Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 348: Ganquan on Ganquan Island, sweet!

"Little Bai, report the data."

"Sea surface weather: sunny; wind level three, 20 degrees to 60 degrees south east; current speed: 30 knots per hour."

30 knots per hour is equivalent to 55 kilometers per hour, which is a relatively fast speed for ships.

The sea breeze blows the sea sail on the mast of Qingfeng. The sea sail has a Tai Chi pattern, which looks very Chinese and classical.

When going out to sea, sails are indispensable on the ship, which is also a symbol.

Ning Fei stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the white waves that were constantly being cut apart, in a good mood.

He couldn't help opening his arms.

It looked as if to embrace the whole sea.

At this time, Ning Fei saw Xiaohu sitting next to him.

Ning Fei was on a whim. He hugged the body of the little fox from behind and held it up so that the little fox could also feel the sea breeze on the bow.

However, another famous scene appeared.

The little fox held by Ning Fei unexplainably followed the example of Ning Fei and opened his arms.

This scene looks exactly the same as the classic scene of the Titanic Jack Meat.

"Are Ning Guanzhu and Xiaohu playing the Titanic?"

"Good guy, so good at playing!"

"Hahaha, the little fox is so funny, and he has learned to open his arms."


"There is still love."


Everyone was chatting. At this moment, the little dog on the side screamed jealously, seemingly wanting to stand on the bow of the boat and be held by Ning Fei to blow the sea breeze.

Ning Fei couldn't favor one another, so he put down the little fox and blew a few more times while holding the little dog.

Everyone was at ease on the boat.

The little falcon was hovering above the sea. As there was no covering on the sea, Ning Fei could see the little falcon circling the Qingfeng cruise ship as soon as he looked up.

It feels good to have someone guarding the top of your head.

"The South China Sea is divided into Dongsha Islands, Paracel Islands, Zhongsha Islands, and Nansha Islands."

"We are now in the Paracel Islands and are heading south."

"There is a place in the Paracel Islands that is more interesting. I plan to go there first."

"That is the sea turtle protection station on the North Island of Sansha City built last year."

Ning Fei talked with netizens about the next itinerary.

"Ning Guanzhu, aren't you going to Zengmu Ansha?"

Some netizens asked.

Ning Fei smiled and replied: "The destination is right there, but I won't hurry to hurry, so the meaning of the journey will be lost."

"The scenery along the way is my biggest gain."

With that said, Ning Fei set the end point, Xishan Islands and Beidao.

"Xiao Bai, head towards the North Island."

The Qingfeng determined the direction and accelerated toward the front.

In the process of advancing, Ning Fei did not forget to spread science to netizens.

"In our country, the Paracel Islands are a concentrated place where sea turtles grow and breed."

"There are sea sands there, and the offshore is rich in seaweed, which is very suitable for sea turtles to come ashore to lay eggs."

"Don't think that sea turtles are not aggressive. In fact, sea turtles are at a high level in the marine life chain and play an important role in the health of marine ecosystems."

"The fishermen in Sansha City like sea turtles very much. They have set up a sea turtle protection station in North Island. The local government is also taking the lead in protecting sea turtles, and there is a full range of artificial assisted hatching."

"The survival rate of natural incubation of sea turtles is 1 in 22%, and the survival rate of artificial incubation is about 1 in twentieth. In recent years, under the protection of the North Island Sea Turtle Protection Station, the Paracel Islands have become the most beautiful home for sea turtles. ."

"There, man and nature are in harmony."

Ning Fei spoke quietly.

His narration allowed everyone to see the beautiful stories that happened in some inconspicuous places in China.

For example, the turtle protection station is like this.

The boat continued to drive forward, and the scenery remained the same.

"Look there. It is Ganquan Island, the only island in the Paracel Islands with freshwater resources, and the spring water on the island is particularly sweet, so it is called Ganquan Island."

"Let's go to Ganquan Island first."

As Ning Fei spoke, he controlled the ship again and sailed towards Ganquan Island.

Netizens looked from the live broadcast room and saw that in the live broadcast footage, there was an irregular oblong island on a rippling blue sea in the distance.

The island is covered with green plants, lush, like a green gem on the sea.

"Because of the abundant fresh water resources, the scenery of Ganquan Island is very good."

"There are some residents living on the edge of the island. The vast forest inside is no man's land, and there are also a variety of seafood."

"But the forests on the islands have less species diversity, and the most are mosquitoes, so I don't plan to go in."

Ning Fei said again.

At this time, Ning Fei was already close to Ganquan Island.

Ganquan Island is also under the jurisdiction of Sansha City. There are rows of houses on the outermost beach where people live, and the rest are uninhabited.

There are many more islands like this on the Paracel Islands.

Ning Fei's boat passed away towards the island, and before it got close to the shore, several people were seen looking around on the shore.

There is a pier in this place. There are several yachts floating around the pier. They are all yachts for industrial fishing, and they look ugly.

Ning Fei was also driving the Qingfeng, slowly mooring on the edge of the pier.

There were less than a hundred households living on the island. Seeing Ning Fei approaching, many people greeted him.

The older people are okay. Several middle-aged men were very excited when they saw Ning Fei and shouted "Ning Guanzhu, welcome!"

"It's Ning Guanzhu! Come and see!"

Netizens laughed at the islanders’ reaction.

"Ning Guanzhu is really hot, everyone knows him on an island so far away."

"I often go to the news and newspapers, and I am always praised by name. Can you not know me?"

"It's true. If you want to talk about traffic stars, my parents' generation doesn't know a few people, but they all know the master instead."

"Me too. When I went home, my dad told me that there is a powerful immortal Taoist priest in China, who can repair cultural relics and fight tigers. I guess he is Ning Guanzhu."

"This nationality is too high!"

"Who makes Lord Ning Guan so attractive?"

Ning Fei walked from the boat to the dock, saw the people who were greeted, said with a smile:

"My fellow villagers, excuse me, I heard that the spring water on Ganquan Island is sweet and delicious, and has a profound cultural heritage, so I want to come here for some water."

Everyone laughed.

A middle-aged man said: "Ning Guanzhu, you come to me, my house has spring water, and those are the clearest spring water."

"I have it too!"

"come here."

Everyone is very enthusiastic.

Their house is not far from the dock, just ahead.

Ning Fei followed them and drank a few sips of Ganquan from Ganquan Island.

The sweet spring is a bit cool and sweet. It is a miracle to have such water on this small island surrounded by the sea.

The weather in the south was already hot. After drinking the spring water, Ning Fei only felt relieved.

After that, Ning Fei couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of several islanders, and took a group photo with everyone.

"Thank you, Ganquan Island is a good place."

After taking the photo, Ning Fei said with a smile.

"Ning Guanzhu, come often when you have time!"

The islanders greeted him politely.

"Ning Guanzhu, where are you going next?"

An islander asked again.

"I plan to visit the sea turtle protection station in North Island. I heard that there are a lot of sea turtles there. I want to see it."

When Ning Fei finished answering, he waved his hand and said goodbye to everyone.

What Ning Fei didn't know was ~www.ltnovel.com~ as soon as he left Ganquan Island, the people on Ganquan Island reported his trip to the Sansha City government.

Now Sansha City is actively engaged in tourism economy, hoping to use the tourism projects of the Paracel Islands to stimulate economic development.

And a big anchor like Ning Fei can be said to have an unparalleled publicity effect on the local tourism ecology.

Let Ning Fei visit their tourist base, which is comparable to advertising worth hundreds of millions in the minutes before the news broadcast every night.

Therefore, when Ning Fei approached Bei Dao, his face also showed a trace of astonishment.

Because he saw that there were a few government-looking people in black suits waiting on the dock.

There are also a few young people in the narration, holding a banner that says:

"Welcome Ning Guan to visit the North Island."

Seeing this scene, Ning Fei smiled helplessly:

"Good guy, I'm just here to take a look at the turtles, how come it feels like a leader inspecting?"

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