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Chapter 694: Using Softness to Overcome Hardness

The energy gushing out from the ground merged into a blue wave. Wherever it touched, whether it was grass, trees, flowers or stones, they all melted like ice and snow and turned into nothingness.

"What are you doing?"

Black Lily didn't understand what Ronin was doing at all. Shouldn't they gather together to build a defense network at this time? Why did he go forward alone? To be a hero?

"Mr. Ronin..."

Vision was also confused. Although they couldn't resist this level of energy attack, there was always a chance. What if someone came to rescue them after a few seconds of resistance, or a miracle happened?

No one could say what would happen in the future, but without Ronin's power, there was no possibility of resistance at all. They would definitely be dispersed by the energy wave in an instant.

Moira looked ashen, and her courage to resist was defeated by the blue light in front of her.

Even though the people on the spaceship didn't understand Ronin's behavior, they could only worry. If they let the spaceship land at this time, it would only be swallowed by the energy.

"Ronin, come here. Our combined strength may be able to resist for a while." Vision said, "Don't waste time. Two minutes have passed in five minutes."

Ego attacked with all his strength, gathering as much energy as possible from the planet, and his momentum was as fierce as a tiger. Even though he was still a thousand meters away, the momentum that had already surpassed the distance made people feel a chill in their hearts. The huge energy pressure mixed into the air, making it difficult for people to breathe.

Ronin and his four companions were isolated and helpless, surrounded and squeezed by the blue "ocean". Their living space was rapidly shrinking. Vision and Moira struggled with little hope. Star-Lord took up the banner, but he was also powerless. The gap between him and Ego could not be made up in a day or two. Compared with him, the energy he controlled now was completely a small witch compared to a big witch.

Their pupils were full of blue light, and their skin was also covered with a layer of crystal blue.

The reflected light fell on the ring on Ronin's finger, the mottled bronze color lingered with a trace of light gold, and then a layer of dreamy blue dots fell.

Ronin ignored Vision's words. He was sober now and knew what he was doing.

Defense was impossible. Only magic could give it a try.

In other words, Ego, as the leader of the Celestials, and in his own domain, launched a full-strength attack. Unless someone of the same level came here, they, the minions, would be like a mantis trying to stop a chariot. Brute force would not work, and they did not have the conditions, so they could only use softness to overcome hardness.

Ronin's idea was actually very simple. He used the mirror space to change the structure here and let the energy bypass them and rush to other places.

"Stay here and be buried with me!"

Ego, who had completely become an energy body, laughed and shouted. There was a hint of relief in his anger, as if he was complacent about pulling so many people down to be buried with him.

"What should we do?" Rocket was a little undecided.

"Wait a little longer, there are still two minutes and forty seconds." Yondu was unwilling to give up Star-Lord, and the spacecraft must not turn around until the last moment.

"Be buried with me!"

Ego roared, and more than a dozen tentacles shot towards the spacecraft. Rocket hurriedly adjusted the direction and luckily avoided a few, but it was still hit by an energy tentacle, and the fuselage suddenly "sizzled" and sparks appeared.

"If you hit us again, we can't get away!" Nebula roared with red eyes.

"Shut up! I'll kill you if you yell again!"

Yondu whistled, and the Aka arrow instantly came to Nebula's forehead, just floating quietly like that.

Nebula swallowed saliva in fear and didn't say another word. In the face of the threat of death, everyone's behavior was very consistent, that is, from the heart.

Yondu took back the Aka arrow, Nebula breathed a sigh of relief and sat back, immediately became honest, and stopped jumping.

If it was Gamora who threatened her, she would dare to continue to be willful, but if it was someone else, she could only obey the order, because she knew that not everyone was just bluffing her with their mouth.

Even though she didn't want to say it, and on the surface she didn't want to have anything to do with Gamora, she knew in her heart that Gamora's feelings for her were sincere.

After planning the trajectory of the change, Ronin felt the gathering of magic power, and used the guidance of the hanging ring to cast magic more easily.

With his palms turned outward, the world in front of him seemed to be cut by an invisible sharp blade, divided into two pieces flatly, and it seemed that two different levels overlapped, stacked up like a broken glass mirror.

In addition to the front, this change happened all around, but soon, the smooth and flat cut surface merged into the edge world, as if nothing had happened, and the energy ocean was getting closer and closer, directly into people's eyes.

"What's going on?"

Everyone looked confused and didn't understand. The surroundings did change just now, but where did the change happen? It seemed to change back to the starting point after a long time.

"This is a mirror space. Everything that happens here will not affect the outside world. Similarly, the outside world cannot detect our existence." Ronin explained.

"In other words, we have disappeared from Ego's planet?" Black Lily's comprehension ability is perfect.

Roning nodded.

Star-Lord and others were stunned. There is such an operation?

Is this the true strength of their commander?

Black Lily and Moira have never seen Roning show anything before. Black Lily has seen it, but it's better not to show off her mediocre skills. It's embarrassing!

But now, just by gently turning his palms outward, he created a mirror space?

Later, the people on the spaceship found that they disappeared out of thin air, and they were so anxious that they didn't know what to do.

It is definitely not that Ego had a change of heart, or thought of the saying "even a tiger won't eat its own cubs", and sent them away. Because Ego's expression was not like that at all, it was more like this change made him furious.

"What tricks are you playing!"

Ego's solemn eyes fell straight ahead, he didn't believe that they just disappeared out of thin air.

Ego couldn't see them, but they could see everything about Ego and the outside world. So when this look came, Roning, who was facing him, was actually pressed to the point that his legs went weak.

From their perspective, the energy momentum was not reduced, and it was still rushing towards them.

"We really don't have to do anything?" Star-Lord didn't quite understand this weird method and questioned it.

"It's theoretically valid, but I don't know if it can work on this planet." Roning said very seriously, and he couldn't guarantee it.

As soon as the voice fell, Star-Lord and his team started to make temporary defenses. They couldn't put all their hopes on some magic.

Star-Lord mobilized energy to build a barrier, Moira used up the remaining biochemical energy, and Black Lily frowned and gritted her teeth, preparing to face this energy storm.

Soon, energy surged from all around, solid as concrete mixed with blue sand and stone, and the strong light made the face reflect blue light.

Except for Ronin who opened his eyes firmly, the other three couldn't help but close their eyes...

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