Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 178: The repaying of the white antler spirit deer

Ning Fei did not expect the task that the system suddenly released.

He put down the small pot, put out the fire completely, grabbed two handfuls of sand and buried the black wood.

At this moment, Ning Fei's phone vibrated. He took out the phone and took a look. The map opened automatically, and the location of Linglu was marked on it.

Ning Fei knew that the situation was urgent, but he did not act immediately.

He secretly ordered the little falcon to fly around in the sky, and when the little falcon came back, Ning Fei said to the netizens:

"Dear viewers, Xiao Falcon said that he saw some things."

"I have to go over and take a look."

With that said, Ning Fei packed up his things, mounted Hei Shuai, and ran straight into the forest.

Netizens are very curious when they see this scene.

"Ning Guanzhu, what did Xiao Falcon see?"

"What's the situation? So anxious?"

"I ate well just now, how come I feel nervous after eating."

"Where is Ning Guan going?"

"Don't you see the reindeer tribe? I want to see the reindeer."

Netizens talked a lot.

They didn't know what was going on, they just saw Ning Fei riding the black handsome in the live footage, running very fast.

Despite the limitations of the woods, Hei Shuai did not advance at full speed, but the speed was still very fast.

Ning Fei was riding on the horse, thinking in his heart:

"What will happen?"

"Linglu? Is there any other spirit beast in China?"

Just like this, Ning Fei saw many other animals on the way.

Such as sika deer, silly roe deer, pheasant and so on.

The wild animal resources in this forest are very rich. In the common saying, "help the deer, scoop the fish, and the pheasant fly into the rice pot."

After running for about 20 minutes, Ning Fei found that he was getting closer and closer to Linglu's position.

Ning Fei was very anxious.

He was worried that the Lingdeer was being hunted by some large wild animals. Although he agreed not to interfere with the hunting of wild animals, since the system put forward the requirements, there was no way.

However, Ning Fei also found that Linglu hadn't moved in its original position.

He looked at the phone, and he was very close to Linglu's location.

"Where are you?" Ning Fei looked around, but didn't find any traces of beasts.

This is a relatively empty area, and the ground is full of weeds, which looks relatively desolate.

At this moment, Ning Fei seemed to hear some noise. He got off Hei Shuai, put his backpack on the ground, and walked in the direction of the sound.

"Have you heard it? There seems to be an animal cry."

"Did Ning pay attention to what you found?"

"I was suddenly so nervous."

Ning Fei continued to walk forward. The place he came to was already deep in the forest.

There is no one around, and no one comes to this place.

The reindeer tribe is far away, and hunters will not come to this place.

Ning Fei took a few steps forward, and finally he found the Linglu that the system said.

"what is that?"

The drone flew high, broadcasting the situation ahead from above, and many netizens suddenly exclaimed.

I saw a huge pothole in the live broadcast, and there was a little white deer in the pothole, whining softly.

This little deer looks very cute, with relatively small horns, only two small forks, and looks very soft and cute.

At this moment, the deer was kneeling on the ground, and it looked like it was hurt.

"It's a hunter's trap, it looks like it's been some years old."

"The trap is so big, it shouldn't be used to catch deer, it's more like a bear."

"It stands to reason that the people of the reindeer tribe hunt pheasants, hares, and boars the most. They will never hunt large wild animals like bears."

"This may be left by the thief."

"Thieves were rampant in this area. Later, the government formulated policies and arrested many poachers. They were all severely sentenced, so now there are very few poachers."

"But the trap they left behind is still there."

Ning Fei squatted next to the trap and looked carefully.

This trap is relatively simple, that is, a large hole is dug and a plank is laid on it, and some weeds are sprinkled on it to confuse the prey.

Because time has passed for too long, the plank is now covered with real weeds and the quality has become very poor, so the deer jumped up and fell into the hole.

The hole is deeper than imagined, it looks like it's three meters faster.

It seems that the previous group of poachers also worked hard.

"There is a little elk here!"

"This is not an elk, but it looks so cute."

"Ning Guanzhu hurry to save it, this little deer seems to be injured."

"Yeah, save it."

"Who is digging such a deep pit here, really has no conscience."

"It's so deep, it's not easy to save."

"Go to the reindeer tribe for help, there should be no problem."

Netizens were a little nervous, but Ning Fei jumped directly from the edge of the pothole.

This scene is really cool.

The pothole is not too big, just enough to accommodate one person and one deer.

Ning Fei said to Linglu as gently as possible: "Don't be afraid, I will rescue you."

After seeing Ning Fei's sincere eyes, Linglu, who was still a little frightened, immediately calmed down and stopped moving.

Ning Fei looked up at the pothole.

The three-meter pit is not deep from above, but it is still somewhat high from below.

Going up by yourself is a small problem, the key is that there is still a deer.

Then, Ning Fei made a decision in his heart, came to the side of the little deer, and directly resisted it on his shoulders.

Netizens yelled "Fucking" when they saw such a scene.

Ning Fei carried the Linglu on his shoulders and held it with both hands to stabilize the Linglu.

Some netizens said nervously:

"How can Ning Guanzhu climb up like this?"

Then, under the gaze of netizens, Ning Fei used his own Chinese martial arts: light work.

Said it was light work, but stepped on the wall of the cave with the right foot, stepped on the other side with the left foot, and jumped up like this.

If you are alone in playing this way, it is not difficult.

The key Ning Fei is carrying a deer on his shoulder!

All this happened in just a few seconds. While some netizens were still making plans for Ning Fei, Ning Fei had already jumped out of the hole.

Then, Ning Fei put the Linglu on the ground and clapped his hands, but didn't think there was anything.

He immediately squatted down to check Linglu's injuries.

Netizens can also observe this deer well at this time.

This deer is indeed very different from ordinary deer. The most important thing is that the horns on the forehead are bright white and look transparent.

The hair all over his body also looked white.

The most important thing is that the deer's eyes, seen from a human's eyes, are as if they are wearing makeup, they are extraordinarily agile.

"What kind of fairy deer is this?"

"What is the name of this deer?"

"Deer was originally a kind of spiritual animal, and it has always been the object of praise by literati. This deer is so aura!"

"Ning Guanzhu, how is the situation with Xiaolu?"

The netizens immediately showed great concern for the deer.

Ning Fei took a closer look and confirmed that Linglu's left leg was slightly crippled because of the height, and it was not a major problem.

He remembered that he still had two "traumatic plasters" drawn from the lottery, so he put it on Linglu's left leg.

This trauma plaster has a magical function, and it will fall off automatically after the effect is exerted, so there is no need to worry about the situation that the Linglu cannot be torn off.

"This should be a variant of sika deer. The individual differences are the same as gray penguins and white tigers."

Ning Fei didn't want to explain too much.

He knew that this was not a variant of the sika deer.

He used the Biological Encyclopedia and the answer he got was:

The white antler deer, a spirit-level creature, only lives in the forests of the extreme north of China, and its number is very small. It was once one of the totems of the ancient Chinese race.

"Another spirit-level creature." Ning Fei said inwardly.

The last time he encountered a spirit-level creature, he had caught a white fish while watching Qingfeng ~www.ltnovel.com~.

These creatures, on the side, reflect the vast and abundant resources of China, and they still have aura and spiritual luck.

This is something Taoist has always believed in and is willing to guard.

"Your injury is not serious, you should be able to walk normally."

"Leave early."

Ning Fei looked at the white velvet deer and said in a low voice.

The white antler deer seemed to understand it, moved its ears, and then slowly left to the depths of the forest.

Netizens could not help but feel a little lost when seeing this scene.

Ning Fei didn't want the white antler spirit deer to attract too much attention. If everyone only knew that it was a sika deer, it would not be so surprised.

After all, there are traces of sika deer in the woods in many places in China.

But the name of the white antler spirit deer is a bit too big.

Ning Fei hoped it would live well in the deep forest.

After the white antler spirit deer was gone, Ning Fei looked at the pothole next to him and sighed.

He rolled up his sleeves, found a thick wooden stick aside, and said:

"This pothole has to be plugged up, otherwise the animal will fall in and will always get some injuries."

Then, Ning Fei began to get busy. He pushed the soil around the pothole down. The soil here was not hard, and it quickly formed into lumps. It was easy to push into the hole.

Ning Fei was busy plugging the hole at the entrance of the cave. Many netizens praised his behavior.

Then, something that everyone did not expect appeared.

Netizens looked at the footage in the live broadcast room and saw the white antler deer slowly walking back behind Ning Fei under the drone.

When he came back, the white antler spirit deer had a plant in his mouth.


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