Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 356: Deep seabed, dangerous exploration

The world under the sea is another world.

"There are at least 200,000 species of organisms in the ocean, the number is very large, and humans have only discovered a few of them."

"In the deep ocean, there are many sea animals that biologists and oceanographers can't name."

"There are also many rumors about sea monsters."

"For humans, the sea is mysterious."

Ning Fei was in the submarine, slowly explaining to everyone.

The submarine kept sinking.

In the live broadcast footage, netizens can also see all kinds of weird fishes, sea turtles, sea crabs, and strange species with no names dancing in the ocean.

[So beautiful, like a fairy tale world! 】

[Finding Nemo did not lie to me, the animals in the sea are so beautiful. 】

[Very envious of marine life, the ocean is so big, you can swim freely. 】

[You have to consider clearly that it is correct for marine life to swim freely. Sharks and whales can also swim freely, and they may be eaten at any time. 】

[Yes, the deep sea, like the tropical rain forest, is full of dangers. 】

Netizens discussed the situation in the deep sea enthusiastically.

Ning Fei was driving the submarine down continuously.

The lower the visibility, the lower the visibility, and the submarine’s lights turned on, illuminating the sea ahead.

"Now I have reached the sea about 100 meters."

Ning Fei explained in the submarine.

"Because it is not far from the lava island, the seabed should not be too deep."

He continued downward, and the further down, the stranger the species on the bottom of the sea.

The submarine has its own echolocation function. Through the return signal from the ultrasonic wave, Ning Fei can see the echoes of surrounding ground objects and fish.

"The sea floor is about two hundred meters visually."

"Two hundred meters, the world record for visually measuring the limit of human diving depth is 249 meters underwater."

"The pressure on the bottom of the sea is terrible. Normal people will feel dizzy when they dive to about nine meters under the sea. Equipped with a breathing compressor and professional equipment, the safe depth of diving is 60 meters."

Ning Fei said again.

[Can humans dive so deep? 】

[The pressure under water is terrible. If you are suddenly exposed to such pressure, humans are likely to be crowded together. 】

[Stop talking, there are pictures. 】

[That's why deep-sea creatures are really terrifying, and they can survive in such deep seas. 】

[It seems that SpongeBob is the king, it lives directly in the deepest part of the ocean floor. 】

Ning Fei continued down, and it didn't take long before he saw a large patch of pale pink coral.

The corals are exceptionally beautiful, with many small fishes roaming on them.

"A lot of fish on the seabed feed on corals and aquatic plants. It is like a forest on land. There are many fishes."

Ning Fei said again.

At this moment, a signal suddenly flashed in the cockpit of the submarine.

On the radar screen, Ning Fei saw that something different appeared on the seabed where the submarine echoed.

"There is something under the sea!"

"what is that?"

Ning Fei said in surprise.

I saw a crack on the bottom of the sea on the big screen, like a wound in the sea.

[Ning Guanzhu, what is going on? 】

Some netizens asked.

"The echo location of the submarine shows that there is a crack in the sea floor, which I think is like a trench."

【what? Is there a trench? 】

【really? I have seen the concept map of the trench, which is very scary, like an abyss. 】

[God, Lord Ning Guan, go over and take a look! 】

[It’s the first time I’ve seen Trench live! 】

[Yes, after all, not every outdoor anchor drove a submarine to live in the deep sea. 】

Everyone talked a lot.

Ning Fei controlled the submarine and also went straight to the trench.

"The trench is formed by the relative movement of plates. There is a volcanic island next to it. The trench is accompanied by volcanic arcs. Therefore, it is normal to have a trench here."

"However, this is not in the middle of the ocean after all, and this trench should not be too deep."

"The depth of the ocean bottom can reach a depth of about 6,000 meters, while the deepest trench in the world can reach more than 11,000 meters down. It is difficult for humans to imagine any creatures that can survive in such an environment."

"Perhaps only the immortal creature like the water bear can exist."

Ning Fei spoke softly.

After listening to Ning Fei's narration, netizens realized how mysterious the deep sea really is.

The sea floor of six kilometers, the trench of 11 thousand meters.

The limit distance for human diving is more than two hundred meters, so the living environment will be terrible below 11 thousand meters.

Ning Fei finally reached the bottom of the sea.

He was driving the submarine, slowly drifting forward along the bottom of the sea.

The light here is a bit dim, but the submarine’s lights are on, which is fine.

The tuna live submarine closely followed him, live streaming the bottom of the sea.

Occasionally, a fish passes by the lights of a submarine, and many netizens are shocked.

Darkness, deep sea, everything is so terrible.

Netizens felt their breathing became tense again.

Many netizens with deep sea phobia even covered their eyes and watched the live broadcast carefully, for fear that a monster full of fangs would suddenly pop out and swallow the submarine and Ning Guanzhu together in one bite.

They are scared and want to watch.

Ning Fei was driving the submarine and looked ahead.

At this moment, he finally saw the trench ahead.

A huge crack appeared on the ground of the seabed.

The crack is about ten meters wide, equivalent to the width of a two-way road in a city.

The crack spread for several hundred meters back and forth, and the camera was still out of sight.

Seeing such a scene, netizens took a breath.

In this scene, the trench seems to be a different-dimensional seal opened by people, and countless demons and ghosts have run out of this place.

Fear, depression, darkness, all kinds of negative emotions rushed to my face.

[Why is my heart flustered? 】

[I am a little scared! 】

[Ning Guan is too courageous! 】

[It's scary, there won't be any weird things coming out of here. 】

[My God, the trench in reality, is it so depressing? 】

The light of the submarine shone from above.

Below it is as if there is endless darkness, and nothing can be seen at all.

This is the wonder of nature.

The interior of the trench is getting shallower and shallower, and the submarine cannot go down, otherwise the risk factor is too high.

At this moment, Ning Fei looked at this trench, but wanted to go down and take a look.

"This trench may be the shallowest trench in the ocean, and it's only under a sea area more than two hundred meters deep."

"Those big trenches are all six kilometers under the sea. In such a place, only instruments can go down. No matter how well equipped human beings are, it is impossible to go down to such a place."

"And here is the most extreme depth at which humans can dive into the sea."

"So, such a place, I plan to go in and take a look."

Netizens were shocked when they heard Ning Fei's words.

[What did Ning Guanzhu just say? 】

[He said he plans to go in and see? 】

[Is he going into the dark trench of Nadao? 】

[Really ~www.ltnovel.com~ Ning Guanzhu, that place is too dangerous, let's forget it! 】

[Ning Guan is strong! Come on! 】

The barrage surged from the right side for a while.

At this time, Ning Fei was already finishing his wetsuit.

This should be his only chance to dive into the trench.

He naturally didn't want to miss such an opportunity.

Not to mention that his body is different from ordinary people, even without a high-level diving suit, there is not much danger in the sea of ​​more than two hundred meters.

This is the limit diving distance for ordinary people, not his.

And he has a suffocation card, which can hold his breath for half an hour, plus the suppression card, excellent physical fitness and so on.

For him, the level of danger is not high.

The netizens in the live broadcast room have fallen into a frenzy.

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