Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 381: Great discovery, shipwreck under the sea!

The black shadow outline appeared, and everyone was taken aback.

【what is that? 】

Netizens couldn't help blurting out, exclaiming.

The scene at this moment is beyond everyone's expectations.

In the live broadcast, a behemoth was hung on the bottom of the sea. The huge body looked like a dead whale, but when you look closely, you will find that the edges of the whole body are sharp and angular, which clearly looks like a big ship.

[Is that a ship? ! 】

[There is a sunken ship on the seabed! 】

【Oh my God! What else can Ning Guanzhu see in the live broadcast room? 】

Barrage came surging.

At this time, Ning Fei also said:

"It looks like there is a shipwreck in front of the sea!"

"From ancient times to the present, the sea has swallowed countless ships, but the ocean area is too large and the seabed is too deep, many ships cannot be salvaged and searched and rescued."

"For example, the Titanic, sinking more than 3700 meters under the sea, it is difficult to find the remains of the ship."

"Furthermore, ships will rot quickly in the ocean, and various seabed creatures will parasitize them."

"This is the South China Sea area of ​​China. It is really strange that there is such a big ship."

Ning Fei continued to approach.

The closer you get, the more shocked the netizens.

Because this ship is really very big.

The entire hull is like a hill!

At the same time, the barrage exploded again, and Ning Fei's popularity rose again terribly.

China’s major media, newspapers and magazines, even as soon as Ning Fei discovered the shipwreck, began to write manuscripts, hydrology, etc., and strive to send out this explosive news as soon as possible.

"What a big ship, it looks like the mast has been rotted out of shape, only this huge hull is left!"

Ning Fei said again.

Netizens became more and more curious, and everyone stared at the live screen.

[Ning Guanzhu, when was this shipwreck? 】

[Is it possible that such a large shipwreck was left behind during the war. 】

[It's terrible. 】

[God, is there any news of the cruise ship crashing in the South China Sea? 】

[Will there be treasures in the ship, like in a pirate movie, there are crates of gold and silver treasures? 】

[Maybe there really is! 】

All kinds of barrage came one after another.

Netizens know: Ning Guanzhu, I’m afraid it’s going to be on hot search and news again!

"The overall shape of this ship is smooth and the structure is very strong. According to its size, it should be a Ming Dynasty ship, and it is most likely a treasure ship from Zheng He's voyage to the West."

"According to the "History of Ming Dynasty" and "Zheng He Biography", when Zheng He sailed, there were 63 treasure ships, the largest of which was 44 feet 4 feet long and 18 feet wide."

"It is 151.18 meters long and 6.16 meters wide. It was the largest sea-going ship in the world at that time."

"The History of the Ming Dynasty·Bingzhi" mentioned:'The treasure ship is as tall as a building, with a low tip and wide top, which can accommodate a thousand people.' Its majestic posture is unmatched. It weighs several thousand jins just as an anchor."

Ning Fei observed the structure of the sunken ship under the sea and said leisurely.

Netizens all showed an unclear expression.

Although I don't understand it, I just think it's amazing.

Ning Guanzhu is powerful, and this ship is also powerful.

[I am a graduate student in history, and I have only studied the history of Zheng He's voyages to the West, and I have never seen it with my own eyes. I really thank Lord Ning Guan! 】

[This is indeed a wooden boat in the Ming Dynasty. In this era, the wooden shipbuilding technology is mature, and China is the number one in the world. Later, during the first industrial revolution, when steamboats appeared abroad, the Qing Dynasty was no match for others. 】

[At that time, without engines and gasoline, could such a large boat be built? 】

[The ancients are really amazing! 】

[It’s incredible. You found a treasure ship when Zheng He sailed into the ocean in the deep sea? 】

[Sure enough, magical things happen in places that humans can't reach! 】

The shipwreck on the seabed inspired the enthusiasm of netizens, and everyone was very excited.

Judging from the live footage, a small shining submarine looked a little small in the shadow of a huge shipwreck under the sea.

At this moment, Ning Fei was like a small fish swimming towards a big whale. The contrast in body shape gave people a strong sense of visual oppression.

"There are five types of ships in Zheng He's voyages."

"The first type is a treasure ship, the most impressive!"

"The second type is the horse boat, which is 37 feet long and 15 feet wide, which is a bit smaller."

"The third type is a grain boat, twenty-eight feet long and twelve feet wide, used to store food."

"The fourth is by boat, and the fifth is by warship."

"Ships have a clear division of labor. Some are used to carry cargo, some are used to transport grain, some are used for living, and some are used for combat. The division of labor is meticulous."

"I just don't know, this ship sank when it went, or when it came back."

Ning Fei drove the submarine and circled the seabed to observe the sunken ship.

If you look closely, you can see that the sunken ship under the sea has been decayed. There are many signs of decay on the wood of the hull, which is filled with various marine fungi.

At this moment, the place where the submarine's lights swept through was changed again.

Ning Fei looked towards the hull and found that the light was shining on the hull, which was actually completely dark.

When I looked carefully, I discovered that there was a huge hole in the hull of the sunken ship under the sea!

The diameter of the hole is about five or six meters. It is very large and allows the submarine to get in easily.

What's in the boat?

This is a question that everyone wonders.

Ning Fei's task is to find a bright pearl on the seabed, and he naturally wants to go in.

[There is a big hole there! 】

[Can actually go in! 】

[Below should be the position of the hull, where a lot of cargo is stored. 】

[Will it be too dangerous? 】

Everyone talked a lot.

However, at this time, Ning Fei had already controlled the submarine and slowly drove in towards the big hole on the side of the hull.

Inside the hull, it was even darker.

Where the light sweeps, you can also see many pillars supporting the hull of the ship. These pillars are made of the best giant woods. After so many years of corrosion in the sea, they are still strong.

Ning Fei controlled the submarine and looked towards the water.

It can be seen that the bottom of the ship is already full of mud on the bottom of the sea, and it looks no different from the outside.

At this time, Ning Fei shone the light towards the corner again.

In the corner, several jars like vases appeared in front of everyone.

Netizens hurriedly stared their eyes wide, trying to see exactly what it was.

Ning Fei told everyone:

"It's porcelain. When Zheng He went to the West, he took porcelain and silk with him. On the one hand, his purpose was to promote national prestige. In fact, he was to exchange overseas jewelry, exotic animals and other things for royal entertainment."

"Silk has long rotted in the sea, and only porcelain can be kept for so long."

"The porcelain of the Ming Dynasty is very valuable."

"But I can't get out of the submarine. Now I'm under a kilometer in the sea, and the pressure is terrible. Unless there is a wetsuit of the level of a spacesuit, no one can go out in such a place."

Hearing what Ning Fei said, everyone was a little sorry.

[It's a pity, looking at so many antiques, there is no way to get them back. 】

[Submarines can go down to very deep waters, but humans cannot. 】

[That’s right, unless it’s a mechanism prop that can be controlled by a machine. 】

[No need, just Ming Dynasty porcelain, it shouldn't be too expensive. 】

[These are all porcelain from Zheng He's voyages to the West. The collection of antiques does not necessarily depend on the year, but also on the history of the object. With this name, these porcelains are valuable! 】

[Doesn’t that mean that Ning Guanzhu looked at this tens of millions of antiques, but couldn’t get it? 】

[Yes, no one can get it! 】

[Next time you drive the submarine, just bring a grabbing device. 】

[Ning Guanzhu, where are the coordinates? I hired a diving team to go. I think this is a profit. 】

After seeing the porcelain, everyone is more enthusiastic.

After all, it was an antique, or it was an antique when Zheng He went to the West, and its value is definitely not low.

In fact, Ning Fei’s submarine has a maneuverable robotic arm that can store porcelain in a storage space behind the submarine.

But Ning Fei didn't tell everyone that he didn't even think about touching these antiques at UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

According to Article 5 of Chapter 1 of the "Cultural Relics Protection Law", all cultural relics existing in the underground, internal waters and territorial waters of China are owned by the state.

Even if he collects antiques by manipulating the robotic arm, it is still owned by the state, so he doesn't simply say that he has the ability to collect, so that unnecessary troubles are avoided.

What Ning Fei had to do now was to find the Qi Mingzhu required by the mission.

He went on.

But then, sometimes things happened that no one expected.

I saw Ning Fei's submarine light up towards the top, and netizens saw that a large octopus nearly ten meters long appeared on the beam inside the sunken ship under the sea!

The light can only shine on half of its body, not even its full view.

Ning Fei's eyes changed, and she also let out a low voice:

"Oh, it's the king squid!"

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