Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 382: crisis! Attacked by a beast on the sea!

In the live broadcast room, fear spread in everyone's heart.

Nowadays, there are many netizens watching Ning Fei's live broadcast on all major platforms. This horrible scene has caused a huge impact in various parts of China.

How scary is the king squid?

Its tentacles are nearly 13 meters long, and its entire body is extremely large.

It is the largest invertebrate animal in the world, and its temperament is extremely fierce. It is the deadly enemy of a behemoth like a sperm whale. When the two meet, they will fight.

And now, among the shipwreck under the sea, there is a giant squid lurking!

[Fuck! 】

Netizens stared their eyes wide, watching the scenes in the live footage, and uttered in horror again.

Even Ning Fei had a very serious expression on his face.

However, the horror has just begun.

After seeing the submarine, the king squid swam directly towards the submarine.

"Boom boom boom!"

The tentacles of the king squid were attached to the submarine, making a violent crash.

This scene is terrifying.

The tuna submarine monitors such a scene. Everyone watching the live broadcast feels that cold hair is standing up, and cold sweat has spread all over the body in an instant!

A huge squid just lay on the submarine!

The attack method of the king squid is to use the suction cups on its tentacles to attack. Its tentacles can pierce the hard skin of the sperm whale and directly **** out the whale meat!

Moreover, the weight of the king squid is all tons. The average king squid weighs one ton, and the larger one can weigh two to three tons!

Almost instantly, the submarine sounded a sharp siren.

"Warning! Warning! The hull weight exceeds the limit! The floating function is damaged!"

"Warning! Warning! The hull is under an unknown attack, and a series of warning sounds of the current degree of damage are heard.

Ning Fei was in the submarine. The windows on the front and side of the submarine were almost completely covered by the king squid, making him unable to see the surrounding environment at all.

The scene is really critical.

Because if the King Squid could really break through the shell of the submarine and the sea water poured in, the huge pressure could instantly engulf Ning Fei.

Of course, his physical fitness is very strong now, and the pressure of one kilometer under the sea may not be able to kill him.

However, symptoms such as tinnitus and internal bleeding are probably unavoidable.

Moreover, if you can live a thousand meters below the sea, if you don't keep it, you will be studied as a superman by scientists.

Ning Fei checked the submarine's information.

Through inspection, he found that all functions of the submarine are working well.

Just because the king squid is adsorbed on it, the weight is too heavy, which affects the floating function of the submarine.

As for breaking the shell structure of the submarine, this is after all a reward drawn by the system. It can mature the pressure of several kilometers under the sea. This attack by the King Squid will not have much impact on the shell.

After confirming that he was safe, Ning Fei was also relieved.

He didn't use the marine animal friendly card either. After all, he didn't like this mollusk and had no plans to make friends with it.

"Start the electric shock defense function!"

Ning Fei immediately manipulated the submarine and turned on the pointing device.

After all, it is going to sea. In order to prevent any situation from happening, submarines also have the ability to attack.

Then, netizens saw two electrode-like devices extending from the front and back of the submarine. In the next second, a burst of sparkling electric light emerged from the depths of the seabed!

This scene once again made everyone's heart stop for a while!

[Fuck! Sea monster! This is definitely a sea monster! 】

[Ning Guanzhu is in danger, how can such a big squid run? 】

[Gosh! The deep sea is terrifying! 】

[Ning Guanzhu, run, I'm going to cry! 】

[God, save him! 】

[Originally watching Ning Guan's live broadcast, I think my deep-sea phobia has been cured, but now it's better. I feel that my illness is more serious. 】

[I am also trembling all over. 】

[My pants are all wet! 】

The scene is too exciting, and the shock is definitely no less than King Kong vs. Godzilla.

After all, this is the real thing that happened in reality! And that is what is happening at this time.

Ning Fei's live broadcast room seemed to be playing a huge beast movie, and the light passed through the gap between the tentacles of the king squid, making the atmosphere of the whole scene even more terrifying.

Then, after the submarine used the electric shock defense method, the king squid suddenly released the suction cup on the tentacle, and then swam out of the big hole of the sunken ship under the sea without looking back.

The live broadcast footage swept over, and netizens saw that the huge figure swayed a lot of big tentacles and left the boat hole until it disappeared.

Everything came as it should.

The king squid ran away suddenly.

When everyone was in shock, Ning Fei's voice sounded.

His voice seemed much calmer.

"That's a king squid. It likes to catch the glowing fish in the sea, and it also likes to hunt the giant sperm whale."

"Its temperament is extremely cruel, it belongs to the ferocious sea beast type."

"Its size also gives it ferocious capital."

"Just now it should have regarded the submarine as a luminous fish, so it attacked directly."

"When it was discovered that the submarine had no meat to eat, and the electric shock defense was added, then he left."

Hearing what Ning Fei said, everyone nodded.

In this way, what happened is reasonable.

The king squid dared to attack even sperm whales, and the submarine was much smaller than the sperm whale, so the king squid would naturally not let it go.

But then it found that the submarine could not eat, so it left directly.

Netizens are a little relieved.

But that horrible feeling still wanders in the body, and he will not disperse for a long time.

Everything happened too fast.

From the discovery of the king squid, to the king squid attacking the submarine, the king squid finally left.

Every scene challenges the perception of netizens.

[Fortunately, it's alright, I'm scared to pee! 】

[If I were in a submarine, even if I was not eaten by the king squid, I would be scared to death! 】

[You said what Ning Guanzhu was thinking at the time? 】

[I listen to his voice, there is no fluctuation in his tone. 】

[This mentality, take it! 】

[Could it be said that Ning Guanzhu still has any hole cards? 】

Everyone talked a lot.

At this time, Ning Fei said again:

"This ship should be used as a nest by the king squid."

"For the King Squid, with a body of more than ten meters, such a shipwreck under the sea is just suitable for it to live and live.

"In other words, we are now exploring in the lair of the king squid."

Netizens' eyes widened again when they heard Ning Fei's words.

Shipwreck under the sea, the lair of the king squid...

Such a place sounds terrifying no matter how it sounds.

Everyone's eyes fell on the submarine, and they found that Ning Fei was driving the submarine and was moving forward.

A beam in front of him collapsed, and the deck was already in dilapidated condition. Ning Fei drove the submarine out of the cabin and came to the deck of the sunken ship under the sea.

"This is a treasure ship."

"There should be porcelain, silk, jade and other things stored in the cabin~www.ltnovel.com~ If the value of Qimingzhu is particularly precious, it will definitely not be stacked with these things in the cabin."

"Then, it will naturally be placed in the high-ranking official's room."

Ning Fei thought to himself.

On a treasure ship like this, there must be high-ranking officials living, and the places where such high-ranking officials live are often very luxurious and very large.

Obviously the factory also considered this situation when building the ship.

Ning Fei looked at the ship. The sunken ship under the sea had three floors, and all three floors were houses.

According to the usual urination of officials in the Ming Dynasty, they all like to be in a high position and enjoy the feeling of being condescending.

Therefore, if there is no accident, Qi Mingzhu will be in the highest room.

Thinking of this, Ning Fei drove the submarine and drove slowly toward it.

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