Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 347: Towards Zengmu Ansha, set off!

Ning Fei set the end point for autopilot to the seaside villa, then Qingfeng turned the bow and started to return.

During the return journey, more and more seagulls followed, flying with Qingfeng.

"What's the matter with these seagulls?"

When everyone saw this scene, they were surprised and couldn't help asking.

Standing on the third-tier platform, Ning Fei explained to netizens:

"Seagulls chase ships. This is a very common phenomenon on the sea."

"Because when a ship is sailing on the sea, due to the resistance of air and sea water, an upward air current will be generated over the ship."

"The seagull trails behind or in the sky, and can take advantage of this rising airflow to support its body and fly effortlessly."

Hearing Ning Fei's explanation, everyone nodded and said, "That's it."

"The knowledge points have appeared again!"

"Why does Ning Guanzhu know everything?"

"Useless knowledge has increased."

A seagull flew next to Ning Fei. Ning Fei stretched out his hand, and the seagull landed on his arm automatically.

Seagulls are one of the common seabirds. Their feathers are white and very beautiful. Their figures are beautiful scenery.

Ning Fei looked at the seagull in his hand and said with a smile:

"Seagulls are the mascot of the sea. Seagulls like to fly with ships, and people on ships also like to see seagulls."

"Because voyagers who are not familiar with the sea are prone to hitting the rocks and stranding when they go to sea."

"Experienced seafarers know that sea gulls often rest on shallows and reefs. As long as the ship approaches, the seagulls will fly up and call, which can act as a wake-up call."

"And sometimes the sea is foggy and the crew can't find the port."

"At this time, you only need to observe the flying direction of the seagulls, and you can follow them to find the harbor."

"In addition, seagulls have one of the most powerful skills, which is to predict storms."

"If a seagull is flying on the ground, it means a clear sky. If the seagull only wanders by the sea or gathers on the beach, it indicates that a storm is coming."

Ning Fei spoke quietly.

He just saw a group of seagulls flying behind the Breeze, and he said a lot of interesting knowledge about seagulls.

Everyone was amazed.

Now Ning Fei's live broadcast has begun on the entire network, and most popular live broadcast platforms have invited Ning Fei to settle in.

His popularity was the same for a while.

And the fans in his live broadcast room also like to hear Ning Fei talk about these cold knowledge.

"Are seagulls so powerful?"

"If the Titanic had encountered seagulls, there would have been less tragedy."

"The Titanic seemed to hit a glacier in a very cold sea. There are no seagulls there."

During the heated discussion, the Qingfeng also slowly approached the port behind the villa, and then stopped.

Ning Fei descended the stairs, brought the little guys down from the Breeze, and returned to the villa.

"It's almost night."

"When you come to the beach, you naturally want to eat some seafood."

"Today is relatively rushed, so let's go down to the sea to find something to eat."

"This is the happiest thing for people who have lived by the sea since they were young, that is, they can know seafood anytime, anywhere."

"For example, when watching "Extreme Challenge", Huang Bo said that when he was a child in Qingdao, he often went to the sea to find seafood."

Ning Fei felt hungry.

He looked at the sea behind the villa, on a whim, planning to find some food to eat.

This sea is originally the place where fishermen live, and many people often go into the sea to salvage marine fish and shrimps.

The sea behind was not deep, so Ning Fei simply put on a swimsuit and diving goggles before going into the water.

This process is also broadcast live.

For people's receptivity, one thing is strange.

That is, it is ill-fated to wear underwear while live broadcast, but it's okay in swimming trunks.

It is normal for girls to walk on the beach in a three-point style, but walking outside in underwear will make people feel very inelegant.

Ning Fei's swimsuit has only one swimming trunks and one swimming goggles.

His body was shown in the live broadcast room, and a lot of female fans were hooked, shouting "husband, I want!" and the like in the live broadcast room.

Ning Fei jumped directly into the water.

It was spring and the sea was still a bit cold, but for Ning Fei's physique, it didn't feel much.

He is not wearing a diving suit now, just swimming and diving at the beach, so he can't speak in the sea.

Netizens watched Ning Fei swimming in the sea through live footage.

Ning Fei descended directly to the bottom of the sea.

The back sea of ​​the villa is not deep, about 2-3 meters, there are a lot of stones below.

But Houhai is very clear.

Ning Fei was looking for something under the sea. Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he took out a shell-like object from the rock on the seabed.

Then, he moved forward again and found several such shells.

Netizens are envious.

"What does Ning Guan hold?"

"I grew up by the sea and can tell everyone that it is abalone."

"Abalone, can you find it so casually?"

"Now abalone is not expensive, and it's really common for people on the beach."

"Yes, you can find it offshore with luck."

"There are abalones in the sea behind the villa. If you want to eat it, you can fish some. It's a fairy day!"

Ning Fei found about 7-8 abalones in succession, and then came out of the sea contentedly.

He put the abalone aside and said with a smile;

"Abalone is a good thing. It can be stewed in soup, steamed, or bibimbap. It's fat but not greasy. The meat is tender and tastes great."

Hearing what he said, a netizen nodded and said:

"Well, I have eaten abalone. They all taste like seafood."

This remark caused a period of in-depth discussion among netizens.

Ning Fei fished out abalone from the sea and planned to eat this at night.

He went to the kitchen to clean the abalone, then cut flowers, added cooking wine, monosodium glutamate and other low heat to boil.

After cooking for a few minutes, reheat the pan and heat oil, add some bean paste, green onion, **** and other ingredients, and then add the cooked abalone and stir fry.

Before long, a plate of braised abalone was ready.

The abalone he made is delicious in color, fragrance, and flavor.

Life by the sea is as laid back and comfortable as ever.

In the next few days, Ning Fei bought a lot of daily necessities and ancillary items, and arranged the Qingfeng cruise ship.

Including several little guys’ rooms, pet passages, pet toilets, toys, etc.

There are also seafood expedition equipment, diving suits, oxygen cylinders and so on.

The Qingfeng cruise ship has its own seawater filtering function and has a fresh water storage bin. When the amount of fresh water drops to a certain level, the hull will inhale sea water for distillation, and the purest water is distilled out.

At the same time, in the past few days, Ning Fei has also handled relevant maritime procedures in the local maritime department.

For his expedition, the maritime department gave the greatest degree of support. Of course, the maritime department also requested the positioning of Qingfeng to prevent Ning Fei from experiencing any accidents.

Everything is ready.

Ning Fei finally planned to go to sea.

This morning, the wind was beautiful and sunny, and at first glance, the blue sky was cloudless, and it was the best time to go out to sea.

"Start, first stop, Nanhai, Zengmu Ansha!"

Ning Fei's live broadcast room is the title.

For a while, his live broadcast content attracted countless netizens.

Many people want to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, but for various reasons, they can't go there in person.

And in many places, ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

For example, deep in the South China Sea, Zengmu Shoal at the southernmost tip of China.

"Ding! Detect the host's demand, start the sign-in task: sign in Zengmu Ansha."

"Task requirements: punch in the Zengmu shoal by dancing swords ~www.ltnovel.com~Task rewards: 1. Live submarine (submarine type B), a tuna-shaped live submarine, with certain attack capabilities and protection Host."

"2. Small special submarine: A small submarine that can be manned and can withstand pressures up to eight kilometers below the seabed without being affected."

Just when Ning Fei planned to go to sea, the system issued a mission.

"Sign in task?"

"Does this system still have sign-in tasks?"

Hearing the voice of the system, Ning Fei thought to himself.

However, Ning Fei was very satisfied with this reward.

Unlike cruise ships, small submarines do not need to be registered, so they can be taken out of the system directly.

If he can get such a submarine, it means he can go to the bottom of the ocean to explore.

"Okay, head towards Zengmu Ansha and set off!"

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