As soon as this statement came out.

Gong Ruyu and the others' expressions darkened.

Du Risheng said even more indifferently: "Boy, you are simply too arrogant!"

"Do you think that killing my third brother will make you lawless?"

"This time, I will definitely make you pay in blood to avenge my third brother!"

"Lord Du." At this time, Gong Ruyu interjected: "I'll take this kid later, and please give me that woman!"

As he said that, he glanced at Su Qingcheng, with obscenity in his eyes.

"court death!"

Seeing this, Lin Chen had a murderous look in his eyes.

"Boy, death is imminent. If you obediently send your woman to me now, maybe I can plead with you and leave your whole body later."

Gong Ruyu snorted coldly and dismissed it.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, he was the first to let the people from Shili Taoist Temple charge towards Lin Chen.

These people are all strong in the terrain. Once they make a move, the rolling inner energy will carry a strong wind and completely surround Lin Chen.

Facing the incomparably fierce attack from the crowd, Lin Chen took a step, and a wave of air swept out.

next moment.

With cold eyes, he was the first to arrive in front of everyone.

Although these ten-mile Taoist people are all strong in the land, but in his current state, the strong in the land are really like ants. You must know that even the half-step heavenly powers of the Zhou Clan have been defeated by him.

Therefore, Lin Chen was able to deal with these people with ease. Wherever he passed, bursts of blood mist exploded one after another!

Visible to the naked eye!

With every punch Lin Chen threw, one person died.

Just a moment.

These ten-mile Taoist people were all blasted into blood men, and they all fell to the ground and died suddenly.

"Mr. Lin is too skilled!"

In the distance, when Gao Jie saw this scene, she couldn't help sighing.

Gao Ya didn't speak, but the shock in her eyes was no less than Gao Jie's.

Sure enough, as she guessed, this person is not simple at all!

From this combat strength alone, it is not difficult to see that Lin Chen's strength must be higher than that of the late stage, otherwise he would not be so easy to deal with these early stage players.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Ya has gradually given up on getting the spirit soil back from Lin Chen.

Because of the existence of this kind of strength, even their Gao family cannot easily offend.

"Can you call more people next time, these guys are not even qualified to warm me up!"

Lin Chen stepped on corpses

body, approaching Gong Ruyu.

"No, after tonight, there should be no next time for you."

The voice fell.

Gong Ruyu felt cold all over her body, as if being stared at by a fierce tiger, and immediately shouted at Miao Fengtian and others desperately: "Patriarch Miao, it's up to you to act!"

"After the matter is completed, half of the elixir grown from the spiritual soil will belong to you!"

"I'm afraid half of it won't work!" Miao Fengtian suddenly smiled.


Seeing this, Gong Ruyu scolded a profiteer from the bottom of her heart, and then said: "I will only keep one plant, and the rest will belong to you!"

"That's about the same."

Miao Fengtian chuckled, and then he dodged in front of Gong Ruyu.

Such things as panacea can be met but not sought, even for the Miaojiang people, they value it quite a lot, so if they can take advantage of it, he will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

"Boy, you killed my third brother, it's time for us to make a break today!"

When Miao Fengtian said this, a murderous intent spread from his body.

"Second brother, don't interfere, let me meet him first!"

After saying this, Miao Feng rose into the sky and killed Lin Chen with an extremely ferocious posture.

"One on one?"

Lin Chen twitched his mouth in response: "I don't know if you underestimate me, or you overestimate yourself."

"Just because of you, you are not qualified to be one-on-one with me!"

Lin Chen was not polite at all, and punched him suddenly.


The two played against each other.


The space vibrated with circles of ripples.

next second.

A figure flew upside down and smashed hard against the wall of the ancient city, smashing the wall into pieces.

The figure was Miao Fengtian.

At this moment, there was a clearly visible fist mark on Miao Fengtian's chest, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Are you Miaojiang people so confident?"

Lin Chen smiled lightly, and said calmly: "Last time, Dugu Leng was also so confident. He wanted to challenge me one-on-one, but the ending was so obvious."

"Don't waste time, let's go up together, after I'm done with you, I have to go back to sleep for a beauty sleep!"

Hearing this, the corners of everyone's mouths couldn't help but twitch,

Du Risheng only felt that he was seriously insulted, a chill shot out from his eyes, and his tone became completely gloomy: "Boy, there are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond people, you are indeed very strong, but don't think that you can look down on the world like this. "


It will only cost you dearly. "

"Really?" Lin Chen disapproved: "But in my impression, after fighting against you so many times, you are the one who paid the most price!"

Du Risheng's expression froze, and then his murderous look became even more serious.

"Old Five, can you still get up?"

"no problem."

Miao Fengtian forced himself to stand up, finally suppressing the injury.


As soon as Du Risheng finished speaking, everyone in Miaojiang, including Miao Fengtian, launched a fierce offensive against Lin Chen. Every movement was directed at Lin Chen's vitals.

The momentum is mighty, and the killing intent is soaring.

It was obvious that they made a killer move as soon as they made a move, intending to give Lin Chen a fatal blow, without delaying anything.

Regarding this, Su Qingcheng was also a little nervous, clenching her teeth.

"Father, should we help Mr. Lin?"

Gao Jie said to Gao Liang.

"It's not something we can interfere with."

Before Gao Liang could speak, Gao Ya shook her head and said.

It is not difficult to see that the coercion erupting in the center of the battlefield alone is enough to make them unable to hold their heads up, let alone helping Lin Chen, it would be considered a disservice.

Gao Liang sighed, he already had a plan in mind, once Lin Chen lost, no matter what the price was, he would save Lin Chen's life.

And in the center of the battlefield.

Lin Chen was alone, facing the siege of the crowd, his figure kept flashing, avoiding every attack of the crowd.

"Boy, weren't you very capable just now?"

"How do you know to hide now?"

Seeing that Lin Chen couldn't be dealt with for a while, Miao Fengtian taunted him.

"A mere defeated general dares to make a mistake?"

Lin Chen's gaze was fixed, and he came to Miao Fengtian in a flash, and directly slammed his mouth wide open.


This palm directly blasted half of Miao Fengtian's face away.

Blood splattered.


Miao Fengtian let out a scream, almost fainted from the pain.


Du Risheng yelled, then gritted his teeth, and took the initiative to engage in close combat with Lin Chen.

"Go away!"

Lin Mo's face was cold, and he directly used the Opening Fist, smashing it on Du Risheng's body.


Du Risheng spat out a mouthful of thick blood, a blood hole was punched out in his abdomen, and flew out.

Coincidentally, at the same time he flew out, he bumped into Miao Fengtian who was in severe pain.

The two of them let out a scream in unison, and flew upside down for a hundred meters, hitting the ground, and fell into a panic.

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