"Boy, don't be too rampant!"

"It's still unknown who will die. If you want to get information from me, there is no way!"

Fukai Kazuliu endured the pain and shouted loudly.

"What are you doing in a daze, fuck him and kill him!"

Shenjing Yiliu glanced around and cursed: "Whoever dares to be a coward, I will kill him first!"

Hearing this, everyone cheered secretly, then looked at each other, and rushed towards Lin Chen one after another.


Lin Chen smiled disdainfully, his fists surged with spiritual energy, like a dragon sailing out to sea, no one survived wherever it passed.

Almost instantly.

Those members of the Black Dragon Club whose chests were pierced by Lin Chen's fist fell to the ground one by one, and died suddenly without even screaming.


One corpse after another filled the floor of the private room, and the smell of blood wafted in the air, making people sick.

Fukai Kazuliu was completely dumbfounded by this.

One must know that all the members of the Black Dragon Society he recruited were elites, and each of them was once a top mercenary in the world.

But now, in front of Lin Chen, they are like tofu, which will shatter when touched.

Seeing the blood pooling into a stream, Fukai Kazuliu's mind was full of fear. He didn't understand why such a small Yunhuai City existed.

He even suspected that this person's real strength had reached the heavenly realm.

"I've said it before, I'll give you a chance to die decently, but if you give up, I won't be merciful."

Lin Chen's face was unmoved, as if what died in his hands was not a group of people, but a group of ants.

Just a moment.

On the scene, apart from Lin Chen, only Ichiro Fukai and Ichiro Noda were left trembling. m.x.com

"Can you two talk?"

Lin Chen asked indifferently.

"Don't kill me, I said, I said!"

Suddenly, Noda Ichiro huddled in the corner shouted.

"Please, don't kill me, I'll tell you everything I know!"

When Noda Ichiro said this, he kowtowed to Lin Chen repeatedly.

Now, for him, there is nothing more important than survival. What country and belief have long been forgotten.

"Let me ask you, where are the fierce ghosts? What kind of organization are they?"

Lin Chen asked condescendingly.

"That's right, we've never met the leader of the ghost crowd. The highest leader of the ghost crowd has always been Ms. Mikami Yongmei. Before you came, she just left here, and before she left

Killed my second uncle. "

Noda Ichiro gritted his teeth.

"Noda Ichiro, are you courting death?"

"Who gave you the courage to betray Miss Mikami!"

Fukai Ichiyanagi rushed directly in front of Noda Ichiro, strangled his neck desperately and said. Biqu library


Noda Ichiro pushed Shenjing Ichiliu away, and cursed: "She killed my second uncle, and she didn't give our Noda family a living, so why should I do things for her?"

"Our Noda family has been serving the fierce ghosts. There is no credit but hard work, but she kills as soon as she says. What does she think of us?"

"And you, you are not a good thing, if not for you, how could my second uncle die!"

Saying that, Noda Ichiro looked resentful, biting Fukai Kazuliu away.


Noda Ichiro tore off a piece of flesh and blood by Fukai Ichiro, and he uttered a scream in pain.

"Noda Ichiro, you are courting death!"

Fukai Ichiryu's animal nature was aroused, and he also threw several punches at Noda Ichiro.

The two wrestled together like this.

Seeing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but twitched his mouth: "Okay, I'll send you two to hell right now, where it's more suitable for you to fight."

The voice fell.

The two people who had been wrestling with each other suddenly felt a chill go down their spines.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Chen kicked twice.


The floor-to-ceiling windows burst.

The two bodies just fell from a height of tens of meters.



Following two spurts of blood that were enough to splash three feet high, Noda Ichiro and Fukai Ichiyanagi widened their eyes, unwilling to die.

Lin Chen watched this scene coldly, without any pity in his eyes.

It is an unforgivable crime for these Red Sun people to dare to use Hua people as experimental animals!

Fierce ghosts, since you dare to do such unconscionable things, no matter how deeply you hide, I will find you out.

After solving all this, Lin Chen returned home immediately.


The next day, ten o'clock in the morning.

Beijing, Hilton Hotel.

In the luxury suite, Mikami Eomi appeared here in a red dress and a white suit.

Behind him, Yoshida Ayuzawa followed closely.

"Welcome, Miss Mikami."

Wearing a formal suit, Ross got up from the sofa and smiled at Eomi Mikami.

"Ross, be direct, are you ready for the contract?"

Mikami Eomi cut to the chase.


Ross gave the subordinates beside him a look, and the subordinates immediately put the documents in their arms,

on the desktop.

"Please take a look."

Ross made a gesture of invitation, and praised: "Miss Mikami, you are indeed an outstanding representative of the younger generation of the Red Sun Kingdom. Regardless of ability or appearance, she is enough to look down upon others."

"Senator Ross has won the prize."

Eomi Mikami responded politely, and opened the file, all of which were in red Japanese Mandarin. m.x.com

After reading it, Eomi Mikami crossed her legs, nodded and said, "The contract is fine."

"And the red Japanese Mandarin is used, Congressman Ross has a heart."

"This is what I should do." Rose chuckled: "No problem, Ms. Mikami will sign it."

"Not in a hurry."

Emi Mikami waved her hand, and immediately said: "After my father called Mr. Boss last night, he added a clause. I don't think it was written in the contract. Congressman Ross probably didn't know about it."

"Oh? And this?"

Ross wondered.

"The additional terms are also very simple. It is nothing more than that I get rid of Lin Chen, and Mr. Boss needs to take action to get rid of the old drunkard who unplugged my demons in the capital laboratory."

Mikami Eomi said.

The destruction of the capital laboratory was a serious blow to the ghosts.

However, with the current situation of the ghosts, there is no good way to get rid of the real culprit, so they need someone organized by the boss to take action.

Only their people have the absolute ability to fight against this person.

"It turns out that there is still this matter. In this way, I will check with Mr. Boss. Ms. Mikami, please wait."

Congressman Ross smiled slightly, then got up and walked towards the inner suite.

During the period, Mikami Eomi lit a cigarette, planning to enjoy this short moment of peace.

Yoshida Ayuzawa, flipping through his phone, shouted in shock: "Miss, something happened!"

"What's up?"


Mikami Eomi frowned.


Yoshida Ayuzawa handed over the phone.

Mikami Eomi picked up the phone, glanced at it casually, she couldn't calm down again, and the cigarette in her hand was directly snuffed out.

In the eyes.

The title of the mobile phone is extremely eye-catching: Hotel Falling Case.

Below is the latest report on the falling from a building. The main content is that a large-scale death occurred in the hotel in Yunhuai City where she was staying last night, and two men with black dragon patterns carved on the back of their clothes fell to their deaths.

The death was very tragic.

The police are still searching for the real culprit who caused the mass death of "international friends"...

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