Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 177: The brocade scales are in the water, the fragrant fungus is in the forest, the rare bi

Ning Fei walked outside, found an open space with no trees around, and began to set up a shelf, preparing to cook.

It was almost noon at this moment, and the weather was warm.

Many people in the reindeer tribe noticed Ning Fei not far away when they came out.

Someone asked the hunter: "Who is that person?"

The hunter replied: "The man from the grassland seems to be a Taoist priest."

Everyone didn't say much about this, but felt curious, and occasionally walked out of the tribe and looked at Ning Fei a few times.

After Ning Fei packed up, he said to netizens:

"As the saying goes, the scales are in the water, the fragrant fungus is in the forest, the rare birds are in the sky, and the beasts are in the mountains."

"There are really too many treasures here."

"I have mushrooms and rabbit meat at noon. Now I will go back to find some mushrooms and wild vegetables."

Hearing Ning Fei's words, many netizens immediately laughed.

"It's Ning Guanzhu's treasure hunt in the mountains again."

Sure enough, Ning Fei strolled in the forest for about half an hour, and when he returned, he was already full of mushrooms.

"This is a purple painted face mushroom, a fine product among mushrooms, one of the four treasures of the mountain."

"This is wood ear mushroom, also called black matsutake. The meat is tender and chewy, and the price is very expensive."

"This is a chicken blood mushroom, which is very helpful in preventing diabetes."

"This is porcini mushrooms, the'big brother' among wild edible mushrooms. The larger umbrella cover is 20 cm in diameter and 5 cm thick. It is very delicious when stewed with meat.

Ning Fei set up the rack, took out the small pot, poured all the water in the cup, and started to cook slowly, preparing to make a pot of mushroom stew with rabbit meat.

He took a moment to look at the live barrage and found that [Medicinal Material Merchant] had rewarded him with 5 super rockets and attached a message:

"Ning Guanzhu, can you sell me some wild black matsutake."

Seeing the message and barrage of [Medicinal Material Merchant], Ning Fei smiled and said, "Why do you remember buying mushrooms from me?"

Netizens felt curious and couldn't help asking:

"Who can make a popular science, how much is the value of what medicinal material merchants want to buy?"

"The price of black matsutake is very expensive, the price is a few hundred yuan per catty in ordinary words, and about two thousand one catty in wild ones."

"How much? Two thousand yuan per catty?"

After hearing the price, many netizens suddenly became uncomfortable.

Just now Ning Fei picked some casually, which was almost two catties.

Doesn't it mean that Ning Fei relied on mushroom picking and earned four to five thousand yuan in half an hour?

Can mushroom picking make so much money?

"Really, I want to go digging mushrooms in Daxinganling."

"It's a deep mountain, and the place is quite special, it's not easy to find."

"Wild black matsutake is indeed very expensive, but it is worth it because the nutritional value is very high."

"I want to buy too, Ning Guanzhu, I will buy a pound of black matsutake!"

"Give me a pound too!"

Everyone shouted again.

After seeing these barrage, Ning Fei smiled helplessly and said:

"Sorry everyone, there aren't that many black matsutake."

"There is a little more than a catty here, first come first served, I will give it to [Medicinal Material Merchant]."

"After I leave, I will find you a courier and send it to you."

Hearing what Ning Fei said, other netizens were envious, and the medicinal material merchant was particularly happy.

He knows that wild black matsutake is really delicious on earth, and it is stewed with meat, not to mention how fragrant it tastes.

There was not much water in the pot. Ning Fei watched the water boil, so he first added some seasoned green onion, ginger, and garlic to adjust the taste.

Then, Ning Fei took out the rabbit meat, skillfully cut the rabbit meat with a knife, and put it into a small pot.

The conditions in the wild are worse, and the effect of frying some rabbit meat in advance will be better.

However, Ning Fei was not so particular, poured some clean water in, and then put all the cleaned mushrooms in.

Next, there is a long wait.

Halfway through, Ning Fei took the water cup again and went to the reindeer tribe.

People in the tribe heard that he had come to fetch a glass of water, but they were very welcome, and helped him fill the glass completely.

At the same time, Ning Fei also slightly observed some reindeer tribes.

He thought to himself: "The astrological signs indicate that there are creatures with aura, and they don't seem to be in the tribe."

"Is it nearby?"

After hitting the water, Ning Fei smiled and thanked him, and immediately returned to the fire.

He was in a clearing, surrounded by dense forest, Hei Shuai followed beside it, resting comfortably.

Before long, the little falcon also flew back. During this time, it did not know where the waves went, and it has not been seen.

But the forest is the home of the little falcon, it is at the top of the food chain, so there is no need to worry about any danger.

Ning Fei specially reserved some raw rabbit meat, just to feed the little falcon. Seeing it came back, he immediately put the rabbit meat aside.

"You had a good time."

Ning Fei looked at Xiao Falcon and said with a smile.

Little Falcon flew to the ground, ate all the rabbit meat, and cried out two times in satisfaction.

Ning Fei looked at the reindeer tribe in the distance. Surrounded by the mountains and ridges, there was a unique "pink of Luozi" residence, and occasionally saw one or two reindeer wandering in the tribe, which made people feel very possessed. The customs of the nomadic hunting people.

"Ewenki, people who live in the mountains and forests."

"They are the ones who really love the forest."

Ning Fei sighed.

Then, Ning Fei said to the netizens:

"The fate of reindeer and Ewenki are closely linked. People in the tribe will provide the reindeer with the necessary salt for survival, will find suitable herbs for the sick reindeer, and will protect the reindeer from being caught by poachers."

"But now there are fewer and fewer traditional Ewenki people, and reindeer are inevitably dying out."

"The Ewenki people are a very artistic clan."

"They once wrote in a poem: The bonfire is still flying, and the birch boat floats to the museum, where there is the silent sound of the Aoluguya River."

"I remember a documentary about reindeer, and finally there was an Ewenki monologue:"

[If there is a more civilized policeman]

[Shoot at me]

[Then, shoot it]

Ning Fei sighed.

The progress of civilization determines that more and more people will come out of the forest and live in the grasslands or plains, so that tribes with fewer than a hundred people don't know how long it can last.

Connected to it is the fate of the reindeer.

Netizens also felt the change in Ning Fei's mood.

Some netizens said:

"This is the first time I have seen Ning Guanzhu's emotions."

"He seems to be pitying something."

"Traditional hunting and nomadic lifestyles are destined to be eliminated. The reindeer tribe does not know what will happen in the future."

"You close the barrage and look at the camera. The picture is really artistic."

Some netizens said that many netizens have temporarily closed the barrage.

After the barrage disappeared, the picture instantly became clear.

The location of the drone was behind Ning Fei, photographing Ning Fei's back and the reindeer tribe not far away.

This is a wonderful composition. In the distance is the tribe and the smoky smoke. You can vaguely see a few hunters busy in the tribe, and there are one or two reindeer resting beside it.

Ning Fei looked in that direction, his back looked a little chic, and a little lonely.

After that, Ning Fei stopped thinking about it, so he returned to the fire, filled some firewood, and continued to cook mushrooms and rabbit meat.

He opened the lid of the pot and took a look. The steam rose up, the mushrooms in the pot churned in the boiling water, and the hare meat was completely cooked.

This pot of mushroom stew, looking at the color, flavor, and flavor, makes people unable to help their tongues and appetite.

Ning Fei skimmed the two branches again, peeled off the bark, and used it as chopsticks.

He slowly sandwiched a piece of hare meat, put it in his mouth and tasted it, it tasted good.

"Well, the taste of rabbit meat cooked with mushrooms has indeed improved a lot, and the meat has become tender and tastes good."

"Something is still missing."

When netizens saw this scene, they only felt drooling.

Because it was so dramatic, some netizens couldn't help but ask: "What is missing?"

Ning Fei recollected, and said:

"I’m missing some pickles that I pickled in Qingfengguan~www.ltnovel.com~ I have been out for a few days, but I miss the taste of Qingfengguan a bit."

Then, Ning Fei used chopsticks to hold the rabbit meat and mushrooms in the pot again, and ate it unhurriedly.

Ning Fei is definitely a suitable place to eat and broadcast, or the rabbit meat he made does taste very good. Whether it is the overall shape of the meat, the action of Ning Fei eating the meat, or the look of Ning Fei, it is uncontrollable. Very greedy.

At the same time, in a family, his wife saw Lao Gongyi looking at her mobile phone and smirking, and she swallowed a few mouthfuls from time to time, suspecting that Lao Gongyi was watching an improper female anchor dancing.

She rushed over to catch the rape, intending to let out a bad breath. As soon as the result passed, it was discovered that what her husband saw was a scene where a Taoist priest was eating mushrooms in a mountain forest.

"What's wrong? Something?" The man raised his head and asked in amazement.

The woman changed a smile in an instant, and said, "Ah, nothing, the meal is ready, I'll call you."

"Go, eat, do you have mushrooms? Do you have meat?" the man asked happily, looking at his appetite.

"There is meat, there is meat." The woman answered a few words, and then shrugged, no matter what the situation, she went over and served the meal.

Ning Fei ate the rabbit meat and drank the mushroom soup, only to feel that his stomach was very warm, and even slightly sweaty on his body.

Before he could finish drinking, at this time, a systemic voice suddenly came out of his mind.

"Ding! There are traces of deer activity within one kilometer around the host."

"Start the mission: save the Linglu."

"Task Reward: Treasure Hunt."

"Task time limit: one hour."

Hearing the system prompt, Ning Fei was slightly stunned.

"This system, there are tasks?"


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