
"A bunch of trash, even a brat can't deal with it!"

Mikami Yongmei said in a deep voice, and then said: "Who do you think did this?"

"I guess it's Lin Chen."

Yoshida Ayuzawa hesitated and said:

"Yunhuai City is his territory. I guess it is likely to be a member of the Black Dragon Society. If he fails to attack and kill him, he will be found and wiped out."

Mikami Eomi nodded: "It's not impossible, by the way, do you have any information about this person?"


Yoshida Ayuzawa said, when she called out Lin Chen's information, Mikami Eomi's pupils shrank suddenly. x.com

Because she discovered that this person was actually the same as the one she met in Universal Studios.

"I didn't expect it to be him..."

Eomi Mikami said in surprise.

"Miss, do you know him?"

Yoshida Ayuzawa was confused.

"We met once, if he makes a move, I wouldn't be surprised that the black dragon would be defeated."

When Mikami Eomi said this, footsteps sounded.

It was Ross coming back from the phone call.

"I've been waiting for Miss Mikami for a long time. Seeing that your complexion is not good, are you in any trouble?"

Rose noticed the change in Mikami Eomi's face, and then asked.

"It's okay, can we continue to cooperate?"

Mikami Eomi changed the subject.


Rose smiled: "Mr. Boss has given clear instructions, as long as you can kill Lin Chen within half a month, he will mobilize forces to help you deal with your enemies."

"it is good."

Mikami Eomi nodded in agreement.

"Miss Mikami, don't worry, Mr. Boss has another condition. If you fail to kill Lin Chen in half a month, then the liquidated damages will be as high as tens of billions. You should think about it clearly."

As soon as Rose's words came out, Mikami Eomi's face changed, obviously she didn't expect that the other party would come up with such a trick.

It seems that Mr. Boss is still old and cunning.

"But I believe in Miss Mikami's ability, this condition should be no problem!"

"If this cooperation can be happy, from now on, the ghosts and the boss organization will be strategic partners. When the bosses rule the world, you will definitely have a place in the ghosts."

Ross is persuasive.

"Then enjoy working together."

Mikami Eomi sneered in her heart.

On the surface, it seems that the two parties are cooperating, but in fact, both parties are testing each other's strength.

"Miss Mikami is so courageous, come and take out the champagne that I have treasured for many years."

Ross gave instructions to his subordinates.

"No, I still have things to do."

After Mikami Eomi signed the document, there was no

After saying hello to Ross, he took Yoshida Ayuzawa and left.

See here. x.com

There was a trace of pity at the corner of Rose's mouth, and the pills that were originally in the palm of his hand were also thrown into the trash can.

"This woman is really proud. I thought I could take her down this year, but it doesn't matter. Sooner or later, you will be on my plate!"

After the words fell, a hint of greed flashed in Rose's eyes.


the other side.

Inside the villa.

Lin Chen had just woken up and finished washing when he heard the doorbell ring.

Go over there, open it and have a look.

The visitors turned out to be his adoptive parents Tang Zhengdao, Yang Shuyun and younger sister Tang Ya.

"Mom and Dad, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came?"

Lin Chen said in surprise.

"It's not your sister, she said today that she will bring us to you."

"Our old couple didn't have any good things for you. On the way here, I bought you some native eggs and an old hen."

Yang Shuyun chuckled, and handed the things in her hand to Lin Chen.

"Mom and Dad, come here as soon as you come. If you have anything to bring, come in and sit down."

Lin Chen smiled slightly.

While speaking, a voice came from upstairs.

"Honey, who's here?"

next moment.

Su Qingcheng came down the stairs in a silk pajamas and cotton slippers, revealing a pair of slender and fair legs.

Then, when she saw Yang Shuyun and Tang Zhengdao.

He couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

"Mom and Dad, why are you here?"

As Su Qingcheng said, her pretty face blushed, and she hurried back to the bedroom and changed into conservative clothes.

Regarding this, Tang Zhengdao and Yang Shuyun smiled and said: "Your sister is arguing that she misses you, so she brought the two of us to find you, so I didn't cause you any trouble."

"how come."

Su Qingcheng hurriedly said: "Come on, it's too late for Lin Chen and I to be happy!"

"That's right, there's nothing at home to entertain you, why don't we go out to eat."

"No, our old couple just came to see you and then left."

Tang Zhengdao and Yang Shuyun said.

"Mom and Dad, how can this work..."

Su Qingcheng winked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen smiled and said: "Mom and Dad, there are still some beef and vegetables at home, you have finally come here, so why don't you stay for a meal, so that you can also try my cooking."

After that, Tang Ya took the initiative to help Lin Chen wash the vegetables, while Su Qingcheng chatted with the old couple.

During this period, the more the old couple looked at this daughter-in-law, the more they liked it, and they kept boasting.

It made Su Qingcheng's cheeks turn red, and said again and again: "Mom and Dad, I'm not as good as you say."

Here, in the kitchen.

Lin Chen looked at Tang Ya who was choosing dishes

Said: "Tell me, why did you call your parents here?"

"Brother, how do you know that I have something to see you!"

Tang Ya whispered.

Lin Chen snorted: "You can hide from your parents, but you can't hide it from me."

"Having trouble at school?"

"There is no trouble." Tang Ya flattered her, "But there is indeed one thing that needs to trouble you."

"What's up?"

"It's like this. Our school is about to celebrate its anniversary, and the school lacks a heavyweight female star to sit in the school. I heard that you know Hua Furong, the well-known Hua Guo star." Tang Ya lowered her head and said: "So I would like to ask You ask Miss Hua to come to our school for the anniversary celebration to increase your popularity."

"How do you know that I know Hua Furong?" Lin Chen was curious.

"Some time ago, there were rumors about your affair with Ms. Hua, and as far as I know, Ms. Hua is now the product spokesperson of the sister-in-law company. You must be very familiar with her."

Tang Ya said.

"Why do you ask me about this kind of thing? Why don't you just ask your principal to contact Ms. Hua?"

Tang Ya said distressedly: "Brother, Huada star, how can our school invite me to move, and after the school found out about our relationship, they also specially entrusted this task to me."

"I made a promise at the time. If you don't help, your sister and I will have no face to continue messing around in school."

Hearing this, Lin Chen joked: "Who told you to agree, and even called your parents to give you courage!"

"It's your own fault!"

"Don't, brother..." Tang Ya said with a sad face, "If you don't help, I can only find my sister-in-law. I believe my sister-in-law will definitely help me."

"Okay, if your sister-in-law agrees, I have no objection."

Lin Chen shrugged.

Afterwards, Tang Ya pouted and told Su Qingcheng about the matter.

After listening, Su Qingcheng smiled and said: "You should ask your brother about this matter, he is more familiar with Huada Star than I am."

"elder brother……"

"Help me..."

Tang Ya turned her head to look at Lin Chen.

"Okay, okay."

"There's really nothing I can do about you."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, Tang Ya hugged Su Qingcheng's arm excitedly: "Sister-in-law is so kind, I love you so much."

"Hey, it's obvious that I contributed, did you thank the wrong person?"

Lin Chen rolled his eyes.


Tang Ya turned her head away.

Not long after, the family had a happy lunch.

after dinner.

Just as the five of them were talking and laughing, Su Qingcheng's phone rang suddenly.

After pressing answer, she couldn't help frowning for a moment: "Okay, you stabilize them first, and I'll go there right away."

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