After hearing all of this, I wasn't sure what was wrong with him, so I told him to go check on my uncle first.

Uncle was locked in a side room, so if it wasn't locked, he could run out and look for it himself.

My wife took the key and unlocked the door. As soon as the door was opened, a slight chill came over me. I immediately stopped and didn't rashly enter.

In the room, my uncle sat on the bed with his back facing us. His body was slightly swaying back and forth, and from time to time he would mumble to himself in a low voice, but his voice was too soft to hear what he was saying.

Beside me, my sister-in-law said, "Just like this all day long, mumbling to yourself crazily."

I could feel the cold aura of Yin Qi s in the room. Although winter might not feel warm in this room, the natural coolness of the air and the cold aura of Yin Qi s were two completely different feelings.

The natural coolness was coming from outside to inside, and the Yin Qi's coolness seemed to radiate from all of its internal organs, seeping into the crevices of its bones.

Since there is a Yin Qi, then it must be because he bumped into some evil bastard. If it wasn't for the Yellow Weasel in the coffin, it might have been my aunt.

My guess is that my aunt might be more likely, because my aunt said that my uncle's tone of voice and expression were the same as when my aunt was alive, but I don't know for sure why he caused my uncle to suffer so much.

"Uncle." I let out a tentative cry, but after a while he didn't respond, as if he hadn't stopped seeing me.

I thought for a moment, then called out from the doorway, "Aunt?"

At this point, my uncle, who was swinging his body back and forth, suddenly stopped moving. However, with his back facing us, we couldn't see his expression.

Seeing that she had responded, I felt that my guess was right, so I continued to speak. "Aunt, I am Xiao Sheng, do you remember me, Qing Sheng?"

I thought he would respond, but I didn't expect that my uncle only paused for a moment before starting to wander back and forth talking to himself.

This is totally ignoring my meaning!

I have been tormenting myself for so long and came back. I haven't even drunk a single sip of water yet, yet I was still ignored like this. I suddenly feel a nameless fire in my heart.

I didn't care that much at the moment. I strode directly into the house, walked up to my uncle and asked him in a stern voice, "Who the hell are you? Why are you causing trouble here! "

Wu Ji taught me one thing, I don't care what happens, the first thing I need to do is to keep up with the aura, even if my cultivation is low, I cannot be cowardly.

Ghosts bullying the good and evil are always the same. The more you meet one that is unreasonable, the better it is. On the contrary, it cannot estimate your true strength and still has to be wary of you.

And after I said that, it really did work. Little Uncle slowly raised his head and looked at me.

However, the moment he raised his head, he immediately took two steps back because of my uncle's two eyes. One of them was yellow-brown in color like an animal's, while the other one was dark and unfocused!

I have seen those who were attacked before, and most of them had their vision affected. Usually, they would stare blankly without focus, because they didn't use their naked eyes to observe their surroundings, but used their yang energy to determine their direction.

No matter what, at least those who were washed away had the same pair of eyeballs in their eyes. They had never seen two completely different eyes like this before!

He looked like a man with eyes of a different color, but it was even more terrifying and strange than those simple eyes of a different color. [What the hell is going on?

Uncle raised his head and looked at me with a smile that wasn't a smile.

I immediately calmed down and left the room instead of continuing to meet force with force.

When my sister-in-law saw me come out, she immediately asked me if I could see what was going on.

I shook my head. "I'll give my aunt a call and ask her. I've never met with my uncle's condition before."

When my sister-in-law heard this, she immediately became listless. She wanted me to think of a way to save my uncle.

Then I called my aunt and told her about how my uncle's eyes were different, and what had happened when my aunt set up the tombstone and moved the grave.

Eldest Aunt pondered for a while and then said that she had never met a situation where the two eyes were different. Furthermore, after hearing my description, she said that it was possible that there was more than one thing on my Little Uncle's body.

I asked more than one thing, and the aunt thought for a moment before she spoke.

The aunt said that this man knew how to take shortcuts, and the animals that cultivated to become immortals also knew how to take shortcuts. Although they knew that taking shortcuts was wrong, they were willing to take risks in order to reduce the suffering of their cultivation.

Simply put, this beast borrowed the incense in the world, making it easier for it to increase its cultivation. So my aunt guessed that the Yellow Weasel must have taken over the nest and borrowed my aunt's incense.

In other words, the Yellow Weasel had taken over my aunt's coffin and turned it into its own nest. Every year, the incense that my little uncle and these children and grandchildren gave to my aunt would also be taken away by the Yellow Weasel.

However, taking such a shortcut was not a real cultivation level. To those animals that cultivated to become immortals, it was a little unorthodox.

"That is to say, every year, my uncle and the others would pay respects to that Yellow Weasel?" I asked my aunt.

The aunt said that if she was right, she could say so.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I hear about it.

"Then what's going on with that pair of eyes?" I asked again.

The aunt said that it was possible that the Yellow Weasel and the aunt had charged onto the uncle's body at the same time, which was why these two eyes were different.

However, the aunt added that she was only testing them out, and didn't make a decision on what they really were. She suggested that I could try opening my Divine Vision to see if I could see how many things my uncle was carrying.

Moreover, a human's soul is different from a beast's, so when you open your eyes you can see it clearly.

I thought to myself that I was really thinking too much during this day. I didn't expect such a simple logic. After hanging up the phone, I immediately tried to open my Wise Eyes.

But I don't know if it's because I haven't opened it in a few days, or because I'm too tired from tormenting myself today. After a full half an hour, my [Divine Vision] still hasn't opened.

In the end, I sat still for almost an hour before my eyes opened faintly. I looked at my uncle's belongings. They were exactly as my aunt had said on her phone. One was grey, while the other was near orange.

The gray one should be my aunt, and the orange one should be the Yellow Weasel.

But I saw that my aunt's soul and the Yellow Weasel's soul seemed to be connected together. Although I could tell that there were two of them, I could tell that there were two of them mixed together. It was like two different colored water colors mixed together, making the edges become blurry.

I frowned. I had just started talking about how weird it was. How could the soul of this person and the soul of an animal be together?

He knew what was going on, but he didn't know what to do. Firstly, his aunt was his uncle's biological mother. If his soul was destroyed by her, it would be a great injustice.

Furthermore, why is that Yellow Weasel with my uncle? This matter is even more puzzling for me, could it be because my uncle dug out its nest? However, it had originally occupied the nest of the dead, and stolen their incense. It could not be this unreasonable.

Since it was already late and I couldn't do anything about it tonight, I said I'd think about it and then decide what to do.

Tonight, I sent Wu Ji a message and told him everything that had happened here. I asked him if he had any good methods to resolve this issue, so that he wouldn't harm my aunt's soul.

What I didn't expect was that Wu Ji immediately asked for my address, and then appeared in front of my Little Uncle's door the next morning.

I looked at him blankly. "You're saying just like that?"

Wu Ji smiled lightly: "What, you don't welcome?"

"Welcome, welcome! It's simply a warm welcome!" I let him into the yard at once.

I have told my parents about Wu Ji before, but this is the first time they have met. Wu Ji very politely greeted my parents and the elders at home.

When her sister-in-law heard that Wu Ji was a very capable mage, she was so happy that she almost burst into tears.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It seems like I was tossed around in the middle of the night because I was an imposter …

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