wide.

Mouth, when you bite down.

Lin Chen's eyes were fixed, and his aura circulated, condensing into a blazing long sword in his hand.

Gu worms are afraid of fire, and condensing aura into a blazing long sword is the best way to restrain Gu worms.

as predicted.

When the blazing long sword stabbed at the huge changing Gu worm.

The small Gu worms stabbed by the long sword were all reduced to ashes.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen took advantage of the victory and pursued, slashing several swords in succession, and wiped out all these Gu worms in an instant.

Countless ashes transformed from Gu worms are slowly floating in the air.

For this scene, Dugu Leng was a little dumbfounded. She did not expect that these carefully cultivated Gu worms would be eliminated so easily, and all the years of blood would be wiped out at this moment.


Dugu Leng shouted angrily.

But, the next moment.

Lin Chen was already holding a blazing long sword, and was slashing at the center of his eyebrows.

Coercion mighty.

Lin Chen carried a strong aura, and directly cast a thunderous blow on Dugu Leng.

"How dare you show embarrassment with such a trivial skill?"

"The third elder of Miaojiang, is this the only thing?"

Lin Chen had a sneer on his face, but just as the long sword was slashing at Dugu Leng.

Dugu Leng stretched out his palm and grasped the blade of the sword.

Visible to the naked eye, Dugu Leng's palm exudes a dark blue halo, and when this dark blue halo touches the sword body - Setsuna, the raging flames that were originally burning on the sword body are instantly annihilated.

"Boy, the power of your means is indeed beyond my expectation."

"However, I have already prepared a way to deal with it. I have raised an ice soul worm in the palm of my hand. This worm lives in the thousand-year-old iceberg all year round. Even at absolute zero, it cannot kill it. Because of this, the cold air radiating from it , enough to annihilate all flames in the world."

Dugu Leng was quite proud, and then said: "You should be curious, why my palm can hold such a deadly cold bug, it is because my palm is completely mechanical, and the inside of this mechanical palm There is a built-in chip, and that chip will continue to emit cold air for the ice apparition worms to live in."

Speaking of this, he took out the sharp blade on his waist, unleashed a fierce attack on Lin Chen, and said: "I know so much, kid, it's time to send you on your way!"

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