Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1628: Accidental coincidence

"The magic gate is not dead. It must have been prepared. Only then can it make a comeback again and again."

"So, the location shown in this picture may be the gathering place of the remaining evil of the magic gate, it may be the capital of the resurgence, or it may be the hidden place left by the founder of the magic gate.

"No matter what it is, it's worth my while."

Ling Xian murmured and made a decision.

If it is the first possibility, then turning around and leaving is, anyway, with his current strength, enough to protect himself. If the last two were possible, he would undoubtedly make it.

Whether it is the resurgence of the capital or the hidden place left by the demon outside the territory, it is a huge temptation for him.

"The content of the first three pages of the diary must be clear. Only in this way can it be possible to know the origin and purpose of the extraterrestrial demon."

Ling Xian's eyes were deep, looking at the core place shown on the map, saying: "I hope there will be gains in this trip ..."

The words fell, and God Wings emerged, leading him through the clouds and galloping away.


For the Xuanwu continent, the magic gate is an endless enemy.

This concept is deeply ingrained, at least in the hearts of most people, everyone in the demon ought to die, and must die.

Therefore, the world spares no effort to suppress the magic gate and destroy it, and then digs three feet to clear the evil of the magic gate.

At this moment, Yupingshan staged a show of chasing the remaining evil of the Demon Gate.

Flying in front is a woman in a red dress. She has a beautiful face and a charming charm. She is so beautiful and can stand up to the word. However, the blood on her body was undoubtedly a bit of a beauty.

Behind her, three middle-aged men chased after each other, all of whom were monks in the sixth apex.

The horror was so shocking that the monsters in the mountain lay on the ground and shivered.

"It is indeed a sage of the magic gate. With the cooperation of our three brothers, we can still kill a blood path, and it is really amazing."

"Unfortunately, you have been seriously injured and cannot escape."

"If you catch yourself, I will protect you from insults and die peacefully."

The three brothers sang together, trying to confuse their hearts with words.

Unfortunately, the woman in red was unmoved.

She knows how deadly attractive she is to a man, and if she falls into the hands of a few people, she will definitely suffer great shame. Even if several people talk, she is not going to die? How can you catch it?

"Looks like you're not going to die before the Yellow River."

"Brother, stop talking nonsense to her. How long can she persist in her current state?"

"It will be at most a quarter of an hour. By then, she won't be able to run!"

The three sneered, leaving the sorceress of the magic gate blushing and despairing.

The reason why she can keep ahead is not because she is better than the three brothers, but because she has used the taboo method of the magic gate.

Although this method can greatly increase her speed, the price paid is not small. In her current state, she can't hold it for long.

Once she couldn't hold on, in addition to her death, there was great humiliation.

As a result, the sorceress of Demon Gate is desperate and intends to die.

But at this moment, a pair of covering wings suddenly appeared in her sight.

Under the snow wing is a handsome young man with a sword and eyebrows, a crown like a jade, and dust flowing like a fairy.

This person is Ling Xian.

He looked at the woman in red and the three men in the distance, and after a little thought, he understood what was going on.

For the moment, he leaned slightly sideways, giving way.

This stunned the sorceress of the magic gate, and then the bright beautiful eyes dimmered.

Originally, she was going to ask for help, but before she said, Ling Xian had made her way to the side, which meant that he didn't want to be foolish.

Therefore, the demon maiden said nothing and passed by Lingxian.

If there were no accidents, things would end like this, Lingxian would not take any action and would not even remember what happened today.

But in this world, there are always too many coincidences, and there are always too many accidents.

One of the three men said something, and Ling Xian had to stop.

"Tao You is doing a good job, and she can't help anyone, Madam Maiden."

Hearing this, Ling Xian frowned slightly and stopped.

Just listen to the name, you know that this woman is respected, at least higher than the law. It can be inferred that this woman will undoubtedly have more secrets.

Although it may not be what Ling Xian wants, but if you encounter it, you can't miss it.

At the moment, he vibrated for nine days, and a few breaths ran across the woman.

This shocked the woman, and at the same time, she was also puzzled.

The three brothers are also the same, wondering why Lingxian went and returned.

"I have something to do with your grievances. We'll deal with them later."

Ling Xian said faintly, moving her gaze towards the woman in red. However, just as he was going to ask, the three brothers took the lead to speak.

"Who are you? Why listen to you?"

"Dare to order our three brothers, you're impatient."

"No one dared to talk to us like this for a long time, do you know why? Because anyone who dared to talk to us like this is dead."

The three brothers sneered, one more arrogant.

But the next moment, sneer turned into panic, and arrogance turned into remorse.

Just because Ling Xian waved her hand gently, they couldn't move, just like petrified, they couldn't speak and couldn't move.

This shocked the three brothers. If they could not move, they would have been trembling.

The sorceress of Mormon was also shocked. She widened her eyes as if looking at a monster.

The three brothers are not weak, each of them has the sixth peak of Xiuwei, but Lingxian only set aside a wave and settled the three. What a horror?

Most of the time, it must be the seventh strongest!

Therefore, as the sage of the magic gate shook, hope appeared in my heart.

"I don't want to waste time. Now I ask a question, and you have to answer it truthfully."

Ling Xian glanced at the woman lightly and said, "Remember, you answered truthfully. If you lie, you blame me for destroying my flowers."

"Seniors rest assured, I will never lie." The woman bowed her head, borrowed her a hundred courage, and did not dare to tell lies.

Ling Xian has already proven her strength. The worst is the seventh realm, and the anger of a strong seventh realm can't bear it.

"You wait a moment."

Ling Xianmei's heart glowed, and she opened the diary in the storage bag with her soul, and memorized the first word on the first page. Then he used his hand to write in the air and made several strokes in the air.

Although he didn't know the words of the demon from outside the country, he still had no problem drawing the scoops.

Therefore, Ling Xian restored the first word in the beginning of the diary and asked lightly, "Do you know this word?"

"Know, this is the exclusive language of the magic gate, I naturally recognize it."

The woman was surprised to see that this language was the top secret of the magic gate, and only a few people knew it. Therefore, she thought that Lingxian was the elder elder of the magic gate to verify her identity.


Ling Xian was very happy. He was just holding a try, but it was just a word. It didn't matter if he knew it or not.

Unexpectedly, the woman actually recognized it.

This made him feel a huge wave in his heart, but on the surface, he calmly said, "What do you mean by this word?"

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