Overwatch is coming to Marvel

Chapter 695: Planet Destruction

The overwhelming energy came raging, as if a storm had been rolled up, but when it came to them, it actually penetrated their bodies.

A smile appeared on Ronin's face, and the others opened their eyes. The energy was still surging like the sea, but it could not cause any harm to them, as if they were transparent, or the energy was illusory.

Star-Lord touched his body, then looked at Ronin, his expression suddenly vivid, "This move is too awesome"

"It's just so-so" Ronin just smiled.

They used the setting that the mirror space and the real space do not overlap, and luckily avoided Ego's full-strength attack, but Rocket and others on the spaceship were extremely anxious.

Because in their eyes, Ronin and others disappeared out of thin air, and they didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

"There's still one minute left." Rocket said.

"Wait a little longer, thirty seconds is enough."

Yondu clenched his fists, his eyes stayed on the violent energy flow below, even on the spaceship, he could clearly feel the surging energy, and it would be fatal if he touched it. That's why he was worried that Quill would not survive this disaster.

At the same time, he was also optimistic. After all, Quill and the others were gone. Maybe they were transferred to another place by some unknown force. As long as they were not swallowed by the energy, there would be hope.

"I believe they are still alive." Gamora's eyes were full of unquestionable determination.

"Quilford is lucky, he will definitely be. Besides, the great wizard from Earth is not a vegetarian. I have seen his methods."

Yondu had every reason to believe that the great wizard had cast some kind of collective teleportation spell to teleport them to another place.

Ego's face was full of confusion. He didn't understand what happened at all. He was at a loss, at a loss, and angry.

After the energy impact ended and confirmed that there was no follow-up attack, Ronin released the mirror space.

After seeing them reappear, Ego's dead eyes were filled with astonishment and endless anger. He felt that he was being fooled, and then raised his hand to launch a second attack.

"I told you, Quilfor is lucky."

Seeing them reappear out of thin air, Yondu was overjoyed and hugged Kraglin directly, scaring Kraglin so much that he didn't dare to move at all. Is it necessary to be so excited?

Gamora raised her lips and showed a relaxed smile.

"Aha, here I come"

In the last few seconds, Rocket operated the spaceship smoothly, swooped down, and quickly took away Ronin and others.

"All die"

Several energy tentacles attacked, Rocket quickly tilted the spaceship, narrowly avoided it, and then left a tail flame.

Flying high in the sky, Ego's shouting gradually disappeared, and was immediately replaced by a thunderous explosion. The battery bomb placed at the core of the planet exploded.

Ego's roar resounded through the world, but it was still no match for the sound of the explosion, just like his life, which was noisy to the extreme at this moment, but it was also the last struggle. When everything is calm, this planet will no longer exist.

"So beautiful"

Mantis stood outside the window, staring at the planet that was gradually getting farther away. The exploding red fireworks blended with the crystal blue energy, colorful, and the most beautiful fireworks in history bloomed on the dying land.

"It's beautiful. Maybe this is the meaning of the existence of this planet. It has existed in the universe for millions of years, and it has been brewing, just to let this fireworks illuminate the entire Milky Way."

Gamora also stared at this magnificent scene that might only appear once every millions of years, and her eyes were covered with a gorgeous galaxy.

"Puchi, if that old monster Ego heard this, he would be angry to death." Rocket laughed heartlessly, "But to be honest, his existence does add a fleeting color to the monotonous and gray Milky Way."

Roning had no intention of sighing, he just wanted to return to Earth as soon as possible, the universe was too dangerous. Black Lily and Moira were even more so. They didn't want to stay in this broken place for another second. Even if the scenery in front of them was beautiful, they had no intention of appreciating it.

"By the way, how come you suddenly disappeared just now and then suddenly appeared again?" Rocket asked while driving the spaceship.

"A very advanced mirror spell, don't forget my identity."

Speaking of this, Ronin had to brag. After all, he had made great contributions in this battle. Ego died, Yongdu survived, the team was in good order, and everyone was happy.

"You are worthy of being a great wizard"

"I want to learn this, can you teach me?"

"Big brother, I can't afford to offend you"

In the flattery of everyone, Ronin gradually lost himself, so much so that he didn't even know where the spaceship went.

Moira sat there alone, listening to their conversation and gradually became autistic. Magic, spells, and great wizards, what kind of shit are they?

Science? Without the support of scientific concepts, can the world still progress? If you don't believe in science, all kinds of monsters and demons will come out. Science is the world's first productive force. Mastering the most advanced technology means mastering the power to talk to the world.

It feels like at this moment, the scientific view that has been established with great difficulty for decades is on the verge of collapse. If there is anything I gained from this trip, it is that I have a deeper understanding of the universe, not just what I see through the telescope.

I saw an alien civilization for the first time

It broadened my horizons, but it also shattered my scientific outlook.

On the other side, Yondu chatted with Star-Lord, "Quill, do you know why I kept you by my side?"

"Because I was small at that time, and I was the best person to steal." Star-Lord was still angry.

"Do you really think so?"

Yondu laughed, and then said earnestly, "Ego sent me to find you and bring you to his planet, but I saw those corpses and learned something. So, I decided to keep you. In the big family of predators, your presence has caused strong dissatisfaction among other predators. It is difficult for me to be caught in the middle, so I can only let you do things for the team to extinguish their anger. "

"You still want to eat me?" Star-Lord got angry like a child.

"Hahaha" Yondu laughed, smiling happily, "You stinky boy, the meat on your body is stinky, who would care to eat you?"

"I won't go back anyway. I have a new organization now." Star-Lord stood with Drax and the others. "We are the Guardians of the Galaxy, a team that protects the galaxy."

"This is your destination, but I have to go back. I will not betray the predators."

"Of course, you old man is the backbone."

Star-Lord curled his lips, no longer caring about what Yondu had done before, and settled all the previous suspicions. Although they still like to fight each other, there is no barrier in their hearts. Yondu can risk his life to save him, which already shows the problem.

"Backbone," Yondu snorted coldly, "They were almost kicked out but they are still backbone, but after this incident, their attitude should change."

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