Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1629: translation

"The word translated into Xuanwu mainland language is what I mean."

The maiden of the magic gate Zhu slightly opened her lips, her face was full of joy. There were people all over the world. There were several elders who had not even seen her. The magic word is one of the highest secrets, only a few people know, so she regarded Lingxian as the elder.

"What do I mean ..." Ling Xian whispered, showing that he was still calm, but his heart made a huge wave.

Under the watchful eye of his spirit, the woman spoke without any fluctuations, proving that she was not lying. In other words, this woman knows the magic words and can translate the first three pages of his diary for him!

"Senior, you can confirm my identity now, I am really a sage of the magic gate." The woman stared at Ling Xian, full of hope.

Confirm your identity?

Ling Xian froze for a moment, and after a moment's thinking, she realized that she was translating the magic words as a test of her. Think of yourself as someone in the Demon Gate.

This was a good thing for him. At least, under the banner of trials, she was upright enough to translate the first three pages of her diary.

At present, Ling Xian pushed the boat along the water and nodded: "Although I still have doubts, I can make a clearance for you first."

"Thank you, senior." The maiden was overjoyed, and she became more and more certain of Lingxian's identity.

"You're welcome, if you are really a sage of the magic gate, I should have rescued myself." Ling Xian waved her hand and looked at the three middle-aged men.

This made the three brothers more frightened, their eyes widened, funny and ridiculous.

Seeing this, Ling Xian waved her hand to lift the seal, and said lightly, "Is it your own? Or will I send you off?"

It was said that all three were angry, but more were fear.

Ling Xian imprisoned them with a wave of his hand, which meant that he could also kill them in an instant. Who changed, can't I be afraid?

Right now, the three brothers stretched out without saying a word, and retreated toward the rear.

However, the man who had talked before said something at this moment.

"She is the demon sorceress that everyone wins. You save her and wait for the anger of the people in the world."

The voice fell, and the other two suddenly discolored. They both slap and slammed on the man's face.


Two consecutive beeps, the man was snoozed: "Brother, brother, how do you ..."

"You idiot, shut me up!"

"I'm so mad, if you are not my brother, I must kill you!"

Both of them were trembling with anger, especially when they thought of the man's first words.

How could Lingxian go and return without this person's talk?

"Is it angry?"

Ling Xian glanced at the man lightly, without intention of killing, but made the person cold like a falling ice cave.

So did the other two.

At the moment, they forced a smile and trembled: "Senior, my younger brother is not sensible, and I ask you to have a lot of adults, do not have general knowledge with him"

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it."

The first sentence of Ling Xian made the three men breathe a sigh of relief, but in the next sentence, they suddenly changed color.

"You're walking too slowly, let me show you a ride."

Lingxian opened her mouth indifferently, applauded in all directions, and trembled.


The wind roared, the void burst, and the three spit out blood, their hearts filled with resentment.

However, no one dared to show it.

"Senior, we can go now." The boss of the three brothers smirked, begging in his eyes.

"No, don't you want me to send another ride?" Ling Xian glanced at a few people.

It was said that the three of them were flying towards the distance like amnesty, and disappeared in no time.

That embarrassing appearance made the sorceress of Demon Gate feel happy and happy.

At the moment, she gave a deep gift to Ling Xian: "Thank you for your help, if not for you, I have fallen into Huangquan at this moment."

"You are the sage of the magic gate, and I naturally have a duty to do."

Ling Xian waved her hand and said, "However, I still have to confirm your identity."

"The predecessors are casual. As the so-called real gold is not afraid of fire, I am the sage of the magic gate. No one can deny this."

There is no doubt that the woman has him. When she wanted to come, Lingxian should have been born for a long time, so she didn't know herself.

As everyone knows, he is not at all in the magic gate, but just because of her misunderstanding, he pushed the boat smoothly.

"Very well, you will translate these three pages for me."

Ling Xian smiled lightly and said, "If you are not wrong, I believe you are the sage of the magic gate."

Then, he tore away the first three pages of the diary with a soul and passed it to the woman.

"My predecessors rest assured that I have been learning magical words since I was young, and I don't know much about it, it is not much worse."

The woman smiled, and confidently illuminated Tianyu.

"Translate, remember, don't make a mistake."

Ling Xian smiled slightly and said, "Otherwise, I might think of you as a fake sage. What you will end by then, you should be very clear."

Hearing the words, the woman narrowed her smile and translated carefully.

"It's unfortunate that the patriarch sent me here alone."

"This is nothing but heaven and earth! How can I be an opponent to the whole world?"

"But the order has been given, and I can only come to Xuanwu Continent with a mission."

"I'm really unfortunate. The world is too bad. I feel that my strength is suppressed. Even breathing is difficult."

"I want to go home, but unfortunately the mission is not complete. When I go back, I can only die."

"Let ’s just meet the situation. The mission will not be completed overnight. I need to plan well."

"Damn, something went wrong and was discovered by the strongest in this world."

"Fortunately, although I was suppressed by this world, I was enough to compete with them."

"Just so, how do I accomplish my mission?"

The women opened their mouths one after another, and the show brows grew deeper and deeper.

Because these words clearly conveyed a message, a certain creature came to the Xuanwu world alone with a mission. Although it is not clear what the purpose is, it is definitely not good for the Xuanwu continent.

And this passage is written in magic words, which means that that creature is a member of the magic gate.

In this way, can women not feel suspicious?

Ling Xian was disappointed.

He originally thought that the first three pages of the diary would record the origin and purpose of the extraterrestrial demon, but he did not expect that it would be the same as the message conveyed in the second half of the diary.

As a result, the clue was interrupted again, naturally disappointing him.

"The origin and purpose of the extraterrestrial demons are the key to understanding."

Ling Xian's eyes turned firm, and she looked at the words and stopped the sorceress of the magic gate, and said, "Don't ask anything. What you know, naturally let you know."

"Yes, senior." The woman lowered her eyes, dismissing the thought of asking.

In the presence of the seventh-strength powerhouse, even if she is a sage of the magic gate, she dares not presumptuously.

At the moment, she shifted the topic and said, "Senior, now you believe that I am a genuine Mormon maiden."

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