Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 383: Get the treasures on the sunken ship!

Shipwreck under the sea, the highest point.

The wood here has almost decomposed, covered with gray things and marine life residues.

The highest room is very large, but the submarine cannot get in.

Ning Fei could only float on the top to look down, and get a panoramic view of the house.

"Look, this is where the person in charge of this ship lives. If he can live on the treasure ship as the person in charge, this person should be a high-ranking official."

"Such a person in charge is often extremely privileged."

"The place to live is relatively luxurious."

Netizens looked towards the room.

They can see the traces of the wooden bed and the table, but unfortunately they have all collapsed.

In addition, there are several small rooms around the master bedroom.

"Those are the rooms of attendants and servants. In ancient times, privileges were serious, and the treatment enjoyed by the officials was very good."

Ning Fei said again.

[Envy, I really want to travel to the past to be a high official. 】

[Today's officials are not all privileges the same. 】

[I don’t understand the situation when I look at it. Now the policy is very strict, and many people dare not be so arrogant. 】

[At that time in the Ming Dynasty, there was such a big ship. If this is going to other countries, the big ship will call on the coast, it would be awesome. 】

[It's a pity that we couldn't do industrial ships in the later period. Of course, China's teaching manufacturing skills are still the world's top. 】

Ning Fei continued to look at the person in charge's room.

The bottom of the sea is very dark, and the line of sight can only be seen where the submarine lights are illuminated.

Ning Fei's eyesight is very good.


The lights of the submarine shone through, and Ning Fei saw that under the collapsed table were two closed treasure chests scattered.

These two boxes are very small boxes, which can only fit a piece of jewelry or a string of necklaces.

Qi Mingzhu is probably inside.

Next, Ning Fei wanted to find a way to find Qi Mingzhu.

Now he is live broadcast, while looking for things, he also avoids the eyes of netizens.

But it is also simple.

Anyway, no one knows now that the submarine has the function of a robotic arm, which can grab things in the sea.

With this in mind, Ning Fei asked the tuna live submarine to take pictures of other places, and then manipulated the submarine's robotic arm to take these two treasure chests.

Under the submarine, a mechanical arm that looked like a crane stretched out. There is a mechanical claw on the arm, which can be retracted.

Ning Fei was intensively operating, but netizens filled the barrage with question marks.

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Why is the screen black? 】

[Isn't something wrong again! 】

[Don't scare me, it makes me tremble. 】

[Why is there only a glowing fish left in the lens? Where is the live submarine shooting! 】

[Snap a submarine, we have to watch Ning Guanzhu! 】

[We want to see the sunken ship under the sea! 】

Everyone was impatient and yelled.

Then, the live footage flashed past and re-photographed the submarine and the sunken ship under the sea.

Netizens settled down.

No one noticed that on the top of the shipwreck under the sea, there were two treasure chests hidden in rotten wood, which had disappeared.

At this time, Ning Fei was driving the submarine, slowly circling around the layer below the sunken ship on the seabed.

From a distance, the picture is still shocking.

The much smaller submarine surrounds a huge ship and keeps exploring.

This scene satisfied many people's imagination of the mysterious deep sea.

"Unfortunately, such a deep seabed requires very professional diving equipment to get out."

"Although the current level of human science and technology can be reached, few countries spend such a large price to manufacture diving suits to explore the seabed."

"Compared with the ocean floor, it is more meaningful to create a spacesuit to explore the stars."

"Moreover, the equipment for shooting video can reach the seabed of several kilometers, and it can also be explored, so it makes no difference if people can't get down."

Ning Fei said again.

Deep sea diving is the fantasy of many people.

One thousand meters below the sea, there are behemoths like sperm whales and king squids.

So what is there for 10,000 meters under the sea?

There is a lot of discussion on this issue, but all are speculation.

Humans have not set foot in that place, maybe there are horrible creatures hidden in people's imagination.

Ning Fei circled the shipwreck for a while, and broadcasted all the appearance of the big ship live.

The huge hull structure is breathtaking.

"Oxygen can be used for about an hour."

"I came out on this trip and encountered a shipwreck under the sea, luck was not bad."

"It's time to go back, or you will be in trouble if you run out of oxygen."

Facing the netizens in the live broadcast room, Ning Fei said something, and then watched the submarine drive straight to the sea.

Although netizens still want to look at the shipwreck under the sea, they know that the safety of Ning Fei is more important. The amount of oxygen stored in the sea is limited, and this is a thousand meters deep, and it takes a lot of time to go up and down.

Therefore, it is better to go as early as possible.

[It's a pity, such a big shipwreck, I want to see it a little longer! 】

[This scene is not easy to encounter once. 】

[It can only be said that Ning Guanzhu’s live broadcast was wonderful. 】

The tuna live submarine followed Ning Fei's submarine and slowly went up all the way.

The surrounding light is getting brighter.

Judging from the live broadcast footage, Ning Fei seemed to be flying upwards in the empty air, driving a spaceship.

The artistic conception of the picture is very good.

Gradually, there were more fish.

Compared with the darkness of the seabed, the shallow water above is the paradise for the real fish.

Ning Fei went all the way, and with the changes in the surrounding environment, he really felt a little from **** to heaven.

Then, he successfully returned to the sea, controlled the Qingfeng cruise ship with his hand ring to lower the elevator platform, and drove the submarine in.

The lifting platform slowly rose, also announcing the end of this submarine expedition.

Netizens saw in the live footage that Ning Fei's submarine had returned to the cruise ship again. The next second, the screen switched to the drone's perspective.

You can see the whole picture of the Qingfeng cruise ship.

The little dog is running around with Xiao Fei, looking extremely active.

There are many seabirds flying on the cruise ship.

However, some netizens noticed something very strange.

That is, these seabirds rest on the mast for a while, then fly to the sea and circle around, and then come back.

If you look closely, you can still see these seabirds flying to other areas, seemingly to go to pull bird shit.

Of course, few people can notice such details.

Since Ning Fei received the award last time, it has been a great misfortune for the seabirds on the Qingfeng cruise ship.

As long as they fly over the cruise ship, they will be constipated inexplicably.

But this also ensures the cleanliness of the cruise ship.

The drone broadcasted the cruise ship, Ning Fei walked out of the submarine in the cabin.

The submarine was a little depressed, and as soon as he came out, he suddenly became more relaxed and free.

Ning Fei took out the two treasure chests from the sunken ship under the sea from the rear cabin of the submarine.

The treasure chest was full of silt, and the copper buckle in the middle was also corroded so badly that it was almost broken.

With a little effort ~www.ltnovel.com~, he opened one of the treasure chests.

At this moment, the system has not yet sent a prompt to complete the task.

Ning Fei didn't know whether there was Qi Mingzhu in these two treasure chests.

However, at that time, he had circled the sinking ship several times and carefully explored all the places that he could explore.

Netizens think he is exploring, in fact, apart from exploring, Ning Fei is also looking for possible places where Qi Mingzhu may exist.

The final result was that Qi Mingzhu could only be in these two boxes, so he returned with the box.

Ning Fei opened the first treasure chest.

Almost at the same time as it was turned on, the system prompt sounded.

"The sign-in task for the shipwreck under the sea is completed."

"Rewarded: a dedicated aircraft."

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