Overnight Success

Chapter 697 The Evil Deeds Of The Fierce Ghosts

Hearing Lin Chen's threat, Noda Ichiro didn't take it seriously at first, and would rather die than obey.

But then, when Lin Chen forcibly pulled his bone out of his chest, the severe pain almost killed him on the spot.


Noda Ichiro chose to compromise.

"I said, I said!"

Noda Ichiro shouted tremblingly.

Hearing this, Lin Chen glanced at him and stopped his movements.

He stared at Noda Ichiro coldly: "Speak!"

Noda Ichiro took a deep breath, and immediately said: "That organization is called Mengguizhong. Just like the name of the organization says, everyone in that organization bears hundreds of lives, and they are real evil spirits." library

"My second uncle is a member of the Devil's Ghosts, and the Black Dragon Society is just a subordinate organization of the Devil's Ghosts. Simply put, the Devil's Ghosts is the dream place for people who are proficient in magic in our Red Sun Kingdom. If they want your life , you will never survive an hour."

"As for the potion I drank just now, in fact, I am not the first experimental product. Long ago, countless people from Huaguo became experimental samples for it. The potion I drank is relatively mature, and the side effects Not fatal."

Hearing this, Lin Chen had a look of hostility in his eyes, and said, "It sounds like these ghosts are quite interesting, I would like to meet them."

"In this way, if I suddenly change my mind and don't want to kill you, you go back and give them a word, saying that if they come to find me, then I will take the initiative to find them."

As soon as the words came out.

Noda Ichiro couldn't help being taken aback, subconsciously said: "Is this really true?"

Obviously, from his point of view, he was already a dead end today, and Lin Chen would be willing to let him go, and what he couldn't understand the most was that this person dared to provoke the demons.

I really don't know how to live or die!

However, actually.

Lin Chen let Noda Ichiro go because he had other plans. As he said, it is a heinous crime for these ghosts to use Chinese people as experimental samples in order to test the efficacy of medicine!

In the last century, a digital unit of a certain army conducted bacterial experiments in the north of China, causing brutal and inhuman killings. This kind of hatred engraved in the bones is still flowing in the blood of every Chinese.

And now, this

The fierce ghosts dared to follow suit, now that he knew it, how could he let it go!

"Of course I won't go back on what I said!"

"But you have to leave one thing behind, death penalty can be avoided, living crime cannot escape!"

As Lin Chen said, a beam of light shot out from his fingertips, piercing Noda Ichiro's palm on the spot.


Noda yelled as he grasped the pain in his palm.

"get out!"

Lin Chen said, holding Noda Ichiro's head, and slammed it far away.

Just like that, Noda Ichiro disappeared from sight, but a strand of hair remained in Lin Chen's hand.

Of course, this is Lin Chen's intention.

If this person is not allowed to go back and find all the ghosts, then how can he wipe them all out.

"Honey, how do you feel?"

Lin Chen came to Su Qingcheng and asked.

"I'm fine."

Su Qingcheng shook her head, and then asked: "Honey, don't you want to lure a snake out of its hole?"

Obviously, when she saw that Lin Chen was willing to let Noda Ichiro go back, she guessed the general idea.

As a native of China, when she heard about the evil deeds of the ghosts, she hated them very much.

It's just that she couldn't help.

"It's not." Lin Chen chuckled: "I'm going to catch a turtle in a urn."

"My wife, I'll take you home first." m.x.com


the other side.

A top hotel suite in Yunhuai City.

A man in a white suit with an indifferent face was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, quietly watching the distant scenery.

Under the moonlight, the city is silent, and the occasional lights illuminate the way home for people who have been busy all day.

"Yunhuai City, this is really a nice city."

The man said in a low voice: "It's a pity that our layout in the capital was disrupted by an old drunkard. Otherwise, with the capital as the center, the ghost plan has already been half successful."

And behind the man, there is a man and a woman standing respectfully.

The back of the man's clothes is engraved with the pattern of a black dragon. It is the president of the Black Dragon Association - Kazuliu Fukai.

The woman was wearing professional attire, and it was the director of the Black Dragon Society - Yoshimoto Ayuzawa.

"Mr. Yamada, the destruction of the Fierce Ghost Project was something that our Black Dragon Society did not expect. We also don't know how the old alcoholic found out where we were hiding the human laboratory."


Bu Ze lowered his head and said.

The man in front of him is from the Noda family, he is the second uncle of Noda Ichiro, named Noda Taisui, and he is a high-ranking member of the fierce ghosts.

As the most powerful subordinate organization of the Demon Ghosts, the Black Dragon Society has always been responsible for the development of the Demon Ghost Project in the capital, but halfway through, a drunken old alcoholic broke into the laboratory suddenly. Destroyed in sevens and eights.

They had no choice but to flee, and finally chose Yunhuai City as the place of escape.

And Noda Taisui is the distinguished guest they are going to receive this time, but obviously, this distinguished guest is asking for a crime.

"A bunch of trash!"

"Just because of an old drunkard, did you run away in fright?"

Noda Taisui scolded, and then said: "I'm here this time to tell you that the top of the Ghost Project attaches great importance to it. No matter what troubles you encounter, you must complete it. Do you understand?" m.x.com

Immediately, everyone in the Black Dragon Society trembled and quickly agreed.

"Yamada-kun, we must always remember this in our hearts."

Regarding this, Noda Taisui snorted coldly: "Recently, I heard that the plan to eliminate ghosts failed, and your Black Dragon Club was also hit hard, and the vice president was even killed?"

"Yes, this person's name is Lin Chen from Yunhuai City, and his strength cannot be underestimated."

Fukai Ichiyanagi took over and said: "But I have already given Noda Ichiro medicine, let him take revenge."


Noda Taisui let out a light snort, "But it's okay, this kid has been spoiled by my elder brother since he was a child, it's time for him to exercise and inherit my elder brother's mantle."

"That's exactly what we mean."

Shenjing Yiliu said: "When Ichiro grows up, I can make room for him at any time as the president."

"You know the time."

Noda Taisui glanced at him: "Don't worry, I'll try my best to mention to Ms. Mikami that you will join the Ghost Clan as a core member as soon as possible."

"Then thank you, Noda-kun."

Shenjing Yiliu was overjoyed and thanked him immediately.

However, his voice just fell.

The door of the box was pushed open from the outside.

A voice sounded neutral: "Noda, it seems that you are living so comfortably that you have forgotten the rules of ghosts?"

"It seems that it is very necessary for me to re-establish the ethos of the fierce ghosts!"

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