Overnight Success

Chapter 724: The Fish Take The Bait

"Boy, be sensible and hand over the spirit soil obediently. I might let you live today!"

At this time, Gong Ruyu looked at Lin Chen with a haughty look on his face.

After leaving the herbal meeting, he specially called for a strong Taoist to follow Lin Chen, with the purpose of snatching the spiritual land tonight.

At the herbal meeting, he suffered a great loss and was almost scolded to death by his master. If he can't bring back the spiritual soil this time, he might be expelled from the master's sect!

Hearing this, he didn't wait for Lin Chen to speak.

Gao Jie on the side expressed strong condemnation: "You Shili Taoist Temple can be regarded as a famous family, and now you want to do such an outrageous thing for a pile of spiritual soil, aren't you afraid of spreading the word and being drowned with spitting stars? ?”

"Little girl, this statement is wrong!" Gong Ruyu said disdainfully: "The spiritual soil can only exert its greatest value if it is in the hands of people in our Taoist temple. What about the medicine!"

"As for whether this matter will get out, I don't need you to worry about it. As long as I bury you here forever, no one will know!"

Regarding this, Gao Liang's eyes were fixed, and he said coldly: "Mr. Gong, it's really a big breath, do you really intend to fight against my Gao family?"

Gong Ruyu didn't think so, and laughed:

"Master Gao, although the Gao family is strong, you don't have any people around you right now. Besides, as long as I handle it cleanly, who will know that your deaths are related to me?" m.x.com

"Besides, I'm not the only one who wants to deal with you today!"

"Of course, if you want to beg for mercy now, and give me the signature of the Gao family's property, it's not impossible to spare your life."

As soon as the words came out.

Gao Liang's face was very ugly.

Obviously, he didn't expect that a junior like Gong Ruyu would dare to speak to him in such a tone!

"Patriarch Gao, time is limited. I only give you ten seconds. If you don't think well, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless. I will send your family to see Hades!"

As Gong Ruyu said, the sarcasm in her eyes was undisguised.

Normally, he would never dare to talk to the head of the Gao family like this, but now it is different from the past, now they have an absolute advantage in numbers, no matter how strong Gao Liang's family is, they will not be their opponents.

However, rather than fighting, he hopes to win without fighting, because even if that guy Lin Chen arrives

Now, it still confuses him.

For this reason, he paid a high price to invite friendly troops.

In short, anyone can live, but this kid must die!

The reason why he gave Lin Chen a way out before was just to paralyze him, so as to find a chance to deliver a fatal blow!


Gao Jie gritted her teeth, and was about to reprimand loudly, but was stopped by Gao Ya.

"Sister, what are you doing?"

Gao Jie was dissatisfied.

"Sister, we are not his opponents, don't be impulsive!"

Gao Ya said calmly. m.x.com

"Sister, are you afraid of that Gong Ruyu?"

"Now we are all being ridden on the neck by this guy. If I really hand over the Gao family's property to him in exchange for my life, then I would rather choose to die!"

Gao Jie looked reluctant.

This son, first used her father as an experimental pill, almost died on the spot, and now he is threatening her father's savior, Mr. Lin Chen, how can she bear it!

Gao Ya sighed, and could only say: "My silly sister, didn't you realize that the other party came prepared this time?"

In fact, one-on-one, of course she is not afraid of Gong Ruyu.

But the masters brought by Gong Ruyu all showed the aura of the strong in the situation, which showed that the other party was well prepared.

Of course, what worried her most was the group of figures in gray robes and cloaks.

For some reason, she felt a palpitation from that group of people.

This undoubtedly shows that that group of people has enough power to threaten them.

Right now, the enemy is outnumbered, and it is definitely not wise to go head-to-head. At this moment, Gao Ya is also thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, when she saw Lin Chen who was calm and composed.

The expression can't help being surprised.

From the very beginning, this person discovered the other party, and until now he still has not shown any fear. Could it be that he has a way to deal with it?

For a moment, she became curious about this man.

"I said, can you cover up that disgusting smell on your body with your cloak?"

Lin Chen suddenly smiled and looked at the group of figures in gray robes.

"I didn't expect that you noticed all of this. No wonder the third brother died at your hands. It seems that you really have some skills!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Then, the leading man in the gray robe took off his cloak, revealing a face riddled with holes.

This face can no longer be described as ugly, a face, to

There are small scars everywhere, as if eaten by insects, especially the pair of eyeballs are dark green.

"Brother, why are you telling him so much?"

"Since the third brother died at his hands, then we will kill him tonight to avenge the third brother!"

Behind the leading man in the gray robe, another man also took off his cloak, revealing a majestic, middle-aged face.

See here.

Gao Jie and the others couldn't help but exclaim.

"Patriarch of the Miao family, Miao Fengtian!"

The Miao family is the oldest family in western Hunan. In terms of strength alone, the Miao family is even higher than the Gao family. The Miao family is also one of the sponsoring partners of this herbal medicine fair.

However, since this period of time, unlike the Ten Mile Taoist Temple, no one from the Miao family has ever shown up, which is extremely mysterious.

Unexpectedly, they appeared now.

"The Miao family, the Miaojiang family, it seems that you are all of the same breed!"

Lin Chen sneered.

Before coming here, he had inquired about the top forces in western Hunan. The Miao family had a long history, and the date of its birth could no longer be found. He only knew that in terms of mystery, the Miao family was even higher than the Ten Mile Taoist Temple.

At that time, he suspected that the Miao family had an inseparable connection with the Miao Jiang clan, but he did not expect his conjecture to be confirmed now.

In front of the villa, Dugu Leng, the third elder of Miao Jiang who was killed by him, should have an inseparable relationship with these two people.

"You two are also one of the elders of Miao Jiang?"

"May I introduce you?"

Lin Chen said with a smile.

He said so, his fundamental purpose is to use this to understand the internal system of Miao Jiang, and until now, he is still at a loss about the internal system of Miao Jiang.

The mysterious high priest never showed up.

"The second elder of Miaojiang, Du Risheng!"

"Miaojiang Fifth Elder, Miao Fengtian!"

The two said coldly.

Hearing this, Gao Liang and the others were already shocked from ear to ear. Biqu library

Of course they had heard about the evil organization of Miao Jiang, but they did not expect that this evil organization still existed to this day. What surprised them even more was that Miao Fengtian, as the head of the Miao family, was also a member of the Miao Jiang tribe.

"very good."

Lin Chen glanced around and clapped his hands: "Do you know why I want to expose the spiritual land? The purpose is to attract your attention and let you know that I'm here!"

"And now, as I thought, since the fish has been hooked, it's my turn to reel in the net!"

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