Painting of the Nine Immortals

Chapter 1683: Imperial War

Emperor's fist turned empty, God meant to shine, and the two invincible methods swallowed mountains and rivers, shaking the world.

This changed everyone's face, even the Son of Ming Luo, a little dignified.

There is no way, Lingxian is too strong, really like an invincible war immortal, sturdy and messy.

"Sorry, kill me!"

Ming Luo Shengzi drank swiftly, spurred the Wushen divine method, stabbed in one shot, and the sky broke.


When the war resumed, Ming Luo Shengzi was domineering, and the gun was fierce like a real dragon, powerful to the extreme.

"An exterminator is out, this man is dead."

"Yes, the exterminator is definitely an ancient method. The true immortal who died in this method has three people to talk about!"

"As soon as the extermination gun is out, who is fighting? Not to mention that he is an indigenous person. Even if it is placed in our world, few people can compete with the Son of Ming Luo who performed this method!

The demon outside the domain praised the strength of Mingluo Shengzi, and at the same time, he also ridiculed Lingxian.

In this regard, Ling Xianhuan remains unknown.

With his left hand Emperor Boxing and his right hand pointing, he confronted Ming Luo Shengzi strongly.

Although he is in a disadvantage, when the battle of the immortal bones is triggered, the Ming Luo Shengzi can also be shaken with blood and energy.

Boom boom!

As if the two immortal kings were facing each other, they were shattered and the barren trembled.

Ming Luo Shengzi's gun is like a dragon, and it is extremely powerful. Each shot has the power to pierce the stars, and it is sturdy and outrageous.

However, it could not kill Ling Xian.

His imperial fist danced wildly, the gods pointed at the shock, and the two invincible laws broke out with shocking power, which made everyone feel shocked.

"It's strong! Such a mighty power, I'm afraid it can be compared to the Son of the Emperor."

"Not necessarily. How extraordinary is the Son of the Emperor? He is far behind!"

"Yes, the son of the Emperor God is against the sky, and his combat power is against the sky. If the son of my Qin Emperor's family is here, raising his hand will suppress the Son of Ming Luo!

There was a lot of discussion, and some people agreed with it, and some people refuted it.

The Son of God refers to the return of blood to the ancestor, like a pure blood fierce beast. Although it is not the parent of the Emperor, from a blood point of view, it is no different from the parent of the Emperor.

And who is God Emperor? That is the true commons of the heavens, invincible!

Those who inherit his bloodline definitely have the same potential and the same strength as him!

"It seems that most people are not bullish on you."

Ming Luo Shengzi's eyes were deep, the sharp gun swept, and he blasted towards Ling Xian with the power of Wanjun.

"I don't need them to be bullish."

Ling Xian responded indifferently, pointing out strongly, the mountains and rivers shattered and resisted the magic gun.

At the same time, he punched out, the immortal **** light bloomed, and hit Ming Luo Shengzi.

"If you have only this ability, let me take you on my way."

Ming Luo Shengzi's eyes flashed cold electricity, a proud figure appeared behind him, tall and magnificent shore, extraordinary.

Suddenly, the whole world shivered, as if it could not bear the coercion of this fairy shadow, and wanted to worship him.

"Oh my god, that's the founder of the Exterminator, the King who once ruled the world!"

"Mr. Mingluo practiced the annihilation gun to this point? It's incredible."

"The extermination gun is notoriously difficult to practice. Only by reaching the highest level can it be possible to condense the ghost of the founder. He did not expect it."

"This kid is dead. The founder of the Exterminator is the most powerful man in the invincible domain. Even if it is just a ghost, it is enough to suppress him easily."

The demon outside the territory is rejoicing and encouraging.

Although he does not understand the extermination gun, the immortality of that immortal shadow is obvious to all. Even the world is trembling because of it. How powerful is this?

However, Ling Xian has not moved.

He glanced slightly at the proud Son of Mingluo and said, "I can too."

"What?" Ming Luo Shengzi froze, and everyone in the room was puzzled.

"I said, I can."

With a slight smile, Lingxian Diquan danced wildly, and the gods shone in the world.

It was a woman in white, with eyebrows and picturesque eyes, that poured all sentient beings. But the reason that attracted everyone's attention was not her stunning face, but her proud world power.

She stood proud of humanity, and Diwei overwhelmed the Three Thousand Realms, and she was suppressed by all the heavens and earth.

It was a momentum in the invincible domain, a glorious style, once it appeared, the world was roaring, the road sounded clear!

It is the peace and chaos emperor who won the heads of the nations and respected the whole world!

This shocked everyone, even the Son of Ming Luo, discolored.

There is no way, the might of the Great Chaoran Emperor is too strong, making everyone's soul tremble for a while, can't help but want to fall to the ground and bow his head.

"Come on, see if your clan is the most invincible world, or if our clan emperor dominates the universe!"

Ling Xian stopped drinking, and the Emperor Pingran shot it with the palm of his hand.

This made Ming Luo Shengzi's eyes dignified and felt pressure for the first time.

Then the Supreme behind him moved.

This man raised his hand, bland and unremarkable, but it showed the mystery of Tao and returned to the truth.


The two powers collided, the void was broken like tofu, and everyone in the room was shaken with blood.

And this is just the beginning.

The Great Emperor of Chaos and Chaos is domineering and unparalleled, the jade hands pinch the fist seals, the true world, the real invincible!

Looking at the ancient times today, only she can exert the real power of leveling up the magic of immortal fist, which is a kind of demeanor unique to me, with my invincible strength!

Tianyu cracked, the Great Emperor of Chaos and Chaos opened and closed, shaking nine days and ten places.

In the face of the fierce offensive of Jimo Ruxue, the Supreme Man also cast a destroyer gun.

A little bit of coldness appeared, illuminating the world, shaking for nine days.

This is the real exterminator. Compared with him, the extinct gun cast by the Son of Ming Luo is like a child's toy, and he has no qualifications for comparison.

However, the Supreme was suppressed.

The Emperor of Peace and Chaos was too domineering, powerful and fierce, and even the Supreme Supreme could not prevail.

This made Ming Luo Shengzi's pupils shrink, and he knew that he had to kill Ling Xian as soon as possible, otherwise, once the Supreme was beaten by the Great Chaos Emperor, it was not just his face that was lost.

At the moment, he shot like a dragon and launched the lore without reservation.

The gun was sharp and sharp, and just the overflowing killing intention made everyone shiver.

Seeing this, Ling Xian did not want to keep it.

After all, he is a small realm of Ming Luo Shengzi. If he doesn't exert his full strength, the person who set foot on Huang Quan will only be him.

Therefore, Ling Xian's thoughts moved, and Shenhua circulated, condensing two identical avatars.

It is the eternal God of the Three Dynasties.

"Haha, what is the use of uniting your avatars in this level of fighting?"

"Don't say two. Even if it is two hundred, it will not pose a threat to the Son of Ming Luo."

"It's ridiculous, it's simply stupid."

The devil laughed outside the field, and Feng Xing and others covered their faces, feeling a bit shameful.

This is normal, and the avatar's combat power is limited, just like a chicken rib. If it is for the upper and lower monks, it will be a lot more convenient, but in the face of such strong men as Ming Luo Shengzi, no more avatars are useless.

But the next moment, the smirk of the demon outside the domain froze to his face.

Just because of three Lingxian's strong shots, Prince Luo was overwhelmed!

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