Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 75: Lone lamp, chanting

   Back to the Qingfeng view, Ning Fei picked the grapes one by one, put them in a basin, and then washed them with clean water.

   Little Fox was right by, acting like a baby at Ning Fei again.

   This white fox is very clingy.

   Xiao Fal was standing on a high place, silently watching Ning Fei.

  Foxes are carnivorous animals. They eat mice, fish, frogs, birds, and insects. They also eat fruits.

   Ning Fei saw that the little fox was cute, so he threw one or two grapes to him, and the little fox took the grapes with his mouth and ate them in, looking very satisfied.

  Ning Fei waited for the grapes to be washed and air-dried before they started brewing.

   "When using grapes to make fruit wine, you must choose grapes that have just matured. Unripe grapes will have a jerky taste, and overripe ones will have precipitation."

   "Then threshing, crushing, and removing the stems. It should be noted here that red wine needs to be fermented with the skin while white wine needs to be crushed, squeezed, and fermented."

  Ning Fei talked about it unhurriedly while processing the grapes.

   What he doesn't know is that most of the netizens' attention is not on him telling everyone how to make wine, but on the process of making wine.

  An ancient style leader wearing a robe is concentrating on brewing fruit wine, which is very ornamental in itself.

   Moreover, Ning Fei's hands are slender and straight, which is undoubtedly more attractive to some girls with manual control.

   The world is so big, everyone cares about points differently. For example, men have leg control, waist control, clavicle control, foot fetish, and of course they like to knead dough.

   Women are generally face-controlled, and there are also many people who like abdominal muscles and hand-controlled.

   After finishing the grapes, Ning Fei took out the cleaned and high-temperature sterilized wine jars, put the grapes in, and added sugar, fruit koji, etc. The set of operations looked very professional.

   "The suitable fermentation temperature for grape wine is 20-25 degrees. In this way, the main fermentation can be completed in about 7 days. If it is 15-20 degrees, it will take half a month."

   "After the main fermentation is over, it needs to be filtered, pressed, clarified, and sterilized to get the grape wine."

   After watching Ning Fei's operation, netizens were amazed.

   At this time, Ning Fei took out another bag of apples. The apples were bought at the supermarket on the road when I just came back, and they are also used to make fruit wine.

   "The brewing of cider is similar."

   "Wine is a thing, the longer the time, the more flavorful it is. The wine and cider on sale often take a year to ferment."

   "But I prefer the time when the fruit wine was just brewed. It is sweet and has a little wine taste. There used to be an old man in Qinshan Village who sold fruit wine, but it was a pity that he left."

   "When I was young, Master would occasionally make some wine. My Master's level was relatively poor, and the fruit wine made was sour and bitter. Later, after I studied and understood, I made wine by myself."

   Listening to Ning Fei's account, netizens were fascinated for a while.

  Some stories do not have so many climaxes, but they are fascinating.

   Ning Fei slowly tells the interesting story of wine making, coupled with the scene at this moment, the whole is like a very beautiful painting.

   Now the pace of life is too fast, and many people yearn for this kind of unfettered life, but they only yearn for it.

  Society is like a machine that keeps working on a clockwork. Everyone is a gear. As long as you are in it, there will be countless gears forcing you to keep turning.

   Unless you are financially strong or bearish on everything, you don’t have to pay for reality, and you can pursue your dreams without scruple.

  Ning Fei's live broadcast made netizens feel that this kind of life is real.

  In this way, they will get physical and psychological relaxation.

   "Ning Guanzhu, talk about your master, let’s be the last Qingfeng Guanzhu!"

   "Yes, where did he go, do you know?"

   Netizens are curious again.

   "My master, he has gone to live the life he wants to live." Ning Fei just smiled.

   Ning Fei knows that netizens like to fantasize, and guess that his master must be a secluded man in the world. Or the characters like the old heavenly masters and sweeping monks in anime.

   But in fact, his master is just an ordinary person, but he is an enthusiastic person, and he respects traditional culture and Taoist heritage.

   There are so many hermit masters in the world, but each has its own life.

After the preparation of the fruit wine, Ning Fei sealed and sterilized the wine jar, and put the wine jar in the cellar.

   "The temperature in the cellar is very suitable. After 7 days, I can drink my own wine."

   Ning Fei clapped his hands with satisfaction.

   The process and the result of some things are equally interesting.

   Such as classmates gathering to barbecue in the wild, some people like to sit there and wait for the barbecue to be cooked; some people like the barbecue process, while sprinkling the seasoning while controlling the barbecue to be evenly heated, it also has a unique flavor.

  At this time, it was getting late. From picking grapes in the afternoon to making wine, he spent a lot of time.

   In the evening, he went to Grandma Wang’s home to cook. The broadcast stopped for an hour in the middle, and he returned after eating there.

   It's midsummer, and the most comfortable time on the mountain is the moment when the sun just sets. The evening breeze makes people feel particularly cool.

   Ning Fei sat in the courtyard, under the eaves, took a scripture from the library, and sat there to read silently.

   recite morning homework scriptures every day and evening homework scriptures every day. If it is a formal large-scale Taoist temple, these are systems that are adhered to daily. It's just that Ning Fei and Master both came here since childhood. His Master never required that he had to chant at a specific time every day.

   There are some things, but sincerity is spirit.

  Of course, his master would also ask Ning Fei to recite the homework scriptures every few days to learn the origins and heritage of Taoism.

Ning Fei sat cross-legged, and Xiaohu saw the neutral position, so he got between Ning Fei's legs and lay down comfortably on Ning Fei's legs. Squinting his eyes, he fell asleep soon.

   Little Falcon also flew on Ning Fei's shoulders. Little Falcon is still in his infancy, not very old, but he has begun to take on the appearance of a king.

   This scene is also beautiful.

   The evening breeze hits under the starry night, there is a lone lamp in the courtyard, Taoist priests are chanting, the white fox is lying on his lap, and the eagle is standing on his shoulder.

   It is as if these two animals are alive, listening to his teachings.

   Netizens were also stunned by this scene.

   There are no exaggerated performances, no eye-catching movements, but this scene is an unprecedented scene for people who have lived in the city for a long time.

   is like a scene that only appears in fantasy.

   There are only two animals now. If there are other animals in the future, what kind of scene will the Taoist chant the scriptures?

   "Look, Xiao Fal seems to be listening to Ning Guanzhu's chanting?"

   "The same goes for the little fox, how sweet you sleep!"

   "Why do I suddenly remember the rat spirit in Journey to the West who stole the Buddha's oil lamp?"

   "Because those two mouse spirits are very beautiful, I still remember them now."

   "Haha, what do you mean, little fox and little falcon are ready to listen to Taoism?"

   "Although it is a bit fantasy, this scene really looks like it!"

   "It's amazing."

   "I want a fox like this too."

   Netizens are very excited because this scene is so beautiful.

   When the man saw Ning Fei's live broadcast, he thought to himself that Ning Guan was very powerful, and he felt like seeking to become a **** in the process of chanting.

   When the woman saw Ning Fei’s live broadcast, she thought in her heart that she was so handsome, really handsome, and beautiful old-fashioned man.

   At the same time, in the Xuanhu Medical Hall, Jiang Xue was sitting in front of the computer and quickly busy.

Her Douyin account and station B account have attracted more than three million followers in just a few days, and the video she produced is the content of Ning Fei’s live broadcast~www.ltnovel.com~ is not just a simple editing, but Added background music and scene switching. Video editing is mainly about the artistic conception and overall feeling.

The video made by    Jiangxue is the most flavorful. When people see the video, they can feel the chic and indifferent of Ning Fei.

   She is also the anchor of the Ning Fei video clip that netizens like most.

   Jiang Xue and Ning Fei said about this, and Ning Fei readily agreed.

   The general anchors really hope that netizens will edit their videos and post them on Douyin and Station B to gain huge popularity.

For example, Master Lu's "Can you kill me with 18 cards? I will eat this screen on the spot!", PDD's reverse smoking, laughing pigs, and Ma's "square jungle" and "walking position" Wait.

   There are also "Sirs of Evil View" who have been relatively popular recently, "There are trophies behind others, why are you putting a flower pot behind" and other stalks.

   Station B, not to mention, these anchors have been active in various clips for a long time, and this intangible has also increased their popularity.

   The video currently produced by Jiangxue is about Ning Fei's brewing of fruit wine.

   From Ning Fei to picking grapes and then making wine, she plans to edit it after the wine is brewed. Then a complete video will be ready, and many people will like to watch it.

   Like many diehard fans, she has spared no effort to accumulate popularity for Ning Fei.

   Especially when she saw the scene of Ning Fei reciting the Homework Sutra, her heart was even more ups and downs.

   "Tomorrow, it's time for acupuncture."

   Jiang Xue suddenly thought.

   A relatively introverted girl like her, at this moment, she was expecting to take off her clothes and lie in front of a man. This feeling of humiliation made her especially infatuated.

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