
At this moment, the people in the Taoist temple quickly supported Gong Ruyu and kept shouting.

For a long time.

Gong Ruyu just opened her eyes, only to feel an indescribable pain in her chest.

In just two days, he fell down on the same person twice. For him, this was an unprecedented shame.

"Let's go……"

Gong Ruyu was extremely lonely and sighed.

Things have come to this point, if he continues to stay, it will only increase the number of jokes and embarrass himself. Biqu library

However, just when he was about to leave.

It turned out that the crowd watching was a commotion.

Immediately afterwards, voices of doubt sounded.

"Boy, we haven't even seen such a thing as spiritual soil. How can you prove that it is spiritual soil?"

"Yeah, you shouldn't just talk about it and fool us."

"In my opinion, if this is really spiritual soil, how could the people of Baohetang not take it away, but still keep it here?"


Hearing everyone's discussion, Bai Fangyuan's face was also not very good-looking.

In fact, he couldn't be sure. After all, he had never seen such a thing as Lingtu, but only heard about it.

For a moment, he even prayed that the black soil in Lin Chen's hand was not real spiritual soil.

Otherwise, he would really vomit blood.

Here, Lin Chen looked at the questioning faces of the crowd, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "Since you don't believe it, then I will let you experience the mystery of the spiritual land."

After finishing speaking, Lin Chen stimulated the spiritual energy, fully mobilizing the rich breath of life in the spiritual soil.

At this moment, everyone felt that a wave of vitality rushed from the black soil.

caught the eye.

Holding this black soil in Lin Chen's hands, it's like containing life stars as vast as a galaxy, with boundless vitality.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

In a daze, they even felt that whoever can hold this pile of black soil is like holding the most fertile land in the world. It seems that if you hold such fertile soil in the palm of your hand, you can cultivate everything in the world.

This wonderful feeling gave everyone a kind of spiritual sublimation, and they even wished to swim in this humble black soil.


Accompanied by Lin Chen snapping his fingers, everyone felt a sense of wonder

Feel free to break free.

Before they knew it, when they looked at the pile of black soil again, their eyes were full of shock.

It is such a handful of black soil that looks ordinary, but Lin Chen has proved to everyone through actions that its preciousness is indescribable.

Just ask, how could ordinary black soil give them such a wonderful feeling?

"I didn't expect that I would be able to witness the spirit soil with my own eyes."

"Spiritual soil really exists, and the legends are true."

"This soil is the real priceless treasure. Baohetang is a loss today."


Everyone praised again and again, and their words were full of enthusiasm for the spiritual soil.

Who can not be tempted by such top-grade treasures?

However, under their fanatical gazes, Lin Chen packed the black soil and sealed it in a bag.

"Thank you, Manager Bai, I will accept the spirit soil."

Lin Chen chuckled, and then said to Su Qingcheng: "Let's go, wife, go back to the hotel, I'll treat you to a big meal!"

"How about going back to the hotel for a big meal?"

Su Qingcheng was taken aback.

"Of course it's a takeaway. I'll pay for it today. Let's order a thousand yuan takeaway. It's a luxury."

Lin Chen said with satisfaction. m.x.com

Obviously, this early morning was not in vain, and there was such an unexpected harvest as spiritual soil.

"Is this the feast you're talking about?"

Su Qingcheng said unhappily: "I heard that the local Phoenix Blood Baked Duck is pretty good. It just so happens that there is one near our hotel. Let's eat this."

"Okay, we can eat whatever you say."

As Lin Chen said, he took Su Qingcheng's hand and left here.

Watching the two leave their backs, the envy on everyone's faces was beyond words.

Come to yourself.

Bai Fangyuan said in great distress: "Oh, I didn't expect that it was really spiritual soil. Who checked the counters, find them out for me, and open them all!"

The spirit soil was so close to him, but he didn't know it. Bai Fangyuan clutched his heart, as if it was bleeding.

"Xiaoyue, I have something I need to entrust to you!"

Bai Fangyuan said to the young woman beside him.

"Please tell me, manager."

The young woman said.


I also saw that the spiritual soil is of infinite value, and can give birth to several elixir plants, so this soil must not fall into the hands of that kid. "

Bai Fangyuan said in a deep voice.

"Manager, do you want me to make a move and snatch it back?"

The young woman frowned: "However, we have agreed in advance to let them choose at will. It's not good to go back and forth."

"No, no, no, we haven't reached the point of snatching it yet."

Bai Fangyuan said: "Later, you will take the 800 million traded by the Taoist people, go to him personally, and say that I sincerely want him to sell me the spiritual soil. If 800 million is not enough, you can open the price." Up to one billion, as long as you are willing to sell it to us, then from now on, I, Baohetang, owe him a big favor."

Speaking of this, Bai Fangyuan changed his voice: "Of course, if he doesn't agree, then we can only take the next step and snatch it. In short, we must get the spiritual soil back, and it must not fall into his hands!"

"Understand the manager!"

The young woman nodded and agreed: "I know what you mean."

next second.

A detached aura emanated from the young woman's body.

Sharp eyes revealed.

As a large group of pharmaceutical companies, Baohetang naturally has no shortage of masters, but they usually don't show it.

And the young woman is not only Bai Fangyuan's assistant, but also one of the most powerful people in Baohetang.

the other side.

Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng came to a local authentic restaurant.


The Phoenix Blood Duck was brought to the table.

Lin Chen picked up the chopsticks and began to eat them.

"Eat slowly."

Su Qingcheng took a napkin, wiped the corners of Lin Chen's mouth, and said in a low voice, "You said you found out that the spiritual soil can be taken away, so why show it to attract the jealousy of those people."

"If you do this, I guess those people will never let you take the spiritual soil away."

Lin Chen cleaned up a plate of phoenix blood duck, and then smiled slightly: "Honey, do you think I'm still afraid of things?"

"If those people don't have eyes and dare to trouble me, then I will let them go and never return."

As he spoke, a gleam of coldness flashed across Lin Chen's eyes.


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