Overnight Success

Chapter 722 Bai Yue Arrives

"Okay, don't just talk about me."

Lin Chen suddenly laughed and said, "Aren't you the same."

"Obviously you want to have a serious discussion with the people from Shili Taoist Temple about medicinal materials, but because of my falling out with them, and the seven-colored lotus seed, you don't know that it is not worth that price, and you are still trading at a loss. That's not how you do things."

Hearing this, Su Qingcheng snorted: "Then what should my style be like, profit-only?"

"Honey, you know that's not what I meant."

Lin Chen chuckled.

"Although I am the president of the group, I still have another identity, and that is your wife. In my heart, you are far more important than the group. I don't need the scar removal cream project, but I can't let you be bullied by Gong Ruyu !"

Su Qingcheng said.

"In the whole world, except for your wife and me, who dares to bully you, then I will be the first to refuse. Besides, I don't believe it. We will not be able to find a merchant who can provide us with medicinal materials if we leave the Taoist Temple ten miles away."

After listening, Lin Chen felt a warm feeling in his heart. m.x.com

Of course he guessed that Su Qingcheng did this for him, but when Su Qingcheng said it himself, his heart was still full of emotion.

"Okay, if you're moved, you can spend a few more days with me in Xiangxi when this herbal medicine meeting is over."

Su Qingcheng smiled sweetly.

"No problem." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Whatever my wife says!"

And when the customers of the restaurant saw Su Qingcheng and Lin Chen flirting, their eyes showed incomparable envy.

Obviously, Su Qingcheng's temperament is extraordinary, no matter where he goes, he will become a landscape of his own, which will inevitably attract everyone's attention.

Sensing the gazes from all around, Lin Chen gave them a vicious glance.

Everyone touched their noses resentfully, turned their eyes away, and continued to eat the food on the plate.

"Beep beep..."

At this time, the phone rang.

Lin Chen pressed the connect button, and it was Gao Liang who called.

"Mr. Lin, are you busy?"

"My wife and I are having dinner, you can tell me something."

Lin Chen responded.

"That's right. I just heard that you found a pile of spiritual soil and surprised many people present. I really admire you for that."

When Gao Liang said this, his voice changed: "At first, I wanted to invite you to have lunch with Ms. Su to express my gratitude for saving my life last time, but since you ate, I will be the host tonight, so you must come."

"Mr. Gao, you are welcome. You let me and my wife into the exhibition hall in the morning.

It has helped us a lot, otherwise I would not have found this spiritual soil. "

Lin Chen said.

"Mr. Lin, don't refuse. I have already booked the restaurants. I have also ordered a lot of local delicacies. We will see you tonight. I will send the specific address to your mobile phone. In addition, my eldest daughter is very interested in Ling There is quite a lot of research on medicine, and now that you have spiritual soil, maybe you can communicate with each other."

As soon as Gao Liang finished speaking, a pleasant female voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Lin, I heard from my little sister that you saved my father's life. If you have time at night, you must come. I want to thank you in person."

In this regard, Lin Chen could not refuse repeatedly, and instead said: "Okay, I will be there on time tonight."

It is not difficult to see that Gao Liang's family seems so enthusiastic, although it has something to do with his life-saving grace, but more, I am afraid that they are more interested in Lingtu.

hang up the phone.

Su Qingcheng smiled and said: "How about it, I didn't expect it to be noticed so soon!"

Apparently, she was referring to Lin Chen's revelation of his spiritual land.

And this is probably just the beginning, and there will definitely not be too many active families like the Gao family in the future.

"Okay, okay, don't think so much."

Lin Chen grinned: "Let's just go and taste the local specialties."

"You, you..."

Su Qingcheng shook her head helplessly.

She knows that Lin Chen is very capable, but as a wife, whenever she sees Lin Chen fighting with others, she can't help but sweat for her.

After dinner, the two used their afternoon time to visit the mountains and rivers again.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, night falls.

Lin Chen and Su Qingcheng arrived at the hotel that Gao Liang had booked on time.

This restaurant is located on the edge of the town. Although the location seems remote, you can walk in, but the store is very delicate and full of local culture.

Tonight, Su Qingcheng was wearing a beige jacket with a white lace shirt inside, and a pair of exposed-waist jeans on her lower body, which vividly reflected her sexy waist and slender legs.

At first glance, it reveals a mature flavor, but without losing the elegant temperament.

In contrast, Lin Chen's outfits are much simpler. With a denim jacket and slacks, he looks ordinary.

After all, he never wanted to waste too much time on dressing up. If he had this time, it would be better to practice cultivation and kung fu.


A waiter took the two of Lin Chen to a private room.

Pushing open the private room, Gao Liang who was sitting on the seat immediately got up to greet him



"Mr. Lin, Ms. Su, you are here, please take a seat."

Lin Chen was not polite either, and led Su Qingcheng to sit opposite Gao Liang.

next moment.

A woman beside Gao Liang stood up and said hello to Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, I'm Gao Ya."

The woman's pretty face was cold, and there was an indescribable arrogance in her tone when she spoke.

Lin Chen nodded.

He also recognized that the woman in front of him was Gao Liang's eldest daughter who had called him at noon.

Beside Gao Ya was Gao Jie, the two had known each other before, and after signaling to each other, they didn't say much.

"Come to Mr. Lin, you saved my life, I have to respect you for this cup."

Gao Liang picked up a glass of red wine and stood up and said to Lin Chen.

"Father, your condition has just improved, so don't drink alcohol. Let me do this glass of wine for you!"

As Gao Ya said, she took Gao Liang's wine glass, looked at Lin Chen and said, "Mr. Lin, thank you for saving my father, I did it, you can do whatever you want."

After speaking, Gao Ya drank it down.

"Miss Gao is really good at drinking."

Lin Chen said with a smile, and also had a drink with him.

"Mr. Lin, try it quickly. This is a Xiangxi special dish that I specially asked the kitchen to prepare."

Gao Liang made a please gesture to Lin Chen.

"it is good."

Just as Lin Chen was eating with relish, Gao Ya suddenly said: "Mr. Lin, according to my father, you have a pile of spiritual soil in your hand, can you let me have a look?"

"I have done a lot of research on elixir. I know their habits and growth cycle. Maybe I can give you some advice on how to use elixir reasonably."

"Okay!" Lin Chen smiled slightly, just as he was about to take out the spiritual soil.

The closed door of the private room was suddenly opened from the outside.

Everyone followed the reputation and thought it was the waiter serving the food, but they didn't expect that the person who came was a young woman.

See here.

Lin Chen's eyes flickered.

Immediately afterwards, Gao Liang asked in surprise, "You are?"

He felt that the young woman looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Hi Patriarch Gao, I'm Bai Yue, the assistant of Manager Bai Fangyuan, and I'm sorry to interrupt your meal. I'm here because I have some urgent matters to deal with."

Bai Yue was dressed in casual clothes, speaking in a graceful manner.

"So it's Assistant Bai, what's the matter?"

Gao Liang patted his thigh, and suddenly remembered that he had seen this woman next to Bai Fangyuan when he and Bai Fangyuan were discussing a cooperation. m.x.com

"I'm here to see Mr. Lin."

Bai Yue said, looked at Lin Chen and continued: "I don't know Mr. Lin, would you like to give me a little time, let's go out and talk?"

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