next moment.

A cold-looking woman in a black windbreaker and red high boots walked slowly in front of everyone.

She walked very lightly, and hardly made a sound. If she hadn't spoken before, maybe everyone would not have noticed her sudden intrusion.

As the woman appeared, the members of the Black Dragon Society who were standing around suddenly bowed their heads.

The scene became extremely solemn.

The woman glanced around, picked up the disinfectant tissue on the table, and wiped her hands.

Then, Fukai Kazuyanagi immediately stepped forward to take the used disinfectant tissue with both hands, and then stepped aside.

It's hard to imagine that the president of the Black Dragon Society would take the initiative to do such a job as a servant.

However, everyone didn't find it strange at all. Noda Taisui even stepped forward, and respectfully saluted the coming woman: "Miss Mikami!"

"Miss Mikami!"

Everyone at the scene followed suit.

The woman's face was expressionless, and her eyes were as calm as water. Even though she stood here quietly without any unnecessary movements, everyone present was sweating profusely, flustered, and did not dare to look at her at all.

They can only lower their posture to express their respect for women.

"I said, when will you make the decision on the personnel transfer of the ghosts?"

After a while, the woman opened her mouth slowly and looked at Noda Taisui.

Immediately, Noda Taisui's hair stood on end, he nodded and bowed quickly: "Don't dare, this subordinate has no such intention."

"No such intention?"

The woman lightened her red lips, and suddenly exerted force with her palm, grabbing Noda Taisui's shoulder.


A scream sounded from Noda Taisui's mouth in an instant.

It can be seen with the naked eye that Noda Taisui's shoulder was crushed by the woman's palm.

"Miss Mikami, please forgive me, I won't dare again!",

Noda Taisui kept screaming and begging for mercy.

"The high-level members of the Ghost Clan, it's time for someone to replace you."

The woman said, and immediately shot a black needle from her sleeve.

The black needle pierced through Noda Taisui's chest, and a strange black flame suddenly appeared from the black needle, and in a blink of an eye, it directly spread throughout Noda Taisui's entire body.

"Forgive me, Miss Mikami, please forgive me!"

At this moment, Noda Taisui yelled desperately, his pupils filled with intense panic/

"Excuse me?"

The woman smiled coldly, "You are no longer worthy of being among the ghosts."

The words fell.

The strange black flame burned more and more intensely, and finally directly burned Noda Taisui to ashes, leaving a pile of bone powder.

"Only by you, you dare to open the back door among the fierce ghosts. You really don't know how to live or die."

After the woman finished speaking indifferently, everyone on the scene fell silent in fright, not even daring to breathe.

Right now, even the high-ranking members of the fierce ghosts have been burned to ashes by the woman. It is conceivable that the woman killed decisively and cruelly.

"I heard that the fierce ghosts were handed over to you in the secret laboratory of the Black Dragon Society in the capital, and they were completely destroyed by one person. Are you doing business?"

The woman's tone was stern, and she scanned the audience.


Miss, please forgive me! "

"Miss Mikami, please forgive me!"


Everyone was so frightened that they knelt down on the ground immediately.

And Kazuliu Shenjing stood up, bowed his head towards the woman and said: "Miss Mikami, the main responsibility for this matter lies with me, so it's up to you if you want to kill or cut, I just hope you can let my brothers go."

The full name of the woman in front of her is Mikami Yongmei, and she is the daughter of the leader of the Ghost Clan. Over the years, Mikami Yongmei has almost been in power in the Ghost Clan.

It never occurred to him that such an existence would arrive in Yunhuai City.

Come to think of it, it should be Xingshi's questioning. After all, the living laboratory set up by the ghosts in the capital was destroyed by the old drunkard.

But if Lin Chen is here, then he will find that this indifferent and heartless woman is the one he met in Universal Studios.

Turning around, Mikami Eomi took out a doll, looked at it, and said, "I don't want to kill people either!"

"It's just that I can't tolerate sand in my eyes, and you don't have to be overly nervous. The reason why Noda Taisui died is not entirely because he wanted to open the back door for you. This person has made no contribution to the ghosts these years, and he is used to being pampered." , deserved to die!"

"So, even if he doesn't die today, he won't live for long. My father told me to clear up the demons and select some capable people from the subordinate organization to be promoted. Which one of you is willing to take his place?"

Hearing Mikami Yongmei's words, everyone felt cold.

On the surface, this is an opportunity, but in fact, it is Noda Taisui who died today, and they may die tomorrow. If you want to join the fierce ghosts, you must continue to provide value for the fierce ghosts.

Otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

"You, get up!"

At this time, Mikami Eomi pointed to the woman kneeling beside Kazuliu Fukai and said.

Hearing this, the woman stood up and said to Mikami Yongmei: "I don't know Miss Sanshang, what instructions do you have?"

"What's your name?"

Mikami Eomi asked with great interest.

"Yoshimoto Ayuzawa"

the woman replied.

"You don't seem to be afraid of me?"

"I can see that although you are kneeling, you are unwilling in your heart."

As soon as Mikami Yongmei said this, Fukai Kazuliu hurriedly said: "Miss Mikami, you misunderstood, Bu Ze absolutely has no such intention."

"Is it for you to speak here?"

Mikami Yongmei glanced over, Fukai Kazuliu felt as if someone was choking her throat, and she couldn't even breathe.

"That's right."

Seeing this, Yoshimoto Ayuzawa said directly: "The destruction of the living body laboratory in Beijing is indeed our responsibility, but, as the leader of the ghosts, you have the ability to get rid of the murderer instead of venting your anger on us!"

"Interesting, keep talking."

Mikami Yongmei Furui's face showed a touch of interest.

"The one who destroyed the laboratory, we have fought against him before, but this person is too strong, he has already reached the heavenly realm, we are not opponents at all, but we will also keep the experimental results as much as possible

Save it. "

"For this reason, half of the people in the Black Dragon Society are lost there. Even if we don't have any credit, we always have some hard work. And I think, even if Miss Sanshang is there, facing the Venerable Heaven Realm It’s impossible to do better than us.”

After Yoshimoto Ayuzawa finished this series of words, he also closed his eyes and waited for the trial.

She understood that after saying this, she would commit a crime, and it was difficult for her to survive today.

Unexpectedly, Mikami Eomi clapped her hands, nodded and said: "That's right, I appreciate your courage and boldness."

"From today on, you will be my personal maid, serving me."

In this regard, Yoshimoto Ayuzawa opened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

And Kazuyanagi Fukai pushed Yoshimoto Ayuzawa, excitedly said: "Quickly agree, thank you Miss Mikami."

Being able to become Mikami Eomi's maid, her status is equivalent to that of a secretary, it is not difficult to imagine that from now on, Yoshimoto Hyuzawa has climbed many steps from the original director of the Black Dragon Association.

Especially for the Black Dragon Club, this is also a great thing.

After all, the Black Dragon Society is not the only subordinate organization of the Ghosts.

"Thank you, Miss Mikami."

Yoshimoto Ayuzawa took a deep breath and said sincerely.

"You don't need to be too polite." Mikami Eomi waved her hand: "I'm going to the capital tomorrow to meet Congressman Ross in the boss organization. From now on, you book the earliest ticket to fly to the capital, and you will go with me on this trip .”

"It can be regarded as giving you a long experience."

"Understood." Yoshimoto Byuzawa said immediately.

"I would like to ask, why did the people from the boss organization come to us?"

Fukai Kazuliu asked curiously.

"Two weeks ago, in the boss organization, a boss in charge of the Asian region contacted me and asked me to help get rid of Lin Chen. In exchange, he will help me re-establish a living laboratory in India in South Asia. It has the largest population in the world, and it is the most suitable place to carry out the Devil's Ghost Project."

Emi Mikami said this, and the voice changed: "Of course, this is the result of the preliminary discussion, and there are still follow-up discussions. This time I went to see Congressman Ross to discuss this."

"I heard that tonight you have dispatched manpower to attack and kill Lin Chen. I hope you can give me a satisfactory result when you arrive in the capital tomorrow."

Hearing this, Shenjing Yiliu patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Ms. Mikami, I will definitely help you with this matter. After tonight, Lin Chen will die!"

"Better so."

Mikami Eomi lit a cigarette, and signaled to Yoshimoto Hyuzawa: "Let's go, we don't have much time."


Afterwards, until the two left here, everyone got up from the ground and let out a long sigh of relief.


However, not long after, there was another sound of footsteps.

Everyone tensed up, and immediately fell to their knees, thinking that Mikami Yongmei had returned, but they didn't expect that when a figure appeared at the door of the private room.

Only then did everyone realize that the person who came was Noda Ichiro, who was dripping with blood without a piece of good meat.

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