Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 76: Ning Guanzhu is a craftsman

   "You should be more cheerful and confident."

   After the acupuncture and moxibustion, Ning Fei smiled and said to Jiang Xue.

   At this moment, Jiang Xue was lying in front of him. Ning Fei knew that it was inappropriate for him to stay here. After putting away the silver needle, he got up and walked out.

   "Ning Guanzhu." Jiang Xueqiang held back his shyness and shouted with flushing face.

   "Huh?" Ning Fei turned around.

   "Well, can you wait a moment, I want to thank you personally." Jiang Xue said.

   At this moment, Jiang Xue has already sat up on the bed, her white skin is covered with fragrant sweat, and a strand of hair sticks to her cheek, but it makes her look more charming.

   "Okay, Jiang Feng is just about to invite me to dinner, I'll be outside."

   After speaking, Ning Fei left.

   Ning Fei's expression was calm, but Jiang Xue was a little bit stunned.

After   , Jiang Feng asked Ning Fei to have a meal at the best hotel in Qincheng, and Jiang Xue followed. The three were talking and laughing, Jiang Feng was very grateful to Ning Fei, and the feelings gradually became acquainted.

   In the afternoon, Ning Fei returned to Qingfeng Temple.

   Yong Tao drove a truck over, and it was the camphor tree that was pulled behind the truck.

   "The procedures are complete, your wood." Yong Tao said with a smile.

   "Well, just leave it on the side of the road." Ning Fei looked at the camphor wood and smiled in satisfaction.

   "You can now, the Taoist temple has become so beautiful." Yong Tao fell the camphor wood from the car, and then got out of the car and said.

   "It's still under construction, and the full effect hasn't come out yet."

"Ning Fei, let me tell you the truth. When I was in high school, I felt that you were the most special. I didn't feel that hard work. Every exam is the first one. I think people like you will definitely stand in Kyoto in the future. People at the top of cities like Pudong."

Hearing Yong Tao's words, Ning Fei shook his head and smiled: "Stop it, there are so many cities and so many schools across the country, and I go to the oldest one every year. It's so easy to become famous, not all graduate Come out to work."

   "You are different, you are really different, not only do I feel this way, but also other people. You are the kind that seems to be easy to do everything."

   "It's okay, don't talk about it, eat at my place at noon." Ning Fei smiled helplessly.

   Yong Tao also shrugged. He didn't understand why Ning Fei came back. Is it really for the inheritance of Taoism? This is all in the 21st century. This concept has long since disappeared, and no one will believe it anymore.

   "I guess I can't eat it anymore. Something went wrong in the Golden Monkey Sanctuary. We have a colleague, the Golden Monkey Ranger, who hasn't come back yet. I have to go and see."

   "Is there anything else? Who is it? Lao Zhang?"

   "Well, there are too few people who are willing to be wild animal rangers, so Zhang is still willing to do it."

   "Okay, then you pay attention to safety."

   "By the way, I said you are my best man, I will be fine on my wedding day."

   "Don't worry, I have to crawl over it!"

   "Hahaha, wait for you then!"

   Then, Yong Tao drove away in the truck.

   Ning Fei knows that Yong Tao is also a person who loves nature and animals, and is willing to guard here.

   Many people like animals, but very few people are willing to dedicate their youth.

   Everyone likes a different lifestyle.

   Now that the camphor wood has arrived, Ning Fei can also plan for the next step.

  He borrowed tools from the carpenter in the village, and after returning to Qingfengguan, he explained to netizens:

   "Audience friends, I will make two plaques with camphor wood next."

   "Traditional carpenter tools are rare now. Most of them have used mechanical tools, but because the craftsmanship of making the plaque is not complicated, I plan to use traditional carpenter's tools."

   "square, saw, plane, chisel, rasp, ink fountain..."

   Ning Fei took out the tools one by one.

   "I'll go, and the anchor carpenter's job will be too."

   "Isn't it just making a plaque? Just cut a small wooden board and come out."

   "Uh, strictly speaking, wood products have high requirements for accuracy. This is why it is now mechanized. It is very difficult to make a plaque with traditional craftsmanship."

   "Which is so easy to chop, do you try to chop a piece?"

   "This is fine work, don't think it is so simple."


   At this time, Ning Fei had already raised his axe and started to chop camphor wood.

   When working, it is not convenient to wear a long gown. Ning Fei changed into wide-leg jeans and black half-sleeves. This kind of clothing is not afraid of getting dirty, and it can also resist wood chips.

   "The plaque of Qingfeng Temple is about 1.2 meters long, so we will take a little bit more."

   Ning Fei chopped it down with one axe and one axe. With each axe, a trace was deepened on the trunk. After about ten strokes, Ning Fei chopped off the extra wood on one side.

   This scene also has a somewhat violent aesthetic feeling.

   "My house is made of wood, so the trunk of such a thick tree can be cut so quickly by Ning Guanzhu, amazing!"

   "My fellow, the trunks are hard to cut, and they are usually cut by machines. This anchor is really fierce."

   "I heard that someone did traditional carpentry but I didn't believe it. After reading this, I believed it!"

   Next, Ning Fei cut off the other side of the trunk again, leaving only a piece of rough wood.

After   , cut the two sides slightly to make a general shape of a rectangular parallelepiped, measure the distance with a square, and use a saw to cut out the mold of the plaque first.

   "Now that the mold is made, the rest is polishing and planing. The general carpenter prepares three types of planes, which are rough planing, fine planing, and smooth planing. I will use all of these."

   "There are groove planers and wire planers at the back, both of which are more professional tools."

   "When using a plane, you must pay attention to pushing downwards, not just pushing forward."

   Ning Fei explained.

   He started polishing the plaque.

  The plaque made by Ning Fei with a saw is a rectangle that is recessed inward, and the four sides are beveled to highlight the big characters in the middle.

   The netizens who made lumber just now saw Ning Fei's movements and were amazed.

  Ning Fei's movements are very skillful, and at first glance, he has done woodwork.

After    planed, Ning Fei used a groove plane and a wire plane to outline the lines again, which also amazed everyone.

   "This anchor is very powerful, and an expert in the doorway, I have been engaged in woodworking for about ten years, and the anchor has very good basic skills."

   "Yes, traditional carpentry has this level, it is very rare."

   "What? Outdoor anchors can do woodworking? Oh, it's Ning Guanzhu, that's all right."

   "No matter what I see Ning Guanzhu doing now, I am not surprised, or even take it for granted."

   "I used to be so particular about making a plaque."

  Ning Fei devoted himself to making the plaque. Although this camphor wood has died, the unique fragrance of camphor wood is still there. This fragrance can repel insects and refresh the mind. It is a rare treasure.

   Ning Fei polished the plaque little by little, carefully polishing every dead corner and every detail.

   Ning Fei has a very good advantage, that is, his concentration in doing things is very concentrated.

   There is a saying that when a man concentrates on doing one thing, he is very handsome ~ www.ltnovel.com~ that kind of focused eyes, serious look, coupled with a strong body, and male hormones explode.

   After polishing the plaque, the basic appearance came out. I saw that the plaque was square and square, with sharp edges and corners, and looked extraordinarily atmospheric.

   "Good job!"

   That ten years of carpentry couldn't help but admire.

   Inside the doorway, the plaque made by Ning Fei has a very smooth and flat surface. It looks like a mirror. The angle of the bevel is consistent from beginning to end, neat and tidy.

   The simpler the geometry, the more difficult it is to make, because it will require higher details. Ning Fei's work is perfect in detail, and there are no flaws at all.

   "Ning Guanzhu has a great job!"

   "I feel something is wrong, how do you know that Ning Guanzhu is doing a good job?"

   "I have felt it, hahaha!"


   Netizens are happy again.

After   , Ning Fei followed suit and made a second plaque. The second plaque is slightly smaller and is the plaque of Sanqing Hall.

   "The prototype of the plaque is ready, the next step is to engrave."

   "Before engraving, write down the three characters Qingfengguan with a brush, and then use a file and other tools to carve out the characters."

   Ning Fei smiled satisfied looking at the two finished plaques.

   "The anchor plans to engrave it himself?"

   "Laser engraving is very convenient now. Generally, the engraving on wood is laser engraved."

   "Hand lettering is too risky, it is easy to have flaws."

   "Yeah, it feels very difficult."

   Ning Fei only smiled and said after seeing the bullet screen:

   "The Qingfeng Temple is my Taoist Temple. I want to make these two plaques by myself."

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