Overnight Success

Chapter 694 Attacked In The Middle Of The Night

"As expected of the third elder of Miaojiang, you are indeed a bit stronger than your apprentice, but that's all."

There was no panic on Lin Chen's face. Instead, he chuckled and mobilized his spiritual energy to resist.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Lin Chen's body shape changed unpredictably. For a while, Dugu Leng was completely led by the nose. No matter how he changed his attack, he still couldn't break through Lin Chen's defense.

This made him unable to bear the anger in his heart, and immediately bit his finger, dripping on the sharp blade, and suddenly a more fierce offensive swept out.

Lin Chen's eyes flickered, and he took two steps back to avoid his sharp edge, but Dugu Leng pursued after him, directly attacking Lin Chen's neck one after another.

"Boy, where are you running!"

Dugu Leng shouted, and then threw out the sharp knife in his hand.


The sharp blade pierced through the air, emitting a dazzling cold light.

Just when it was less than an inch away from Lin Chen.

Lin Chen's originally pitch-black pupils suddenly burst into red gold, and he shouted: "Open Heaven Fist!"


A daunting punch erupted from around Lin Chen.

Almost instantly.

A red-gold fist light filled the entire starry sky, billowing with fist power, vast and infinite.

The moment the sharp blade came into contact with the light of the fist, it directly vanished into nothingness.

Annihilated into slag!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen jumped up, carrying monstrous power, and punched Dugu coldly.

Dugu Leng's complexion changed drastically, and he made a move to resist.

Offense and defense switch.

However, in the face of this rolling punch, even if Dugu Leng broke out with all his strength, his body was still washed by the light of the fist, and he flew upside down, spraying several mouthfuls of blood, and there was no intact flesh and blood on his whole body.

Afterwards, Lin Chen put away his fist light, and slowly came to Dugu Leng, looking down at him.

At this moment, Dugu held his chest coldly, his face pale.

"Boy, I'll fight with you!"

Dugu gritted his teeth coldly, and when he was about to attack Lin Chen, he found that he could no longer stand up. It turned out that his two legs had been completely broken by the impact of the punch just now.

"Let me ask you, how is your internal system in Miaojiang constituted?"

Lin Chen asked condescendingly.

"Don't you want to know!"

Dugu growled coldly.

"Yo, it's quite stubborn."

Lin Chen hooked his mouth, and kicked Dugu Leng in the face.


This kick deformed Dugu's cold face on the spot, and a pair of teeth were completely loose and began to fall off one after another.


Finally, Dugu Leng couldn't stand it any longer and let out a painful cry.

"I asked you to tell me!"

Lin Chen stepped on Dugu Leng's chest,

Make a little effort.


It's not difficult to imagine that the ribs in Dugu Leng's chest have been broken one after another.

"Boy, I advise you to stop when enough is enough. The background of the Miaojiang people will only be more terrifying than you imagined. If you kill me, what awaits you will only be a more terrifying opponent."

Dugu Leng panted heavily, endured the severe pain, and issued a final threat.

"So, according to what you mean, if I let you go, you Miaojiang people will let it go?"

Lin Chen smiled playfully.

"Of course not, you have repeatedly sabotaged my Miao Jiang plan, how can we tolerate you!"

Just as Dugu Leng finished speaking, there was another click! x.com


Dugu Leng let out a series of screams again, and the screams attracted the residents of the surrounding villa area to light up the lamps one after another, ready to go outside to find out.

At this moment, Lin Chen had already dented Dugu Leng's chest, and he said indifferently: "So, why should I let you leave alive?"

"I can recommend you to the higher authorities. As long as you are willing to join Miaojiang, maybe the high priest will be willing to let you go."

Dugu Leng said hastily.

From Lin Chen's tone, he felt a killing intent.

In short, he needs to stabilize Lin Chen as much as possible, and when he returns to Miaojiang, he will regroup and come to Lin Chen to settle accounts.

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and saving his life is his top priority right now.

It's a pity that his wishful thinking was in vain after all.

Lin Chen has seen that this person has no intention of telling him information about Miao Jiang at all. In this case, as the footsteps of the residents are getting closer, Lin Chen stretches out a finger, and a beam of light shoots out, Piercing through Dugu Leng's eyebrows with lightning speed.

next moment.

Dugu's eyes widened coldly, and he died unwillingly...

Afterwards, Lin Chen cleaned up the corpse, and then walked to a corner, avoiding the residents to call Su Qingcheng.

However, after calling for a while, no one answered.

This made Lin Chen frown, just when he was about to hang up.

The call finally answered.

Su Qingcheng's panicked voice sounded.

"Honey, I'm really scared, someone is chasing me..."

Lin Chen's expression changed, and he quickly asked, "Who is chasing you? Where are you, my wife?"

"Hill road."

After Su Qingcheng finished speaking, there was a crashing sound on the other end of the phone, accompanied by Su Qingcheng's scream.

The phone hangs up here.

"Honey, how are you, what happened?"

Lin Chen's voice was urgent, but when he realized that the phone had been hung up, his expression was completely gloomy.

Originally, he asked Su Qingcheng to leave because he was afraid that she would

This is in danger.

However, she never expected that this would actually hurt her!

"Honey, don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you!"

Lin Chen clenched his fists, came to the side of the road and rode on the shared bicycle, and immediately mobilized his aura. At this moment, the shared bicycle exploded unprecedentedly, comparable to the speed of a rocket, and rushed towards the hilly road.

the other side.

hilly road.

The reason why this place is named hills is mainly because the terrain of the nearby roads is relatively steep, and this area has always been the area with the highest probability of car accidents in Yunhuai City.

At the moment, a red Ferrari is parked here.

The rear of the car was badly damaged and one of the tires was blown out.

It is already in a state of being unable to drive.

Su Qingcheng came down from the cab, her clothes were damaged to varying degrees, and her fair skin that was exposed was already slightly bruised.

More importantly, blood oozed from her forehead, and there were some scars on her beautiful face.

Just one glance is enough to make people feel pity.

"Run, beauty, you can run quite well, why don't you run?"

Behind Su Qingcheng, young men in gray clothes got off motorcycles one after another.

The young people looked like people from the Red Sun country, and they stood in two rows.

A man dressed in black with a black dragon engraved on the back of his clothes walked out of the crowd, speaking contemptuously at Su Qingcheng in his not-so-fluent Chinese dialect.

Seeing the man, Su Qingcheng's expression was cold, and he recalled the scene just now in his mind.

After she drove out of the villa area, she was followed by a group of young people driving motorcycles. She had no choice but to increase her horsepower and try to get rid of these young people.

But no matter how she shuttled, she still couldn't get rid of these young people, and was even forced by these young people to the hilly road, and just now, one of the young people did not hesitate to damage the motorcycle, and slammed into her parking space in a desperate manner.

Under the violent impact, Su Qingcheng immediately smashed her head on the protective glass in front of the car, causing damage to the rear of the car. However, she did not give up and still controlled the steering wheel to escape. m.x.com

However, she seemed to be aware that she was unwilling to give up. Among these people, whoever fired a shot directly blew her tires. Fortunately, she reacted very quickly, otherwise, she might have smashed through the guardrail and jumped from the road. fall down.

"who are you?"

Su Qingcheng put away his thoughts and asked coldly.

"who is it?"

"Miss Su, I haven't seen you for a few days, and you just forgot about me?"

The man's tone was playful, and he pointed to his face.

Suddenly, Su Qingcheng came to his senses, his face became ugly and he said: "It's you!"

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