My father stubbed out his cigarette on the stove and let me follow him into the back room.

Inside, my aunts and aunts and my mother were standing or sitting in the room, talking.

"Qing Sheng is back." My father said as he entered the room.

Suddenly, everyone's gaze turned towards me.

"Xiao Sheng is back, come sit." My aunt pulled up a stool for me.

"Why is everyone here?" I put down my bag, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Besides, I saw my sister-in-law sitting at the back of the brick bed. Her face didn't look too good. She was leaning against the wall like a frosted eggplant.

My mother also looked in my direction and said, "Your uncle is sick. I want you to come back and see if you can see what's wrong with him."

I was stunned for a moment, but then I understood what my mother meant.

If it was a normal illness, everyone should be in the hospital right now, but since they gathered at home and even brought me back from far away, they would definitely suspect that my uncle is suffering from an evil disease.

"What's going on?" I asked.

My mother looked at my sister-in-law again, then turned to me and said, "A few days ago, your uncle built a tablet for your aunt …"

After what my mother said and what others had added, I got a rough idea of what was going on.

Here we pay attention to the old man's death three years before he was able to erect a monolith, and a few days ago it was the day to erect a monolith for my aunt, my uncle's mother.

Originally, this matter was very simple and could be settled easily. However, no one would have thought that my uncle would open up a hole for the grave with a shovel.

At that time, everyone heard a muffled 'bang' sound, like a balloon exploding in a quilt. The workers were all stunned on the spot. My uncle was also stunned. He looked at the hole in front of him and was unable to recover for a long time.

One must know that after this coffin entered the tomb, the dirt on top of the coffin would be honest, but when my little uncle looked at the hole, it was obvious that it was empty. It looked like there was only an empty shell left in my aunt's grave, and there was no way of knowing where the soil had gone!

With such an evil thing happening to the tombstone, let alone the tombstone, no one dared to make a move anymore. Everyone stood by the tombstone and looked at each other.

There were many things one couldn't do to erect a tombstone for. Normally, when someone erected a tombstone, they would invite the first mister to preside over the tombstone.

However, when First Mister saw this situation, he didn't know what to do because he had never seen anything like this before. After a while, he said that he would dig around to see what was going on inside, and if there was really something wrong with the tomb, he could think of a way to remedy it.

My uncle thought that since the hole had been dug out, he couldn't just fill it up like nothing had happened. Then, he listened to the first mister's words and burned some paper to recite them. Then, he personally picked up the shovel and dug up the grave.

Only now did he realize that there was only a layer of empty shell left on the grave. With a few shovels, the grave was dug up. The coffin was covered with a thin layer of soil and it still looked intact.

He could see that the surface of the coffin was still intact, and it looked as if it was completely new. It was as if the three years of being buried in the ground had not affected the surface of the coffin at all.

When he first saw that the coffin was fine, the First Mister told him to fix the tomb properly. However, he didn't know what had happened exactly.

However, at this time, someone suddenly heard a muffled bang coming from the coffin. It wasn't loud, but many people heard it. The timid warrior was so scared that he turned around and ran.

Although my uncle is also afraid, no matter what, this is his mother's grave, regardless of whether it is a demon or a natural disaster, we have to find out.

At that time, he did not know where he got the courage from, but regardless of the persuasion of others, he said that he wanted to open the coffin and take a look.

In the early days, everyone had seen the zombies on Hong Kong movies. Although they knew that it was just to scare people, but now that there was a sound coming from the sealed coffin, they couldn't help but think in that direction, wondering if it was because their aunt had extorted the corpse, or if she had become a zombie!

My uncle has always been bold since he was young. He was the type of person who would pat a tiger's butt. The more others talk about him, the more energy they have.

As soon as the coffin was opened, a fishy stench began to spread out, making people feel dizzy. Everyone on the scene retreated, even his youngest uncle was forced to retreat a few steps.

However, just as he was retreating, something stuck its head out from the coffin. Taking advantage of the person's lack of ideas, it shrank back.

Because it was too sudden, my uncle immediately covered his nose and went over before anyone could see what was going on. His other hand was still holding onto the hammer, and after a moment of hesitation, he went over. To his surprise, he discovered a fist-sized hole at the bottom of the coffin!

And that was even stranger.

After cremation, the ashes would be placed in a casket and then placed in a coffin for burial. At the same time, there would be a small fish tank with two red fish inside before the coffin could be sealed.

There were some that kept the goldfish under the coffins, some that kept the mudfish, and some that kept the golden toad. As for the specific meaning, I'm not too sure, it should have been that the water was for wealth.

But no matter what, after sealing the coffin and filling it with soil, it would form a sealed environment. Without oxygen, the goldfish would die after a period of time.

However, when his uncle looked closer, he found that the two goldfish in the tank were still alive and well, swimming back and forth in a very uncomfortable manner.

However, other than the bathtub and the urns, there was nothing else in the coffin from the time of the burial. The thing that had revealed half its head was gone as well, probably burrowed out of the hole.

He couldn't just let such a thing happen. Even the coffins had to be replaced. The feng shui of this tomb was also destroyed. In short, there were all sorts of troublesome matters.

Uncle was furious, he said he wanted to catch that thing to see what kind of damned thing had drilled a hole in the damn tomb!

After that, he forcefully brought out the coffin and found a small yellow thing under it. It slipped into the grass and then was never found again.

This time, everyone could clearly see that the thing from before was a Yellow Weasel!

The Yellow Weasel is also known as the weasel, which is a taboo here. The old man said that he cannot call the weasel by its name, but rather, the Yellow Weasel, because this thing has intelligence and is very strange.

Naturally, I know of Yellow Great Immortal's power. After so many years at my aunt's place, he has often seen her acting like a big lady, checking up on people.

Seeing that it was a Yellow Weasel coming out from the tomb, everyone felt that it was even more strange. My uncle was so angry that he started cursing, saying that if I don't skin that damn thing, I wouldn't be a human!

However, he was angry, but he had to remember important things. Later on, those big moguls chose a new grave and chose a good day to move the coffin and bury it.

However, something strange had happened. The coffin had been thrown into the pit with a 'bang', and the coffin had almost fallen out of the coffin.

The ropes used to carry coffins were the thickest ones, and they had a lot of weight, so they wouldn't break them easily. So everyone thought it was strange, and those who had promised to carry coffins also went back on their word, saying that they wouldn't dare to do it no matter how much money was given. Even First Mister's face turned white.

However, no matter what, he couldn't just let the coffin dry. He gritted his teeth and found a few people to put the coffin in its proper position, then sealed the coffin and filled it up according to the rules.

My uncle suddenly became sick a few days after we moved to the grave. My uncle often talked nonsense in the air in a daze, sometimes crying and laughing at the same time. More importantly, my uncle sometimes spoke with the same tone and expression as when my aunt was alive!

So, my sister-in-law found my parents, and they found out about the situation and immediately brought me back.

Even after listening to it for a long time, my head still felt a little muddled.

Is this knot on my aunt, or on the Yellow Weasel in the coffin? Or was there some other reason?

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