Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 355: Nature’s strongest sound effects!

Such a scene is beyond everyone's imagination.

In the shining blue-purple ocean, a handsome young man stood on a kayak holding a flute.

A white fox lay quietly at his feet.

This scene is so beautiful.

Then, the flute sounded.

The flute piece played by Ning Fei is the ancient bagpipe piece "Mo Wen Return Date" with a relatively gentle rhythm.

The flute music was melodious and tactful, and the netizens felt their hearts calm down as soon as the sound came out.

[God, it sounds so good! 】

[Really a pleasure! 】

[Ning Guanzhu, I can! I can! 】

[This is another famous scene, this atmosphere, it is not an exaggeration to call a fairy! 】

[The fairy plays the flute for me, haha, great style! 】

[Handsome people, beautiful scenery, beautiful flute sound, perfect! 】

The barrage immediately heated up, and netizens were all amazed.

The sound of the flute is very pleasant, and the music has an inspiring power.

For example, when a person is very sad, listening to some muffled songs will feel relaxed.

For example, when a person's favorite war song is played, he will feel excited.

Ning Fei's flute sound has a magical power that makes people relax.

However, at this moment, netizens discovered something wrong.

[Look at... those seaweeds! 】

Someone exclaimed.

When everyone looked at it, they couldn't help but their eyes widened!

Because, the seaweed around Ning Fei was actually emitting light of different strengths and weaknesses following the ups and downs of the flute sound!

They will light up when the flute pitch is high.

If the flute is low, they are dim.

It seems that the fluorescent bath on the shore is actually accompaniment for Ning Fei!

Above the waves, blue and purple rays of light intertwined, shining faintly.

Above it, Ning Fei held the flute and played a melodious piece of graceful music.

"Do Not Ask for Return"

There are boats in the sea and roads in the mountains.

There is a long way to go, don't ask about the return date.

This atmosphere, this atmosphere, is truly unmatched.

Seeing such a picture, netizens also felt amazed and couldn't help but sigh in silence:

"Ning Guan is really strong."

Noctilucent algae clustered around the kayak, this feeling is also very strange.

While playing, Ning Fei also discovered that the noctilucent algae on the sea was responding to the sound of his flute.

Nature is indeed magical.

In this way, after playing "Mo Asking for Return", Ning Fei played another flute song before kayaking and returning to the Qingfeng cruise ship.

After completing such a stunning live broadcast, Ning Fei seemed to be okay and didn't feel much.

But his live broadcast has caused a great response on the Internet.


This hot search has quickly reached the top of many media platforms.

When everyone saw a Taoist priest playing a bamboo flute on the shore, the seaweed surrounding the "mountainous mountains and plains" glowed blue with the sound of his flute.

[Is this a special effects blockbuster? 】

Some netizens couldn't help but ask.

[This is a live broadcast, where does the special effect come from? 】

[You mean, these are all real? 】

[Yes, I’m right here, you can watch the full version of the recording, it’s about forty minutes. 】

[I also watched the recording. It was perfect from Ning Guanzhu’s sailing to find nocturnal algae to playing the bamboo flute. 】

[God man! 】

Everyone was amazed.

That night, Ning Fei cleaned the ship’s sanitation on the cruise ship and went to sleep.

His plan is to arrive at Lava Island tomorrow morning, and then start at 10:30 in the morning and drive the submarine down to the depths of the ocean to take a look.

The lava island is originally geologically peculiar, and there must be another landscape below the seabed.

When I heard that Ning Fei would drive a submarine down to the deep sea for live broadcast tomorrow, netizens also paid special attention and agreed to come over as soon as possible tomorrow.

Early the next morning.

Ning Fei drove the Qingfeng and finally came to the vicinity of the lava island.

"Look, everyone, there is a small lava island there!"

"The reason for the formation of the lava island is the eruption of a volcano hundreds of years ago. In other words, there is an undersea volcano under the island!"

In the live broadcast room, a small rocky island appeared in front of netizens.

Everyone was surprised.

[Are there still volcanoes under the sea? 】

[Island formed by volcanic eruption? Nature is really amazing! 】

[Unexpectedly, there is a small lava island in the South China Sea. It's really a long experience! 】

Everyone talked a lot.

Obviously the structure of the lava island aroused everyone's interest.

Ning Fei explained again:

"The distribution of submarine volcanoes is quite extensive. At the bottom of the ocean, there are many volcanoes of various kinds."

"Submarine volcanoes are concentrated at the junction of the plates. According to statistics, there are more than 20,000 submarine volcanoes in the world, and the Pacific Ocean owns more than half."

"A lava island can appear here, indicating that the geology below must be very special."

"Next, I will go to the bottom of the sea to take a look."

After hearing Ning Fei's words, netizens couldn't help being a little worried.

[Ning Guanzhu, if the following is a submarine volcano, will it be too dangerous to go down? 】

Ning Fei explained:

"This lava island looks hundreds of years old, and the volcano below is an extinct volcano."

"Extinct volcanoes will basically not erupt again, so you don't have to worry too much."

Then, Ning Fei first threw both the Type B and Type A submarines into the sea, and said:

"These are advanced live broadcast submarines, which can ensure that my live broadcast in the sea is also carried out normally."

"At the same time, the submarine I am driving also has a camera, so I can interact with everyone at that time."

Then, Ning Fei walked along the stairs to the inside of the hull, where there was a special room from which you could descend into the ocean.

The submarine that completed the mission is already in this room.

Ning Fei put on a well-made diving suit. He would take a look at the pressure on the bottom of the sea. If it was within the tolerable range, Ning Fei still wanted to take a look at the bottom of the sea.

Then, he got into the submarine, and piloted the Qingfeng cruise ship to lower the submarine to the bottom of the sea.

A mechanical noise appeared, and Ning Fei felt that the submarine he was in was slowly descending as if sitting on an elevator.

Then, the bottom of the ship opened and the submarine fell into the sea from under the Qingfeng cruise ship.

The live broadcast has been switched to the sea floor.

Netizens were very excited when they saw a dark blue submarine appeared.

[Appeared, it is Ning Guanzhu's submarine! 】

[So high-tech! 】

[Haha, this live broadcast is really interesting. 】

[Hurry down, I want to see what is in the deep sea? 】

[Ning Guanzhu still drives submarines? Awesome! 】

[As a submarine driver~www.ltnovel.com~ I can tell everyone that a submarine driver’s license is more troublesome than a flying license, and the requirements are also very high. Ningguan is really powerful. 】

[Almighty is not a joke. 】

[It’s almost time to fly now. 】

[I feel Ning Guanzhu really can fly a plane! 】

Everyone talked a lot.

At this time, Ning Fei was also immersed in the joy of driving a submarine.

The front and sides of the submarine are equipped with high-pressure resistant glass materials. Ning Fei can also see the ocean world outside through the glass.

The lens of the tuna submarine was aimed at Ning Fei's submarine. Netizens also saw that Ning Fei was sitting in the driving position of the submarine, operating the submarine's instruments.

Seeing such a scene, everyone can only silently shout in their hearts:

"Ning Guanzhu, really a god-man!"

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